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#' Azure OAuth authentication
#' Azure OAuth 2.0 token class, inheriting from the [Token2.0 class][httr::Token2.0] in httr. Rather than calling the initialization method directly, tokens should be created via [get_azure_token()].
#' @docType class
#' @section Methods:
#' - `refresh`: Refreshes the token. For expired Azure tokens using client credentials, refreshing really means requesting a new token.
#' - `validate`: Checks if the token is still valid. For Azure tokens using client credentials, this just checks if the current time is less than the token's expiry time.
#' @section Caching:
#' This class never caches its tokens, unlike httr::Token2.0.
#' @seealso
#' [get_azure_token], [httr::Token]
#' @format An R6 object of class `AzureToken`.
#' @export
AzureToken <- R6::R6Class("AzureToken", inherit=httr::Token2.0,
# need to do hacky init to support explicit re-authentication instead of using a refresh token
initialize=function(endpoint, app, user_params, use_device=FALSE)
private$az_use_device <- use_device
params <- list(scope=NULL, user_params=user_params, type=NULL, use_oob=FALSE, as_header=TRUE,
use_basic_auth=use_device, config_init=list(), client_credentials=TRUE)
super$initialize(app=app, endpoint=endpoint, params=params, credentials=NULL, cache_path=FALSE)
# if auth is via device, token now contains initial server response; call devicecode handler to get actual token
private$init_with_device(endpoint, app, user_params)
# overrides httr::Token2.0 method
TRUE # always can refresh
# overrides httr::Token2.0 method
expdate <- as.POSIXct(as.numeric(self$credentials$expires_on), origin="1970-01-01")
curdate <- Sys.time()
curdate < expdate
# overrides httr::Token2.0 method
# re-authenticate if no refresh token
self$initialize(self$endpoint, self$app, self$params$user_params, use_device=private$az_use_device)
# device code authentication: after sending initial request, loop until server indicates code has been received
# after init_oauth2.0, oauth2.0_access_token
init_with_device=function(endpoint, app, user_params)
cat(self$credentials$message, "\n") # tell user to enter the code
req_params <- list(client_id=app$key, grant_type="device_code", code=self$credentials$device_code)
req_params <- utils::modifyList(user_params, req_params)
endpoint$access <- sub("devicecode", "token", endpoint$access)
interval <- as.numeric(self$credentials$interval)
ntries <- as.numeric(self$credentials$expires_in) %/% interval
for(i in seq_len(ntries))
res <- httr::POST(endpoint$access, httr::add_headers(`Cache-Control`="no-cache"), encode="form",
status <- httr::status_code(res)
cont <- httr::content(res)
if(status == 400 && cont$error == "authorization_pending")
msg <- sub("[\r\n].*", "", cont$error_description)
cat(msg, "\n")
else if(status >= 300)
else break
if(status >= 300)
stop("Unable to authenticate")
# replace original fields with authenticated fields
self$endpoint <- endpoint
self$credentials <- cont
#' Generate an Azure OAuth token
#' This extends the OAuth functionality in httr to allow for device code authentication.
#' @param aad_host URL for your Azure Active Directory host. For the public Azure cloud, this is `https://login.microsoftonline.com/`.
#' @param tenant Your tenant ID.
#' @param app Your client/app ID which you registered in AAD.
#' @param auth_type The authentication type, either `"client_credentials"` or `"device_code"`.
#' @param secret Your secret key. Required for `auth_type == "client_credentials"`, ignored for `auth_type == "device_code"`.
#' @param arm_host URL for your Azure Resource Manager host. For the public Azure cloud, this is `https://management.azure.com/`.
#' @details
#' This function does much the same thing as [httr::oauth2.0_token()], but with support for device authentication and with unnecessary options removed. Device authentication removes the need to save a secret key on your machine. Instead, the server provides you with a code, along with a URL. You then visit the URL in your browser and enter the code, which completes the authentication process.
#' @seealso
#' [AzureToken], [httr::oauth2.0_token], [httr::Token],
#' \url{https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/active-directory-protocols-oauth-code},
#' \url{https://www.oauth.com/oauth2-servers/device-flow/token-request/}
#' @export
get_azure_token=function(aad_host, tenant, app, auth_type=c("client_credentials", "device_code"), secret, arm_host)
auth_type <- match.arg(auth_type)
base_url <- file.path(aad_host, tenant, fsep="/")
if(auth_type == "client_credentials")
auth_with_creds(base_url, app, secret, arm_host)
else auth_with_device(base_url, app, arm_host)
auth_with_creds <- function(base_url, app, secret, resource)
endp <- httr::oauth_endpoint(base_url=base_url, authorize="oauth2/authorize", access="oauth2/token")
app <- httr::oauth_app("azure", key=app, secret=secret)
AzureToken$new(endp, app, user_params=list(resource=resource))
auth_with_device <- function(base_url, app, resource)
endp <- httr::oauth_endpoint(base_url=base_url, authorize="oauth2/authorize", access="oauth2/devicecode")
app <- httr::oauth_app("azure", key=app, secret=NULL)
AzureToken$new(endp, app, user_params=list(resource=resource), use_device=TRUE)
is_azure_token <- function(object)
R6::is.R6(object) && inherits(object, "AzureToken")