a536d1a851 | ||
.. | ||
CreateADPDC.ps1.zip | ||
Readme.md | ||
adVmTemplate.json | ||
azuredeploy.json | ||
azuredeploy.parameters.json | ||
deployPrimaryAD.json | ||
metadata.json | ||
nic.json | ||
vnet-with-dns-server.json |
Create a AD domain controller server non-HA with PowerShell DSC Extension
This template will create a AD domain controller Server using the PowerShell DSC Extension; it creates the following resources:
- A Virtual Network
- One Storage Account
- One external load balancer
- One A1 size VM configured as Domain Controller for a new forest with a single domain
The external load balancer creates an RDP NAT rule to allow connectivity to the AD VM created.
- The images used to create this deployment are
- AD - Latest Windows Server 2012 R2 Image
- The VM size, storage type on which the VM is created , subnet and IP address can be updated before deployment.
- All the resources will be deployed in the same location as the resource group.
- The image configuration is defined in variables - details below - but the scripts that configure this deployment have only been tested with version mentioned above and may not work on other images.
Deploying from Portal
- Login into Azurestack portal
- Click "New" -> "Custom" -> "Template deployment"
- Copy conent in azuredeploy.json, Click "Edit Template" and paste content, then Click "Save"
- Fill the parameters
- Click "Create new" to create new Resource Group
- Click "Create"
Deploying from PowerShell
Download azuredeploy.json and azuredeploy.parameters.json to local machine
Modify parameter value in azuredeploy.parameters.json as needed
Allow cookies in IE: Open IE at c:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe -> Internet Options -> Privacy -> Advanced -> Click OK -> Click OK again
Launch a PowerShell console
Change working folder to the folder containing this template
# Add specific Azure Stack Environment
$AadTenantId = <Tenant Id> #GUID Specific to the AAD Tenant
Add-AzureRmEnvironment -Name 'Azure Stack' `
-ActiveDirectoryEndpoint ("https://login.windows.net/$AadTenantId/") `
-ActiveDirectoryServiceEndpointResourceId "https://azurestack.local-api/" `
-ResourceManagerEndpoint ("https://api.azurestack.local/") `
-GalleryEndpoint ("https://gallery.azurestack.local/") `
-GraphEndpoint "https://graph.windows.net/"
# Get Azure Stack Environment Information
$env = Get-AzureRmEnvironment 'Azure Stack'
# Authenticate to AAD with Azure Stack Environment
Add-AzureRmAccount -Environment $env -Verbose
# Get Azure Stack Environment Subscription
$SubName = <Subscription Name> # The sbuscription name is the offer name by default
Get-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionName $SubName | Select-AzureRmSubscription
#Resource group name. Please make sure the resource group does not exist
$resourceGroupName = "adResourceGroup"
$deploymentName = "adDeployment"
$location = "Local"
New-AzurermResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroupName -Location $location
#Start new Deployment
New-AzurermResourceGroupDeployment -Name $deploymentName -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
-TemplateParameterFile .\azuredeploy.parameters.json -TemplateFile .\azuredeploy.json