374 строки
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374 строки
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# #
# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. #
# #
$DefaultAdminSubscriptionName = "Default Provider Subscription"
function Initialize-UserDataClearEnv
# The directory tenant identifier of Azure Stack.
[string] $AzsDirectoryTenantId,
# The Azure Stack ARM endpoint URI.
[Uri] $AzsArmEndpoint,
# The subscription name
[string] $SubscriptionName,
# Optional: A credential used to authenticate with Azure Stack. Must support a non-interactive authentication flow. If not provided, the script will prompt for user credentials.
[pscredential] $AutomationCredential = $null,
[string] $UserPrincipalName
#requires -Version 4.0
#requires -Module "AzureRM.Profile"
#requires -Module "Azs.Subscriptions.Admin"
#requires -RunAsAdministrator
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\..\Identity\GraphAPI\GraphAPI.psm1 -Force
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\..\Identity\AzureStack.Identity.Common.psm1 -Force
Write-Verbose "Login to Azure Stack ARM..." -Verbose
$AzsAdminEnvironmentName = New-Guid
$params = @{
ResourceManagerEndpoint = $AzsArmEndpoint
EnvironmentName = $AzsAdminEnvironmentName
$adminArmEnv = Initialize-AzureRmEnvironment @params
Write-Verbose "Created admin ARM env as $(ConvertTo-JSON $adminArmEnv)" -Verbose
$params = @{
AzureEnvironment = $adminArmEnv
DirectoryTenantId = $AzsDirectoryTenantId
if ($SubscriptionName)
$params.SubscriptionName = $SubscriptionName
if ($AutomationCredential)
$params.AutomationCredential = $AutomationCredential
$refreshToken = Initialize-AzureRmUserRefreshToken @params
Write-Verbose "Login into ARM and got the refresh token." -Verbose
$script:initializeGraphEnvParams = @{
RefreshToken = $refreshToken
if ($adminArmEnv.EnableAdfsAuthentication)
$script:initializeGraphEnvParams.AdfsFqdn = (New-Object Uri $adminArmEnv.ActiveDirectoryAuthority).Host
$script:initializeGraphEnvParams.GraphFqdn = (New-Object Uri $adminArmEnv.GraphUrl).Host
$script:queryParameters = @{
'$filter' = "userPrincipalName eq '$($UserPrincipalName.ToLower())'"
$graphEnvironment = Resolve-GraphEnvironment -AzureEnvironment $adminArmEnv
Write-Verbose "Resolve the graph env as '$graphEnvironment '" -Verbose
$script:initializeGraphEnvParams.Environment = $graphEnvironment
$script:queryParameters = @{
'$filter' = "userPrincipalName eq '$($UserPrincipalName.ToLower())' or startswith(userPrincipalName, '$($UserPrincipalName.Replace("@", "_").ToLower() + "#")')"
Initialize-GraphEnvironment @script:initializeGraphEnvParams -DirectoryTenantId $AzsDirectoryTenantId
$script:adminArmAccessToken = (Get-GraphToken -Resource $adminArmEnv.ActiveDirectoryServiceEndpointResourceId -UseEnvironmentData).access_token
Clear the portal user data
function Clear-AzsUserDataWithUserPrincipalName
# The directory tenant identifier of Azure Stack Administrator.
[string] $AzsAdminDirectoryTenantId,
# The Azure Stack ARM endpoint URI.
[Uri] $AzsAdminArmEndpoint,
# The user principal name of the account whoes user data should be cleared.
[string] $UserPrincipalName,
# Optional: The directory tenant identifier of account whoes user data should be cleared.
# If it is not specified, it will delete user with principal name under all regitered directory tenants
[string] $DirectoryTenantId,
# Optional: A credential used to authenticate with Azure Stack. Must support a non-interactive authentication flow. If not provided, the script will prompt for user credentials.
[pscredential] $AutomationCredential = $null
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
$params = @{
AzsDirectoryTenantId = $AzsAdminDirectoryTenantId
AzsArmEndpoint = $AzsAdminArmEndpoint
AutomationCredential = $AutomationCredential
UserPrincipalName = $UserPrincipalName
SubscriptionName = $DefaultAdminSubscriptionName
Initialize-UserDataClearEnv @params
if ($DirectoryTenantId)
$directoryTenantIdsArray = [string[]]$DirectoryTenantId
Write-Verbose "Input parameter 'DirectoryTenantId' is empty. Retrieving all the registered tenant directory..." -Verbose
$directoryTenantIdsArray = (Get-AzsDirectoryTenant -Verbose).TenantId
Write-Host "Clearing the user data with input user principal name $UserPrincipalName and directory tenants '$DirectoryTenantIdsArray'..."
$clearUserDataResults = @() # key is directory Id, value is clear response
foreach ($dirId in $directoryTenantIdsArray)
Write-Verbose "Intializing graph env..." -Verbose
Initialize-GraphEnvironment @script:initializeGraphEnvParams -DirectoryTenantId $dirId
Write-Verbose "Intialized graph env" -Verbose
Write-Verbose "Querying all users..." -Verbose
$usersResponse = Invoke-GraphApi -ApiPath "/users" -QueryParameters $script:queryParameters
Write-Verbose "Retrieved user object as $(ConvertTo-JSON $usersResponse.value)" -Verbose
$userObjectId = $usersResponse.value.objectId
Write-Verbose "Retrieved user object Id as $userObjectId" -Verbose
if (-not $userObjectId)
Write-Warning "There is no user '$UserPrincipalName' under directory tenant Id $dirId."
$clearUserDataResult += [pscustomobject]@{
DirectoryTenantId = $dirId
UserPrincipalName = $UserPrincipalName
ErrorMessage = "User not found in directory."
elseif (([string[]]$userObjectId).Length -gt 1)
Write-Warning "There is one more users retrieved with '$UserPrincipalName' under directory tenant Id $dirId."
$clearUserDataResult += [pscustomobject]@{
DirectoryTenantId = $dirId
UserPrincipalName = $UserPrincipalName
ErrorMessage = "One more user accounts found in directory. User principal name may be incorrect. "
$params = @{
AccessToken = $script:adminArmAccessToken
UserObjectId = $userObjectId
DirectoryTenantId = $dirId
AzsAdminArmEndpoint = $AzsAdminArmEndpoint
$curResult = Clear-SinglePortalUserData @params
$clearUserDataResult += @( $curResult )
return $clearUserDataResult
Clear the portal user data
function Clear-AzsUserDataWithUserObjectId
# The directory tenant identifier of Azure Stack Administrator.
[string] $AzsAdminDirectoryTenantId,
# The Azure Stack ARM endpoint URI.
[Uri] $AzsAdminArmEndpoint,
# The user object Id of the account whoes user data should be cleared.
[string] $UserObjectId,
# The directory tenant identifier of account whoes user data should be cleared.
[string] $DirectoryTenantId,
# Optional: A credential used to authenticate with Azure Stack. Must support a non-interactive authentication flow. If not provided, the script will prompt for user credentials.
[pscredential] $AutomationCredential = $null
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
$params = @{
AzsDirectoryTenantId = $AzsAdminDirectoryTenantId
AzsArmEndpoint = $AzsAdminArmEndpoint
AutomationCredential = $AutomationCredential
SubscriptionName = $DefaultAdminSubscriptionName
Initialize-UserDataClearEnv @params
$params = @{
AccessToken = $script:adminArmAccessToken
UserObjectId = $UserObjectId
DirectoryTenantId = $DirectoryTenantId
AzsAdminArmEndpoint = $AzsAdminArmEndpoint
Clear-SinglePortalUserData @params
function Get-UserObjectId
# The directory tenant identifier of user account
[string] $DirectoryTenantId,
# The Azure Stack ARM endpoint URI.
[Uri] $AzsArmEndpoint,
# The user principal name of the account whoes user data should be cleared.
[string] $UserPrincipalName,
# Optional: A credential used to authenticate with Azure Stack. Must support a non-interactive authentication flow. If not provided, the script will prompt for user credentials.
[pscredential] $AutomationCredential = $null
$params = @{
AzsDirectoryTenantId = $DirectoryTenantId
AzsArmEndpoint = $AzsArmEndpoint
AutomationCredential = $AutomationCredential
UserPrincipalName = $UserPrincipalName
Initialize-UserDataClearEnv @params
Write-Verbose "Intializing graph env..." -Verbose
Initialize-GraphEnvironment @script:initializeGraphEnvParams -DirectoryTenantId $DirectoryTenantId
Write-Verbose "Intialized graph env" -Verbose
Write-Verbose "Querying all users..." -Verbose
$usersResponse = Invoke-GraphApi -ApiPath "/users" -QueryParameters $script:queryParameters
Write-Verbose "Retrieved user object as $(ConvertTo-JSON $usersResponse.value)" -Verbose
return $usersResponse.value.objectId
function Clear-SinglePortalUserData
# The user credential with which to acquire an access token targeting Graph.
[string] $AccessToken,
[string] $UserObjectId,
[string] $DirectoryTenantId,
# The Azure Stack ARM endpoint URI.
[Uri] $AzsAdminArmEndpoint
$adminSubscriptionId = (Get-AzureRmSubscription -Verbose | where { $_.Name -ieq $DefaultAdminSubscriptionName }).Id
Write-Verbose "Get default Admin subscription id $adminSubscriptionId." -Verbose
$clearUserDataEndpoint = "$AzsAdminArmEndpoint/subscriptions/$adminSubscriptionId/providers/Microsoft.PortalExtensionHost.Providers/ClearUserSettings?api-version=2017-09-01-preview"
$headers = @{
Authorization = "Bearer $accessToken"
"Content-Type" = "application/json"
$payload = @{
UserObjectId = $UserObjectId
DirectoryTenantId = $DirectoryTenantId
$httpPayload = ConvertTo-Json $payload -Depth 10
Write-Verbose "Clearing user data with URI '$clearUserDataEndpoint' and payload: `r`n$httpPayload..." -Verbose
$clearUserDataResponse = $httpPayload | Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $headers -Method POST -Uri $clearUserDataEndpoint -TimeoutSec 120 -Verbose
return [pscustomobject]@{
DirectoryTenantId = $DirectoryTenantId
UserPrincipalName = $UserPrincipalName
ResponseData = $clearUserDataResponse
if ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -eq [System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::NotFound -and (ConvertFrom-JSON $_.ErrorDetails.Message).error.code -eq "NoPortalUserData")
Write-Warning "No user data with user object Id and directory tenant Id"
return [pscustomobject]@{
DirectoryTenantId = $DirectoryTenantId
UserPrincipalName = $UserPrincipalName
ErrorMessage = "No portal user data"
Write-Warning "Exception when clear user data with user object Id and directory tenant Id: $_`r`n$($_.Exception)"
return [pscustomobject]@{
DirectoryTenantId = $DirectoryTenantId
UserPrincipalName = $UserPrincipalName
ErrorMessage = "Exception when clearing user data"
Exception = $_.Exception
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-UserObjectId
Export-ModuleMember -Function Clear-AzsUserDataWithUserPrincipalName
Export-ModuleMember -Function Clear-AzsUserDataWithUserObjectId |