
Backup Validation

The purpose of this new backup validator tool is to remove the ASDK dependency and provide customers a standalone tool which they can use to validate Azure Stack Hub infrastructure backup content (offers, plans, quotas, user subscriptions).


  1. A local SQL server pre-installed (for example, SQL Express)

  2. Available connection to the backup share




Gets Azure Stack backup, reads cloud resources contained within the backup and lists those


Parameter Required Description
BackupStorePath Mandatory URL path to the backup share
BackupStoreCredential Mandatory Credential object with permission to access the share
BackupID Mandatory Specific Backup to validate
DecryptionCertPath Mandatory Path to the decryption certificate
Decryptioncertpassword Mandatory Backup Certificate encryption password
TempFolder Mandatory Path to a local temp folder
SQLServerInstanceName Optional The local SQL server instance name, default to localhost\SQLEXPRESS
SQLCredential Optional Credential object with permission to access the SQL server, default will use Windows Authentication

Return value

A hashtable containing retrieved resources.

Keys: ComputeQuota, NetworkQuota, StorageQuota, Offer, Subscription, Plan.

Values: Arrays of corresponding resources.


# Import module BackupValidationTool
Import-module $path_to_the_tool\BackupValidationTool.psd1 -Force
# Credentials required to access the share where Azure Stack Hub is storing the Backups
$ShareCredential = Get-Credential
# Backup ID that you want to validate. You can get the Id from the list of Backups in the Portal
$backupID = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx"
# This is the path where the certificate for the Backups have been exported as .pfx file.
$DecryptionCertPath = "C:\temp\ExportedBackupCert.pfx" 
# Name of the SQL Sever Instance. If using default Instance Name <20>localhost\SQLEXPRESS<53> then this parameter can be skipped.
$SQLServerInstanceName = "Computer1"
# this is the password asssigned to the certificate used for backups after exporting it as .pfx with the public keys. It is not the thumbrpint of the certificate.
$Encrypted = Get-Credential
# This is the credential with permission to access the SQL server. if using Windows Authentication, this parameter can be skipped.
$SQLCredential = Get-Credential
# This is the temp folder used to validate the Backup.
$tempfolder = "c:\tempbackup"
# Validate Backup: A hashtable containing retrieved resources will be returned; An HTML report "BackupValidationReport.htm" will be generated under $tempfolder.
$results = $results = Validate-AzsBackup -BackupStorePath \\\ashbackup -BackupStoreCredential $ShareCredential `
	-BackupID $BackupID -DecryptionCertPath $DecryptionCertPath -DecryptionCertPassword $Encrypted.Password `
	-SQLServerInstanceName $SQLServerInstanceName -SQLCredential $SQLCredential -TempFolder $tempfolder