зеркало из https://github.com/Azure/AzureVM.git
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93 строки
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#' Virtual network configuration
#' @param address_space For `vnet_config`, the address range accessible by the virtual network, expressed in CIDR block format.
#' @param subnets For `vnet_config`, a list of subnet objects, each obtained via a call to `subnet_config`.
#' @param name For `subnet_config`, the name of the subnet. Duplicate names will automatically be disambiguated prior to VM deployment.
#' @param addresses For `subnet_config`, the address ranges spanned by this subnet. Must be a subset of the address space available to the parent virtual network.
#' @param nsg The network security group associated with this subnet. Defaults to the NSG created as part of this VM deployment.
#' @param ... Other named arguments that will be treated as resource properties.
#' @seealso
#' [create_vm], [vm_config], [vmss_config]
#' @examples
#' vnet_config()
#' vnet_config(address_space="")
#' vnet_config(subnets=list(
#' subnet_config("subnet", "")
#' ))
#' @export
vnet_config <- function(address_space="", subnets=list(subnet_config()), ...)
# attempt to fixup address blocks so they are consistent (should use iptools when it's fixed)
ab_regex <- "^([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+).*$"
ab_block <- sub(ab_regex, "\\1", address_space)
fixaddr <- function(addr)
if(sub(ab_regex, "\\1", addr) != ab_block)
sub("^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+", ab_block, addr)
else addr
subnets <- lapply(subnets, function(sn)
sn$properties$addressPrefix <- fixaddr(sn$properties$addressPrefix)
sn$properties$addressPrefixes <- sapply(sn$properties$addressPrefixes, fixaddr)
# unique-ify subnet names
sn_names <- make.unique(sapply(subnets, `[[`, "name"))
for(i in seq_along(subnets))
subnets[[i]]$name <- sn_names[i]
props <- list(
structure(list(properties=props), class="vnet_config")
build_resource_fields.vnet_config <- function(config, ...)
config$properties$subnets <- lapply(config$properties$subnets, unclass)
utils::modifyList(vnet_default, config)
add_template_variables.vnet_config <- function(config, ...)
name <- "[concat(parameters('vmName'), '-vnet')]"
id <- "[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks', variables('vnetName'))]"
ref <- "[concat('Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/', variables('vnetName'))]"
subnet <- config$properties$subnets[[1]]$name
subnet_id <- "[concat(variables('vnetId'), '/subnets/', variables('subnet'))]"
list(vnetName=name, vnetId=id, vnetRef=ref, subnet=subnet, subnetId=subnet_id)
#' @rdname vnet_config
#' @export
subnet_config <- function(name="subnet", addresses="", nsg="[variables('nsgId')]", ...)
properties <- if(length(addresses) < 2)
list(addressPrefix=addresses, ...)
else list(addressPrefixes=addresses, ...)
# check if supplied a network security group resource ID or object
properties$networkSecurityGroup$id <- nsg
else if(is_resource(nsg) && tolower(nsg$type) == "microsoft.network/networksecuritygroups")
properties$networkSecurityGroup$id <- nsg$id
else if(!is.null(nsg))
warning("Invalid network security group", call.=FALSE)
subnet <- list(name=name, properties=properties)
structure(subnet, class="subnet_config")