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% Please edit documentation in R/build_json.R
\title{Build template definition and parameters}
\method{build_template_definition}{vm_config}(config, ...)
\method{build_template_definition}{vmss_config}(config, ...)
\method{build_template_parameters}{vm_config}(config, name, login_user, size, ...)
\method{build_template_parameters}{vmss_config}(config, name, login_user, size, instances, ...)
\item{config}{An object of class \code{vm_config} or \code{vmss_config} representing a virtual machine or scaleset deployment.}
\item{name}{The VM or scaleset name. Will also be used for the domain name label, if a public IP address is included in the deployment.}
\item{login_user}{An object of class \code{user_config} representing the login details for the admin user account on the VM.}
\item{size}{The VM (instance) size.}
\item{instances}{For \code{vmss_config}, the number of (initial) instances in the VM scaleset.}
Objects of class \code{json}, which are JSON character strings representing the deployment template and its parameters.
Build template definition and parameters
These are methods for the generics defined in the AzureRMR package.
vm <- ubuntu_18.04()
build_template_parameters(vm, "myubuntuvm",
user_config("username", "~/.ssh/"), "Standard_DS3_v2")
\link{create_vm}, \link{vm_config}, \link{vmss_config}