The data in all examples is from the GEFCom2014 energy forecasting competition<sup>1</sup>. It consists of 3 years of hourly electricity load data from the New England ISO and also includes hourly temperature data. Before running the notebooks, download the data from []( and save it in the *data* folder.
<sup>1</sup>Tao Hong, Pierre Pinson, Shu Fan, Hamidreza Zareipour, Alberto Troccoli and Rob J. Hyndman, "Probabilistic energy forecasting: Global Energy Forecasting Competition 2014 and beyond", International Journal of Forecasting, vol.32, no.3, pp 896-913, July-September, 2016.
- Understand the basic concepts of machine learning and have some experience in building machine learning models
- Go through the following setup instructions to run notebooks on Azure Notebooks environment
*Note: If you want to run the notebook in other environment, please check 'Requirements.txt' for a list of packages that you need to install.*
### Azure Notebooks Setup (1 Minute)
Microsoft Azure Notebooks is a free service that provides Jupyter Notebooks in cloud and has a support for R, Python and F#. We will use Microsoft Azure Notebook for this tutorial. Here are quick 3 steps to set it up:
1. Go to Azure Notebook page and click '***Sign In***' on the top right.
2. Use your Microsoft account to sign in. If you don't have a personal Microsoft account, you can click '***Create one***' with any email address you have for free. (*Note: You can use your personal Microsoft account. If you use your organizational account, you will need to go through the login process by your organization.*)
3. If this is the first time you use Azure Notebook, you will need to create a user ID and click '***Save***'. Now you are all set!
1. Once you are logged into Azure Notebooks, go to '***My Projects***' on the top left, and then click '***Upload GitHub Repo***'.
2. In the pop out window, for '***GitHub repository***' type in: '***Azure/DeepLearningForTimeSeriesForecasting***'. Select '***Clone recursively***'. Then type in any name you prefer for '***Project Name***' and '***Project ID***'. Once you have filled all boxes, click '***Import***'. Please wait till you see a list of files cloned from git repository to your project.
3. Open the notebook '***0_data_setup.ipynb***'. Make sure you see '***Python 3.6***' kernel on the top right. If not, you can select '***Kernel***', then '***Change kernel***' to make changes.
4. Run each cell in the notebook by click '***Run***' on top. If you prefer to run all the cells together, click '***Cell***' and select '***Run All***'. This notebook will download a sample dataset to your environment and visualize the data. Please wait and make sure you can see all the visualizations.
Now you are all set! (*Note: If you see errors return from the first code cell, it is very likely that the environment preparation is not finished yet. Please wait for 2 minutes and then go to '***Kernel***', choose '***Restart and Clear Output***' and rerun the cells.*)