зеркало из https://github.com/Azure/DotNetty.git
52 строки
1.8 KiB
52 строки
1.8 KiB
$lineBreak = "`r`n"
$noticeTemplate = "// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.$lineBreak// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.$lineBreak$lineBreak"
$tokenToReplace = [regex]::Escape("[FileName]")
Function CreateFileSpecificNotice($sourcePath){
$fileName = Split-Path $sourcePath -Leaf
$fileSpecificNotice = $noticeTemplate -replace $tokenToReplace, $fileName
return $fileSpecificNotice
Function SourceFileContainsNotice($sourcePath){
$copyrightSnippet = [regex]::Escape("// Copyright (c) Microsoft")
$fileSpecificNotice = CreateFileSpecificNotice($sourcePath)
$arrMatchResults = Get-Content $sourcePath | Select-String $copyrightSnippet
if ($arrMatchResults -ne $null -and $arrMatchResults.count -gt 0){
return $true
return $false
Function AddHeaderToSourceFile($sourcePath) {
# "Source path is: $sourcePath"
$containsNotice = SourceFileContainsNotice($sourcePath)
# "Contains notice: $containsNotice"
if ($containsNotice){
#"Source file already contains notice -- not adding"
else {
#"Source file does not contain notice -- adding"
$noticeToInsert = CreateFileSpecificNotice($sourcePath)
$fileLines = (Get-Content $sourcePath) -join $lineBreak
$content = $noticeToInsert + $fileLines + $lineBreak
$content | Out-File $sourcePath -Encoding utf8
$scriptPath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$parent = (get-item $scriptPath).Parent.FullName
$startingPath = "$parent\src"
Get-ChildItem $startingPath\*.cs -Recurse | Select FullName | Foreach-Object { AddHeaderToSourceFile($_.FullName)}
Get-ChildItem $startingPath\*.fs -Recurse | Select FullName | Foreach-Object { AddHeaderToSourceFile($_.FullName)}