Max Gortman f31c02e346 Fixes TlsHandler from operation, perf and compat POVs.
Fix TlsHandler, optimize encryption / decryption wrt Write vs Flush semantics, optimize memory retention for sparse communication, adopt IByteBuffer.GetIoBuffers() in TlsHandler.

- TlsHandler is rewritten to use batch->copy->write approach instead of writing directly to SslStream in order to reduce overhead of framing / writing out everything separately.
- TlsHandler uses IByteBuffer.GetIoBuffers intead of direct array access increasing compatibility for non-array-backed buffers.
- TlsHandler and TlsHandler.MediationStream use Task semantics now when reading through SslStream.
- Extra: upgraded to NBench 2.2, xUnit 2.1.0.
- Extra: better portability for .NET Core support.

TlsHandler provides better framing and much better (x2+) performance (depends on application control of flushing).
TlsHandler operates properly in edge cases when more than one frame is accepted at once and if decrypted frame size is more than 4 KB.
TlsHandler holds only 256 byte buffer while waiting for more data to arrive off the wire.
Extra: DotNetty is almost .NET Core compatible.
2016-06-01 14:09:14 -07:00
AssemblyInfo.cs Fixes TlsHandler from operation, perf and compat POVs. 2016-06-01 14:09:14 -07:00