* Fixed issue #32
* Mitigation for modules 8 and 9 - initial draft
* Added Mititgation and Report Time to modules 8,9 and 11
* Added Report Time to all modules.
* updated main with ReportTIme
* missed a file
* Updated create-manifest script.
* fixed az.accounts module version
* fixed automatic Subnet exclusion issue and added CBS subscription exclusion to module 8
* Fixed PBMM Module, added Report Time and CBS subscriptione exclusion to module 5-9 and 11.
* New zips
* Fixed minor parameter issues with main.ps1
* Fixed issues
* Fixed issues
* Added proper permissions to MI for tenant diagnostics
* merging from main
* Adding Mititgation Commands/Instructions
* Adding Mitigation commands
* Fixed module eleven
* Fixing zip issue
* Fixed documentationa and added check on parameter format
* Set up CI with Azure Pipelines
[skip ci]
* Added comment regarding permissions to documention.
* Completed Module approach changes
* minor fixes.
* added module parameters and updated doc.
* update
* setup update
* added tags.json
* Documentation updates
* Added tags documentation
* Fixed module 10
* Added zip for fixed module 10
* Complete re-writing of modules 5,6 and 7
* Removed unnecessary read me files for modules 6 and 7
* minor fixes in main and update.ps1
* minor fixes in 5,6,7
* Change datetime format.
* fixed typo in bicep file
* Added ItemName to Module 10
* Updated workbook
* Added new CodeOwner
* Updated query time to 24 hours.
* minor fix to module 10
* trying to merge...
* Fixing AzAccounts issue
* Fixed query for workbook
* fixing workbook
* Updated PBMMM and DiTransit zips
* new zips for test
* Updated localization zip
* added itsg file
* new module for itsg data
* added module for itsgcontrols
* istg
* added header config
* added itsg controls to all modules
* added itsg controls to all modules
* minor change
* added items, fixed setup
* fixed multiple items
* changes to workbook
* updated schedule to every 6 hours. Updated docs
* added subscriptionId parameter to setup.ps1
* added law functions and update workbook
* updated workbook (fix)
* updated bicep with law functions and new workbook
* updated setup to remove saved searches when updating
* CBS Subscription ID in config.json fixed
* updated zips
* renamed debug parameter and updated zip
* re-added initial parameters to config.json
* Added Guest users option to workbook.
* minor fix
* Updated URLs to point to main repo