@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
# Microsoft365R
- All `list_*` class methods now have `filter` and `n` arguments to filter the result set and cap the number of results, following the pattern in AzureGraph 1.3.0. The default values are `filter=NULL` and `n=Inf`. If `n=NULL`, an `ms_graph_pager` iterator object is returned instead to allow manual iteration over the results. Note that support for filtering in the underlying Graph API is somewhat uneven at the moment.
- Add `search` argument to the `ms_outlook_folder$list_emails()` method. The default is to search in the from, subject and body of the emails.
- Add a `list_shared_items()` method for the `ms_drive` class to access files and folders shared with you (#45).
- Add `list_members()` and `get_member()` methods for teams and channels.
- Add support for @mentions in Teams channel messages (#26).
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
#' - `update(...)`: Update the item's properties (metadata) in Microsoft Graph.
#' - `do_operation(...)`: Carry out an arbitrary operation on the item.
#' - `sync_fields()`: Synchronise the R object with the item metadata in Microsoft Graph.
#' - `list_emails()`: List the emails in this folder.
#' - `list_emails(...)`: List the emails in this folder.
#' - `get_email(message_id)`: Get the email with the specified ID.
#' - `create_email(...)`: Creates a new draft email in this folder, optionally sending it as well. See 'Creating and sending emails'.
#' - `delete_email(message_id, confim=TRUE)`: Deletes the specified email. By default, ask for confirmation first.
@ -49,13 +49,14 @@
#' @section Listing emails:
#' To list the emails in a folder, call the `list_emails()` method. This returns a list of objects of class [`ms_outlook_email`], and has the following signature:
#' ```
#' list_emails(by = "received desc", filter = NULL, n = 100, pagesize = 10)
#' list_emails(by = "received desc", search = NULL, filter = NULL, n = 100, pagesize = 10)
#' ```
#' - `by`: The sorting order of the message list. The possible fields are "received" (received date, the default), "from" and "subject". To sort in descending order, add a " desc". You can specify multiple sorting fields, with later fields used to break ties in earlier ones. The last sorting field is always "received desc" unless it appears earlier.
#' - `search`: An optional string to search for. Only emails that contain the search string will be returned. See the [description of this parameter](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/query-parameters#search-parameter) for more information.
#' - `filter, n`: See below.
#' - `pagesize`: The number of emails per page. You can change this to a larger number to increase throughput, at the risk of running into timeouts.
#' This returns a list of objects of class [`ms_outlook_email`].
#' Currently, searching and filtering the message list is subject to some limitations. You can only specify one of `search` and `filter`; searching and filtering at the same time will not work. Ordering the results is only allowed if neither a search term nor a filtering expression is present. If searching or filtering is done, the result is always sorted by date.
#' @section List methods generally:
#' All `list_*` methods have `filter` and `n` arguments to limit the number of results. The former should be an [OData expression](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/query-parameters#filter-parameter) as a string to filter the result set on. The latter should be a number setting the maximum number of (filtered) results to return. The default values are `filter=NULL` and `n=100` for listing emails, and `n=Inf` for listing folders. If `n=NULL`, the `ms_graph_pager` iterator object is returned instead to allow manual iteration over the results.
@ -87,6 +88,9 @@
#' # sorted by from name in descending order, then by most recent received date
#' folder$list_emails(by="from desc")
#' # searching the list
#' folder$list_emails(search="important information")
#' # retrieve a specific email:
#' # note the Outlook ID is NOT the same as the Internet message-id
#' email_id <- folder$list_emails()[[1]]$properties$id
@ -152,11 +156,16 @@ public=list(
super$initialize(token, tenant, properties)
list_emails=function(by="received desc", filter=NULL, n=100, pagesize=10)
list_emails=function(by="received desc", search=NULL, filter=NULL, n=100, pagesize=10)
# by only works with no filter
order_by <- if(is.null(filter)) email_list_order(by)
opts <- list(`$orderby`=order_by, `$filter`=filter, `$top`=pagesize)
# search term must have double quotes around it
if(!is.null(search) && substr(search, 1, 1) != "" && substr(search, nchar(search), nchar(search)) != "")
search <- paste0('"', search, '"')
# by only works with no filter and no search
order_by <- if(is.null(filter) && is.null(search)) email_list_order(by)
opts <- list(`$orderby`=order_by, `$search`=search, `$filter`=filter, `$top`=pagesize)
pager <- self$get_list_pager(self$do_operation("messages", options=opts), user_id=self$user_id)
extract_list_values(pager, n)
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Class representing a folder in Outlook.
\item \code{update(...)}: Update the item's properties (metadata) in Microsoft Graph.
\item \code{do_operation(...)}: Carry out an arbitrary operation on the item.
\item \code{sync_fields()}: Synchronise the R object with the item metadata in Microsoft Graph.
\item \code{list_emails()}: List the emails in this folder.
\item \code{list_emails(...)}: List the emails in this folder.
\item \code{get_email(message_id)}: Get the email with the specified ID.
\item \code{create_email(...)}: Creates a new draft email in this folder, optionally sending it as well. See 'Creating and sending emails'.
\item \code{delete_email(message_id, confim=TRUE)}: Deletes the specified email. By default, ask for confirmation first.
@ -68,15 +68,16 @@ To reply to or forward an email, first retrieve it using \code{get_email()} or \
\section{Listing emails}{
To list the emails in a folder, call the \code{list_emails()} method. This returns a list of objects of class \code{\link{ms_outlook_email}}, and has the following signature:\preformatted{list_emails(by = "received desc", filter = NULL, n = 100, pagesize = 10)
To list the emails in a folder, call the \code{list_emails()} method. This returns a list of objects of class \code{\link{ms_outlook_email}}, and has the following signature:\preformatted{list_emails(by = "received desc", search = NULL, filter = NULL, n = 100, pagesize = 10)
\item \code{by}: The sorting order of the message list. The possible fields are "received" (received date, the default), "from" and "subject". To sort in descending order, add a " desc". You can specify multiple sorting fields, with later fields used to break ties in earlier ones. The last sorting field is always "received desc" unless it appears earlier.
\item \code{search}: An optional string to search for. Only emails that contain the search string will be returned. See the \href{https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/query-parameters#search-parameter}{description of this parameter} for more information.
\item \verb{filter, n}: See below.
\item \code{pagesize}: The number of emails per page. You can change this to a larger number to increase throughput, at the risk of running into timeouts.
This returns a list of objects of class \code{\link{ms_outlook_email}}.
Currently, searching and filtering the message list is subject to some limitations. You can only specify one of \code{search} and \code{filter}; searching and filtering at the same time will not work. Ordering the results is only allowed if neither a search term nor a filtering expression is present. If searching or filtering is done, the result is always sorted by date.
\section{List methods generally}{
@ -106,6 +107,9 @@ folder$list_emails(by="subject")
# sorted by from name in descending order, then by most recent received date
folder$list_emails(by="from desc")
# searching the list
folder$list_emails(search="important information")
# retrieve a specific email:
# note the Outlook ID is NOT the same as the Internet message-id
email_id <- folder$list_emails()[[1]]$properties$id
@ -57,6 +57,16 @@ test_that("Outlook folder methods work",
expect_error(folder$list_emails(by="reply_to")) # unsupported field
lst4 <- folder$list_emails(search="email 3")
expect_is(lst4, "list")
expect_true(length(lst4) == 1 && inherits(lst4[[1]], "ms_outlook_email"))
subj1 <- e1$properties$subject
empager <- folder$list_emails(filter=sprintf("subject eq '%s'", subj1), n=NULL)
expect_is(empager, "ms_graph_pager")
lst5 <- empager$value
expect_true(length(lst5) == 1 && inherits(lst5[[1]], "ms_outlook_email"))
expect_silent(folder$delete_email(e11$properties$id, confirm=FALSE))
fname2 <- make_name()
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