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@ -1,31 +1,89 @@
# Deploy and Manage a Scalable Moodle Cluster on Azure
# Contributing
This repo contains guides on how to deploy and manage a scalable
[Moodle](https://moodle.com) cluster on Azure.
This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a
Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us
the rights to use your contribution. For details, visit https://cla.microsoft.com.
This document is designed to be "executed" by Simdem to produce an
interactive tutorial or a demo environment. However, it can also be
read as standard documentation.
When you submit a pull request, a CLA-bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide
a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., label, comment). Simply follow the instructions
provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repos using our CLA.
## What this stack will give you
This project has adopted the [Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/).
For more information see the [Code of Conduct FAQ](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/faq/) or
contact [opencode@microsoft.com](mailto:opencode@microsoft.com) with any additional questions or comments.
This template set deploys the following infrastructure:
- Autoscaling web frontend layer (Nginx, php-fpm, Varnish)
- Private virtual network for frontend instances
- Controller instance running cron and handling syslog for the autoscaled site
- Load balancer to balance across the autoscaled instances
- Postgres or MySQL database
- Azure Redis instance for Moodle caching
- ObjectFS in Azure blobs (Moodle sitedata)
- Three Elasticsearch VMs for search indexing in Moodle
- Dual gluster nodes for high availability access to Moodle files
# Legal Notices
![network_diagram](images/stack_diagram.jpg "Diagram of deployed stack")
Microsoft and any contributors grant you a license to the Microsoft documentation and other content
in this repository under the [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode),
see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file, and grant you a license to any code in the repository under the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT), see the
## Configuration
We will use a number of environment variables to configure our
deployment. To customize them for your environment copy `env.json`
into `env.local.json` and edit the contents accordingly. The values
set within that file are:
``` shell
echo "Resource Group Name : $MOODLE_RG_NAME"
echo "Resource Group Location : $MOODLE_RG_LOCATION"
echo "Deployment Name : $MOODLE_DEPLOYMENT_NAME"
## Contributing
This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most
contributions require you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement
(CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us
the rights to use your contribution. For details, visit
When you submit a pull request, a CLA-bot will automatically determine
whether you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately
(e.g., label, comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the
bot. You will only need to do this once across all repos using our
This project has adopted the [Microsoft Open Source Code of
Conduct](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/). For more
information see the [Code of Conduct
FAQ](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/faq/) or contact
[opencode@microsoft.com](mailto:opencode@microsoft.com) with any
additional questions or comments.
## Legal Notices
Microsoft and any contributors grant you a license to the Microsoft
documentation and other content in this repository under the [Creative
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Microsoft and any contributors reserve all others rights, whether
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implication, estoppel or otherwise.
## Next Steps
1. [Deploy a Moodle Cluster](docs/Deploy.md)
1. [Obtain Deployment Details about a Moodle Cluster](docs/Get-Install-Data.md)
1. [Delete a Moodle Cluster](docs/Delete.md)

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# *Autoscaling Moodle stack for Postgres or MySQL databases*
After deploying, these templates will provide you with a new Moodle site with caching for speed and scaling frontends to handle PHP load. The filesystem behind it is mirrored for high availability and optionally backed up through Azure. Filesystem permissions and options have also been tuned to make Moodle more secure than a default install.
[![Deploy to Azure](http://azuredeploy.net/deploybutton.png)](https://portal.azure.com/#create/Microsoft.Template/uri/https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2FAzure%2Fazure-quickstart-templates%2Fmaster%2Fmoodle-scalable-cluster-ubuntu%2Fazuredeploy.json) [![Visualize](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/1-CONTRIBUTION-GUIDE/images/visualizebutton.png)](http://armviz.io/#/?load=https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2FAzure%2Fazure-quickstart-templates%2Fmaster%2Fmoodle-scalable-cluster-ubuntu%2Fazuredeploy.json)
`Tags: cluster, ha, moodle, autoscale, linux, ubuntu`
## *What this stack will give you*
This template set deploys the following infrastructure:
- Autoscaling web frontend layer (Nginx, php-fpm, Varnish)
- Private virtual network for frontend instances
- Controller instance running cron and handling syslog for the autoscaled site
- Load balancer to balance across the autoscaled instances
- Postgres or MySQL database
- Azure Redis instance for Moodle caching
- ObjectFS in Azure blobs (Moodle sitedata)
- Three Elasticsearch VMs for search indexing in Moodle
- Dual gluster nodes for high availability access to Moodle files
![network_diagram](images/stack_diagram.jpg "Diagram of deployed stack")
## *Deployment steps*
You can click the "deploy to Azure" button at the beginning of this document or alternatively perform a deploy from the command line:
### *Command line deploys*
Once you've checked out the templates from git, you'll want to use the [Azure CLI tool](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/overview?view=azure-cli-latest) to deploy them. First off you'll want to create a group with these:
`az group create --name <stackname> --location <location>`
Note that some locations in Azure might not support features or certain VM tiers.
Next you'll want to either deploy and enter in all parameters manually:
`az group deployment create --name moodle-autoscale --resource-group <stackname> --template-file azuredeploy.json`
Alternatively, you can configure all your variables in the "azuredeploy.parameters.json" file and run:
`az group deployment create --name moodle-autoscale --resource-group <stackname> --template-file azuredeploy.json --parameters azuredeploy.parameters.json`
Note that `siteURL` is a special case in the `azuredeploy.parameters.json` files. If you do not define a value for `siteURL` or if you leave it as the default "www.example.org" this value will be overwritten by the template to be a calculated value for the public load balancers of your deployment. This allows you to experiment with this Moodle template without configuring a new domain name whilst still enabling Moodle to be configured with a production URL when appropriate. See the next section for instructions on retrieving the generated DNS name if necesary.
Depending on what tiers you selected for VMs and the database you will be looking at roughly 1-2 hours for a full deploy. See below for selectable parameters.
## *Using the created stack*
In testing, stacks typically took between 1 and 2 hours to finish,
depending on spec. Once this is done you will receive a JSON with
outputs needed to continue setup. You can also retrieve these from the
portal or the CLI, more information below. The available parameters
- siteURL: If you provided a `siteURL` parameter when deploying this
will be set to the supplied value. Otherwise it will be the same as
the loadBalancerDNS, see below.
- loadBalancerDNS: This is the address of your load balancer. If you
provided a `siteURL` parameter when deploying you'll need to add a
DNS entry CNAMEs to this.
- moodleAdminPassword: The password for the "admin" user in your
Moodle install.
- controllerInstanceIP: This is the address of the controller. You
will need to SSH into this to make changes to your moodle code or
view logs.
- databaseDNS: This is the public DNS of your database instance. If
you wish to set up local backups or access the db directly, you'll
need to use this.
- databaseAdminUsername: The master account (not Moodle) username for
your database.
- databaseAdminPassword: The master account password for your
Once Moodle has been created, and (if necessary) with your custom
`siteURL` DNS pointing to the load balancer, you should be able to
load the `siteURL` and login with "admin" and the password supplied in
the moodleAdminPassword.
#### Retrieving Deployment Configuration
The outputs provided by your deployment should include everytyrhing
you need to manage your Moodle deployment. These are available in the
portal by clicking on the deployment for your resource group. They are
also available in via the Azure CLI. For example:
Retrieve all the outputs in JSON format:
az group deployment show --resource-group $MOODLE_RG_NAME --name $MOODLE_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --out json --query *.outputs
Retrieve just the database password
az group deployment show --resource-group $MOODLE_RG_NAME --name $MOODLE_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --out tsv --query *.outputs.databaseAdminPassword.value
Assign the database password to a variable (BASH):
MOODLE_DATABASE_DNS="$(az group deployment show --resource-group $MOODLE_RG_NAME --name $MOODLE_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --out tsv --query *.outputs.databaseDNS.value)"
### *Updating Moodle code/settings*
Your controller VM has Moodle code and data stored on /moodle. The code is stored in /moodle/html/moodle/. This is also mounted to your autoscaled frontends so all changes are instant. Depending on how large your Gluster disks are sized, it may be helpful to keep multiple older versions (/moodle/html1, /moodle/html2, etc) to roll back if needed.
### *Getting an SQL dump*
A daily sql dump of your database is taken at 02:22 and saved to /moodle/db-backup.sql(.gz). If your database is small enough to fit, you may be able to get a more current SQL dump of your Moodle db by dumping it to /moodle/. Otherwise, you'll want to do this remotely by connecting to the hostname shown in the database-dns output using the database-admin-username and database-admin-password.
While Azure does not currently back up Postgres/MySQL databases, by dumping it to /moodle it is included in the Gluster VM backups should you enable Recovery Services in your parameters.
### *Azure Recovery Services*
If you have set azureBackupSwitch to 1 then Azure will provide VM backups of your Gluster node. This is recommended as it contains both your Moodle code and your sitedata. Restoring a backed up VM is outside the scope of this doc, but Azure's documentation on Recovery Services can be found here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/backup/backup-azure-vms-first-look-arm
### *Resizing your Database*
Note: This involves a lengthy site downtime.
As mentioned above, Azure does not currently support resizing databases. You can, however, create a new database instance and change your config to point to that. To get a different size database you'll need to:
1. Place your Moodle site into maintenance mode. You can do this either via the web interface or the command line on the controller VM.
2. Perform an SQL dump of your database, either to /moodle or remotely to your machine.
3. Create a new Azure database of the size you want inside your existing resource group.
4. Using the details in your /moodle/html/moodle/config.php create a new user and database matching the details in config.php. Make sure to grant all rights on the db to the user.
5. On the controller instance, change the db setting in /moodle/html/moodle/config.php to point to the new database.
6. Take Moodle site out of maintenance mode.
7. Once confirmed working, delete the previous database instance.
How long this takes depends entirely on the size of your database and the speed of your VM tier. It will always be a large enough window to make a noticeable outage.
### *Changing the SSL cert*
The self-signed cert generated by the template is suitable for very basic testing, but a public website will want a real cert. After purchasing a trusted certificate, it can be copied to the following files to be ready immediately:
- /moodle/certs/nginx.key: Your certificate's private key
- /moodle/certs/nginx.crt: Your combined signed certificate and trust chain certificate(s).
Once replaced these changes become effective immediately.
## *Sizing Considerations and Limitations*
Depending on what you're doing with Moodle, there are several considerations to make when configuring. The defaults included produce a cluster that is inexpensive but probably too low spec to use beyond single-user Moodle testing.
It should be noted that as of the time of this writing both Postgres and MySQL databases are in preview at Azure. In the future larger DB sizes or different VM sizes will be available. The templates will allow you to select whatever size you want, but there are restrictions in place (VMs with certain storage types, disk size for database tiers, etc) that may prevent certains selections from working together.
### *Database Sizing*
As of the time of this writing, Azure supports "Basic" and "Standard" tiers for database instances. In addition the skuCapacityDTU defines Compute Units, and the number of those you can use is limited by database tier:
- Basic: 50, 100
- Standard: 100, 200, 400, 800
This value also limits the maximum number of connections, as defined here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/mysql/concepts-limits
As the Moodle database will handle cron processes as well as the website, any public facing website with more than 10 users will likely require upgrading to 100. Once the site reaches 30+ users it will require upgrading to Standard for more compute units. This depends entirely on the individual site. As MySQL databases cannot change (or be restored to a different tier) once deployed it is a good idea to slightly overspec your database.
Standard instances have a minimum storage requirement of 128000MB. All database storage, regardless of tier, has a hard upper limit of 1 terrabyte. After 128GB you gain additional iops for each GB, so if you're expecting a heavy amount of traffic you will want to oversize your storage. The current maximum iops with a 1TB disk is 3000.
### *Controller instance sizing*
The controller handles both syslog and cron duties. Depending on how big your Moodle cron runs are this may not be sufficient. If cron jobs are very delayed and cron processes are building up on the controller then an upgrade in tier is needed.
### *Frontend instances*
In general the frontend instances will not be the source of any bottlenecks unless they are severely undersized versus the rest of the cluster. More powerful instances will be needed should fpm processes spawn and exhaust memory during periods of heavy site load. This can also be mitigated against by increasing the number of VMs but spawning new VMs is slower (and potentially more expensive) than having that capacity already available.
It is worth noting that the memory allowances on these instances allow for more memory than they may be able to provide with lower instance tiers. This is intentional as you can opt to run larger VMs with more memory and not require manual configuration. FPM also allows for a very large number of threads which prevents the system from failing during many small jobs.

docs/Delete.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Delete a Moodle Cluster
If you want to remove all resources associated with a Moodle Cluster
simply delete the assocaited resource group as follows:
az group delete --name $MOODLE_RG_NAME

docs/Deploy.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
# Deploy Autoscaling Moodle Stack to Azure
After following the steps in this this document you with awill have a
new Moodle site with caching for speed and scaling frontends to handle
load. The filesystem behind it is mirrored for high availability and
optionally backed up through Azure. Filesystem permissions and options
have also been tuned to make Moodle more secure than a default
## Prerequisites
You will need a local copy of the Moodle ARM templates. These are
published on GitHub so you should clone them locally (possibly after
forking them on GitHub).
## Create Resource Group
When you create the Moodle cluster you will create many resources. On
Azure it is a best practice to collect such resources together in a
Resource Group. The first thing we need to do, therefore, is create a
resource group:
az group create --name $MOODLE_RG_NAME --location $MOODLE_RG_LOCATION
"id": "/subscriptions/325e7c34-99fb-4190-aa87-1df746c67705/resourceGroups/rgmoodlearm3",
"location": "westus2",
"managedBy": null,
"name": "rgmoodlearm3",
"properties": {
"provisioningState": "Succeeded"
"tags": null
## Create Azure Deployment Paramaters
Your deployment will be configured using an
`azuredeploy.parameters.json` file. It is possible to provide these
parameters interactively via the command line by simply omitting the
paramaters file in the command in the next section. However, it is
more reproducible if we use a paramaters file.
A good set of defaults are provided in the git repository. These
defaults create a scalable cluster that is suitable for low volume
testing. If you are building out a production service you should
review the section below on sizing considerations. For now we will
proceed with the defaults, but there is one value, the `sshPublicKey`
that **must** be provided. To automatically add your default SSH key
(in Bash) use the following command:
FIXME: sed command to add SSH key
## Deploy cluster
Now that we have a resource group and a configuration file we can
create the cluster itself. This is done with a single command:
az group deployment create --name $MOODLE_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --resource-group $MOODLE_RG_NAME --template-file ~/projects/azure-quickstart-templates/moodle-scalable-cluster-ubuntu/azuredeploy.json --parameters azuredeploy.parameters.json
## Using the created stack
In testing, stacks typically took between 1 and 2 hours to finish,
depending on spec. Once complete you will receive a JSON output
containing information needed to manage your Moodle install (see
`outputs`). You can also retrieve this infromation from the portal or
the CLI.
Once Moodle has been created, and (where necessary) you have
configured your custom `siteURL` DNS to point to the
`loadBalancerDNS`, you should be able to load the `siteURL` in a
browser and login with the username "admin" and the
`moodleAdminPassword`. Note that the values for each of these
parameters are avialble in the portal or the `outputs` section of the
JSON response from the previous deploy command. See [documentation on
how to retrieve configuration data](./Get-Install-Data.md) along
with full details of all the output parameters avialble to you.
Note that by default the deployment uses a self-signed certificate,
consequently you will recieve a warning when accessing the site. To
add a genuine certificate see the documentation on [managing your
## Sizing Considerations and Limitations
Depending on what you're doing with Moodle you will want to configure
your deployment appropriately.The defaults included produce a cluster
that is inexpensive but probably too low spec to use beyond simple
testing scenarios. This section includes an overview of how to size
the database and VM instances for your use case.
It should be noted that as of the time of this writing both Postgres
and MySQL databases are in preview at Azure. In the future larger DB
sizes or different VM sizes will be available. The templates will
allow you to select whatever size you want, but there are restrictions
in place (VMs with certain storage types, disk size for database
tiers, etc) that may prevent certains selections from working
### Database Sizing
As of the time of this writing, Azure supports "Basic" and "Standard"
tiers for database instances. In addition the skuCapacityDTU defines
Compute Units, and the number of those you can use is limited by
database tier:
- Basic: 50, 100
- Standard: 100, 200, 400, 800
This value also limits the maximum number of connections, as defined
here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/mysql/concepts-limits
As the Moodle database will handle cron processes as well as the
website, any public facing website with more than 10 users will likely
require upgrading to 100. Once the site reaches 30+ users it will
require upgrading to Standard for more compute units. This depends
entirely on the individual site. As MySQL databases cannot change (or
be restored to a different tier) once deployed it is a good idea to
slightly overspec your database.
Standard instances have a minimum storage requirement of 128000MB. All
database storage, regardless of tier, has a hard upper limit of 1
terrabyte. After 128GB you gain additional iops for each GB, so if
you're expecting a heavy amount of traffic you will want to oversize
your storage. The current maximum iops with a 1TB disk is 3000.
### Controller instance sizing
The controller handles both syslog and cron duties. Depending on how
big your Moodle cron runs are this may not be sufficient. If cron jobs
are very delayed and cron processes are building up on the controller
then an upgrade in tier is needed.
### Frontend instances
In general the frontend instances will not be the source of any
bottlenecks unless they are severely undersized versus the rest of the
cluster. More powerful instances will be needed should fpm processes
spawn and exhaust memory during periods of heavy site load. This can
also be mitigated against by increasing the number of VMs but spawning
new VMs is slower (and potentially more expensive) than having that
capacity already available.
It is worth noting that the memory allowances on these instances allow
for more memory than they may be able to provide with lower instance
tiers. This is intentional as you can opt to run larger VMs with more
memory and not require manual configuration. FPM also allows for a
very large number of threads which prevents the system from failing
during many small jobs.
## Next Steps
1. [Retrieve configuration details using CLI](./Get-Install-Data.md)
1. [Manage the Moodle cluster](./Manage.md)

docs/Get-Intasll-Data.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
# Retrieve essential install details
Once a deployment has completed the ARM template will output some
values that you will need for managing your Moodle instalation. These
are available in the portal, but in this document we will retrieve
them using the AZ command line tools and through the AZ CLI tool. This
document describes the available parameters and how to retrieve them.
## Output Paramater Overview
The available output parameters are:
- **siteURL**: If you provided a `siteURL` parameter when deploying this
will be set to the supplied value. Otherwise it will be the same as
the loadBalancerDNS, see below.
- **loadBalancerDNS**: This is the DNS name of your application load
balancer. If you provided a `siteURL` parameter when deploying
you'll need to add a DNS entry to its CNAMEs pointing to this address.
- **moodleAdminPassword**: The generated password for the "admin" user
in your Moodle install.
- **controllerInstanceIP**: This is the IP address of the controller
Virtual Machine. You will need to SSH into this to make changes to
your Moodle code or view logs.
- **databaseDNS**: This is the public DNS of your database instance. If
you wish to set up local backups or access the DB directly, you'll
need to use this.
- **databaseAdminUsername**: The admin username for your database
(this is not the same as your Moodle username).
- **databaseAdminPassword**: The admin password for your
database (this is not the same as your Moodle password).
## Retrieving Output Parameters Using the CLI
To get a complete list of outputs in json format use:
az group deployment show --resource-group $MOODLE_RG_NAME --name $MOODLE_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --out json --query *.outputs
Individual outputs can be retrieved by filtering, for example, to get
just the value of the `siteURL` use:
``` bash
az group deployment show --resource-group $MOODLE_RG_NAME --name $MOODLE_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --out json --query *.outputs.siteURL.value
However, since we are reqeusting JSON output (the default) the value
is enclosed in quotes. In order to remove these we can output as a tab
separated list (TSV):
``` bash
az group deployment show --resource-group $MOODLE_RG_NAME --name $MOODLE_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --out tsv --query *.outputs.siteURL
Now we can assign individual values to environment variables, for example:
``` bash
MOODLE_SITE_URL="$(az group deployment show --resource-group $MOODLE_RG_NAME --name $MOODLE_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --out tsv --query *.outputs.siteURL.value)"
### Retrieving Moodle Site URL
The Site URL is the value used to configure Moodle's base URL. The
site URL can be provided as an input to the template via the parameter
`siteURL`, in which case you will not need to retrieve this from the
outputs. However, if you do not define this, or if you leave it as the
default "www.example.org" you will need to retrieve this value from
Azure using the following command:
MOODLE_SITE_URL="$(az group deployment show --resource-group $MOODLE_RG_NAME --name $MOODLE_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --out tsv --query *.outputs.siteURL.value)"
#### Retrieving Moodle Site Load Balancer URL
The load balancer DNS is the publicly registered DNS name for your
Moodle DNS. If this is different from the site URL it is important to
ensure that you configure your DNS entry for site URL to point at the
load balancer.
MOODLE_LOAD_BALANCER_DNS="$(az group deployment show --resource-group $MOODLE_RG_NAME --name $MOODLE_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --out tsv --query *.outputs.loadBalancerDNS.value)"
### Retrieving Moodle Administrator Password
Moodle admin password (username is "admin"):
MOODLE_ADMIN_PASSWORD="$(az group deployment show --resource-group $MOODLE_RG_NAME --name $MOODLE_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --out tsv --query *.outputs.moodleAdminPassword.value)"
### Retriving Controller Virtual Machine Details
The controller VM runs management tasks for the cluster, such as cron jobs and syslog.
MOODLE_CONTROLLER_INSTANCE_IP="$(az group deployment show --resource-group $MOODLE_RG_NAME --name $MOODLE_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --out tsv --query *.outputs.controllerInstanceIP.value)"
There is no username and password for this VM since a username and SSH
key are provided as input parameters to the template.
### Retreiving Database Information
#### Database URL
``` bash
MOODLE_DATABASE_DNS="$(az group deployment show --resource-group $MOODLE_RG_NAME --name $MOODLE_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --out tsv --query *.outputs.databaseDNS.value)"
#### Database admin username
``` bash
MOODLE_DATABASE_ADMIN_USERNAME="$(az group deployment show --resource-group $MOODLE_RG_NAME --name $MOODLE_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --out tsv --query *.outputs.databaseAdminUsername.value)"
#### Database admin password
``` bash
MOODLE_DATABASE_ADMIN_PASSWORD="$(az group deployment show --resource-group $MOODLE_RG_NAME --name $MOODLE_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --out tsv --query *.outputs.databaseAdminPassword.value)"
### Retrieving Moodle Application VNET Information
First frontend VM IP:
``` bash
MOODLE_FIRST_FRONTEND_VM_IP="$(az group deployment show --resource-group $MOODLE_RG_NAME --name $MOODLE_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --out tsv --query *.outputs.firstFrontendVmIP.value)"
# Validation
After having run each of the commands in this document you should have
each of the output parameters available in environment variable:
``` bash
## Next Steps
1. [Manage the Moodle cluster](./Manage.md)

docs/Manage.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
# Managing a Scalable Moodle Cluster in Azure
This document provides an overview of how to perform various
management tasks on a scalable Moodle cluster on Azure.
## Prerequisites
In order to manage a cluster it is clearly necessary to first [deploy
a scalable Moodle cluster on Azure](../Deploy/README.md).
For convenience and readability this document also assumes that essential [deployment details for your cluster have been assigned to environment variables](../GetInstallData/README.md).
## Updating Moodle code/settings
Your controller Virtual Machine has Moodle code and data stored in
`/moodle`. The site code is stored in `/moodle/html/moodle/`. This
data is replicated across dual gluster nodes to provide high
availability. This directory is also mounted to your autoscaled
frontends so all changes to files on the controller VM are immediately
available to all frontend machines.
Depending on how large your Gluster disks are sized, it may be helpful
to keep multiple older versions (/moodle/html1, /moodle/html2, etc) to
roll back if needed.
To connect to your Controller VM use SSH with a username of
'azureuser' and the SSH provided in the `sshPublicKey` input
parameter. For example, to retrieve a listing of files and directories
in the `/moodle` directory use:
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no azureadmin@$MOODLE_CONTROLLER_INSTANCE_IP ls -l /moodle
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
total 12
drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 Jan 17 00:59 certs
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jan 17 02:22 db-backup.sql
drwxr-xr-x 3 www-data www-data 4096 Jan 17 00:54 html
drwxrwx--- 10 www-data www-data 4096 Jan 17 06:55 moodledata
It is important to realize that the `-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no`
option in the above SSH command presents a security risk. It is
included here to facilitate automated validation of these commands. It
is not recommended to use this option in production environments,
instead run the command mannually and validate the host key.
Subsequent executions of an SSH command will not require this
validation step. For more information there is an excellent
## Getting an SQL dump
By default a daily sql dump of your database is taken at 02:22 and
saved to `/moodle/db-backup.sql`(.gz). This file can be retrieved
using SCP or similar. For example:
``` bash
scp azureadmin@$MOODLE_CONTROLLER_INSTANCE_IP:/moodle/db-backup.sql /tmp/moodle-db-backup.sql
To obtain a more recent SQL dump you run the commands appropriate for
your chosen database on the Controller VM. The following sections will
help with this task.
#### Postgres
Postgress provides a `pg_dump` command that can be used to take a
snapshot of the database via SSH. For example, use the following
``` bash
ssh azureadmin@$MOODLE_CONTROLLER_INSTANCE_IP 'pg_dump -Fc -h $MOODLE_DATABASE_DNS -U $MOODLE_DATABASE_ADMIN_USERNAME moodle > /moodle/db-snapshot.sql'
See the Postgres documentation for full details of the [`pg_dump`](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/static/backup-dump.html) command.
#### MySQL
MySQL provides a `mysql_dump` command that can be used to take a
snapshot of the database via SSH. For example, use the following
``` bash
ssh azureadmin@$MOODLE_CONTROLLER_INSTANCE_IP 'mysqldump -h $mysqlIP -u ${azuremoodledbuser} -p'${moodledbpass}' --databases ${moodledbname} | gzip > /moodle/db-backup.sql.gz'
## Backup and Recovery
If you have set the `azureBackupSwitch` in the input parameters to `1`
then Azure will provide VM backups of your Gluster node. This is
recommended as it contains both your Moodle code and your sitedata.
Restoring a backed up VM is outside the scope of this doc, but Azure's
documentation on Recovery Services can be found here:
## Resizing your Database
Note: This process involves site downtime and should therefore only be
carried out during a planned maintenance window.
At the time of writing Azure does not support resizing MySQL or
Postgres databases. You can, however, create a new database instance,
with a different size, and change your config to point to that. To get
a different size database you'll need to:
1. [Place your Moodle site into maintenance
mode](https://docs.moodle.org/34/en/Maintenance_mode). You can do
this either via the web interface or the command line on the
controller VM.
2. Perform an SQL dump of your database. See above for more details.
3. Create a new Azure database of the size you want inside your
existing resource group.
4. Using the details in your /moodle/html/moodle/config.php create a
new user and database matching the details in config.php. Make
sure to grant all rights on the db to the user.
5. On the controller instance, change the db setting in
/moodle/html/moodle/config.php to point to the new database.
6. Take Moodle site out of maintenance mode.
7. Once confirmed working, delete the previous database instance.
How long this takes depends entirely on the size of your database and
the speed of your VM tier. It will always be a large enough window to
make a noticeable outage.
## Changing the SSL cert
The self-signed cert generated by the template is suitable for very
basic testing, but a public website will want a real cert. After
purchasing a trusted certificate, it can be copied to the following
files to be ready immediately:
- /moodle/certs/nginx.key: Your certificate's private key
- /moodle/certs/nginx.crt: Your combined signed certificate and trust chain certificate(s).
## Next Steps
1. [Retrieve configuration details using CLI](./Get-Install-Data.md)

env.json Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"MOODLE_RG_NAME": "rgmoodlearm12",
"MOODLE_RG_LOCATION": "canadacentral",