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Jon Ormond 2017-06-24 23:41:47 -07:00
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@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
function Get-LinkPerformance {
# 1. Evaluate and Set input parameters
# 2. Initialize
# 3. Clear old run files
# 4. Validate iPerf3 connectivity (two ping)Error Stop
# 5. Validate PSPing connectivity (two ping)Error Stop
# 6. Main Test Loop
# 6.1 Start iPerf job if required
# 6.2 Start PSPing job
# 6.3 Wait for jobs to finish
# 7. Parse each job file for data
# 7.1 iPerf3 log file line loop
# 7.2 PSPing log file line loop
# 7.3 Get Percentile values
# 7.4 Add results to object array
# 8. Output results
# File links
Run a series of iPerf load tests and PSPing TCP pings concurrently between a local source and a remote host
running iPerf3 in server mode. Seven tests of increasing load are performed and results are output at the
conclusion of the test.
Run a series of iPerf load tests and PSPing TCP pings concurrently between a local source and a remote host
running iPerf3 in server mode. Seven tests of increasing load are performed and results are output at the
conclusion of the test.
The remote server must be running iPerf3 in server mode; e.g iPerf3 -s
On the local server from which this function is run, vaious parameters can be used to affect the testing.
The output is a combination of both the load test and the latency test while the perf test is running.
Each row of output represtents the summation of a given test, the follow test conditions are run:
- No load, a PSPing TCP test without iPerf3 running, a pure latency test
- 1 Session, a PSPIing TCP test with iPerf3 running a single thread of load
- 6 Sessions, a PSPing TCP test with iPerf3 running a six thread load test
- 16 Sessions, a PSPing TCP test with iPerf3 running a 16 thread load test
- 16 Sessions with 1Mb window, a PSPing TCP test with iPerf3 running a 16 thread load test with a 1Mb window
- 32 Sessions, a PSPing TCP test with iPerf3 running a 32 thread load test
For each test iPerf is kicked off and allowed to run for 10 seconds to establish the load and allow it to level
Then PSPing is kicked off to record latency during the load test.
Results from each test are stored in a text file in user profile directory ($env:USERPROFILE)
Output for each test is displayed in a table with the following columns:
- Name: The name of the test for these values, eg No load, 1 session, etc
- Bandwidth: The average bandwidth achieved by iPerf for the given test
- Loss: percentage of packet lost during the PSPing test
- P50 Latency: the 50th percentile of latency seen during the test
If the Verbose option (-Verbose) is used:
- P90 Latency: the 90th percentile of latency seen during the test
- P95 Latency: the 95th percentile of latency seen during the test
- Min Latency: the minumum TCP ping latency seen during the test
- Max Latency: the maximum TCP ping latency seen during the test
This parameter is required and is the Remote Host IP Address. This host must be running iPerf3 in server mode and
be listening on either port 22 (SSH) for Linux hosts or 3389 (RDP) for Windows hosts.
This optional parameter signifies the operating system of the REMOTE host. Valid values are "Windows" or "Linux".
It is assumed that if the remote host is Linux that port 22 is open for the PSPing, if Windows PSPing will use
the RDP port 3389
.PARAMETER TestSeconds
This optional parameter signifies the duration of PSPing test in seconds. It is an integer value (whole number).
The range of valid values is 60 - 3600 seconds (1 minute - 1 hour). The default value is 60.
Get-LinkPerformance -RemoteHost
# Get network performance stats from a windows server at for 6 one minute tests (default host type
(Windows) and test duration (60 seconds) )
Get-LinkPerformance -RemoteHost -HostType Linux -TestSeconds 3600
# Get network performance stats from a Linux server at for 6 one-hour tests (3600 seconds)
(Get-AzureVM -ServiceName 'myServiceName' -Name 'myVMName').IpAddress | Get-LinkPerformance
# Pull VNet IP address from a VM in Azure and pipe it to the Get-AzureNetworkAvailability cmdlet
This script will run against a remote server that must be running iPerf3 in server mode with firewall ports
open to allow iPerf and the approprate PSPing port (22 or 3389). If the remote server is a windows machine
an easy way to ensure proper configuration is to install the LinkPerformance tool on that remote machine and
then run iPerf3 in server mode (iperf3 -s)
More information can be found at
# 1. Evaluate and Set input parameters
HelpMessage='Enter IP Address of Remote Host')]
# 2. Initialize
$WebSource = ""
#$Verbose = $VerbosePreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue
$FileArray = "P00", "P01", "P06", "P16", "P17", "P32"
$PingDuration = $TestSeconds
$LoadDuration = $TestSeconds + 10
If ($RemoteHostOS="Windows") {$PingPort="3389"} Else {$PingPort="22"}
[String]$HostPort = [string]$RemoteHost + ":" + [String]$PingPort
#$FileArray = "P01"
# 3. Clear old run files
Remove-Job -Name ACT.LinkPerf -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
If (Test-Path "$env:USERPROFILE\TestPing.log"){Remove-Item "$env:USERPROFILE\TestPing.log"}
If (Test-Path "$env:USERPROFILE\TestPerf.log"){Remove-Item "$env:USERPROFILE\TestPerf.log"}
If (Test-Path "$env:USERPROFILE\P*ping.log"){Remove-Item "$env:USERPROFILE\P*ping.log"}
If (Test-Path "$env:USERPROFILE\P*perf.log"){Remove-Item "$env:USERPROFILE\P*perf.log"}
# 4. Validate iPerf3 connectivity (two ping)Error Stop
$iPerfJob = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {C:\ACTTools\iperf3.exe -c $args[0] -t 2 -i 0 -P 1 --logfile $args[1]} -Name 'ACT.LinkPerf' -ArgumentList "$RemoteHost", "$FileName"
Wait-Job -Name "ACT.LinkPerf" | Out-Null
# Line Loop
$TPut = "Error"
Try {
$Lines = Get-Content $FileName -ErrorAction Stop
ForEach ($Line in $Lines) {
If (($Line -like "*receiver*")) {$TPut = $Line.Substring(38,17).Trim()} # End If
} # End For
} # End Try
Catch {}
If ($TPut -eq "Error") {
Write-Warning "Unable to start iPerf session.
Things to check:
- Ensure iPerf is running in server mode (iperf3 -s) on the remote server at $RemoteHost
- Ensure remote iPerf server is listening on the default port 5201
- Check host and network firewalls to ensure this port is open on both hosts and any network devices between them
- Ensure iPerf files are installed in C:\ACTTools, if not rerun the Install-LinkPerformance.ps1
- Ensure remote iPerf version is compatible with local version
See $WebSource for more information."
Return } # End If
# 5. Validate PSPing connectivity (two ping)Error Stop
$iPerfJob = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {C:\ACTTools\psping.exe -n 2 -4 $args[0] -nobanner > $args[1]} -Name 'ACT.LinkPerf' -ArgumentList "$HostPort", "$FileName"
Wait-Job -Name "ACT.LinkPerf" | Out-Null
# Line Loop
$Loss = "Error"
Try {
$Lines = Get-Content $FileName -ErrorAction Stop
ForEach ($Line in $Lines) {
If ($Line -like "*Sent*") {
$Loss = $Line.Substring($Line.IndexOf("(",0)+1,$Line.IndexOf(")",0)-$Line.IndexOf("(",0)-1)
} # End If
} # End For
} # End Try
Catch {}
If ($Loss -eq "100% loss" -or $Loss -eq "Error") {
Write-Warning "Unable to TCP ping remote machine.
Things to check:
- Ensure $HostPort is listening and reachable from this machine.
- Ensure remote OS attribute setting is correct, it's currently set to ""$RemoteHostOS""
- Check host and network firewalls to ensure this port is open
- Ensure PSPing.exe is installed in C:\ACTTools, if not rerun the Install-LinkPerformance.ps1
See $WebSource for more information."
} # End If
# 6. Main Test Loop
ForEach ($FilePrefix in $FileArray) {
switch($FilePrefix) {
"P00" {$Threads = 00; $TestName = "Stage 1 of 6: No Load Ping Test..."}
"P01" {$Threads = 01; $TestName = "Stage 2 of 6: Single Thread Test..."}
"P06" {$Threads = 06; $TestName = "Stage 3 of 6: 6 Thread Test..."}
"P16" {$Threads = 16; $TestName = "Stage 4 of 6: 16 Thread Test..."}
"P17" {$Threads = 16; $TestName = "Stage 5 of 6: 16 Thread Test with 1Mb window..."}
"P32" {$Threads = 32; $TestName = "Stage 6 of 6: 32 Thread Test..."}
default {Write-Error "Invalid FilePrefix, execution stopping!"; Return}
} # End Switch
# Decalare Test Starting
Write-Host (Get-Date)' - ' -NoNewline
Write-Host $TestName -ForegroundColor Cyan
# 6.1 Start iPerf job if required
Switch($FilePrefix) {
"P00" {}
"P17" {
$iPerfJob = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {C:\ACTTools\iperf3.exe -c $args[0] -t $args[1] -i 0 -P $args[2] -w1M --logfile $args[3]} -Name 'ACT.LinkPerf' -ArgumentList "$RemoteHost", "$LoadDuration", "$Threads", "$FileName"
Sleep -Seconds 5}
default {
$iPerfJob = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {C:\ACTTools\iperf3.exe -c $args[0] -t $args[1] -i 0 -P $args[2] --logfile $args[3]} -Name 'ACT.LinkPerf' -ArgumentList "$RemoteHost", "$LoadDuration", "$Threads", "$FileName"
Sleep -Seconds 5}
} # End Switch
# 6.2 Start PSPing job
[string]$StringDuration = $PingDuration.ToString() + "s"
$iPerfJob = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {C:\ACTTools\psping.exe -n $args[0] -4 $args[1] -nobanner > $args[2]} -Name 'ACT.LinkPerf' -ArgumentList "$StringDuration", "$HostPort", "$FileName"
# 6.3 Wait for jobs to finish
If ($FilePrefix -eq "P00") {$time = $PingDuration + 2}
Else {$time = $LoadDuration + 1} # End If
foreach($i in (1..$time)) {
$percentage = $i / $time
$remaining = New-TimeSpan -Seconds ($time - $i)
$message = "{0:p0} complete, remaining time {1}" -f $percentage, $remaining
Write-Progress -Activity $message -PercentComplete ($percentage * 100) -CurrentOperation $TestName
Start-Sleep 1
} # End Foreach
While ((Get-Job -Name 'ACT.LinkPerf' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where State -eq 'Running').Count -gt 0) {
Write-Verbose "Waiting for job threads to finish..."
Sleep 2
} # End While
} # End For
Write-Host "All Done!" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Verbose "All Done!"
# 7. Parse each job file for data
# File Loop
ForEach ($FilePrefix in $FileArray) {
switch($FilePrefix) {
"P00" {$TestName = "No Load"}
"P01" {$TestName = "1 Session"}
"P06" {$TestName = "6 Sessions"}
"P16" {$TestName = "16 Sessions"}
"P17" {$TestName = "16 Sessions with 1Mb window"}
"P32" {$TestName = "32 Sessions"}
default {}
} # End Switch
# 7.1 iPerf3 log file line loop
$FileName = $env:USERPROFILE + "\" + $FilePrefix + "perf.log"
$TPut = "Error"
If ($FilePrefix -eq "P00") {
$TPut = "N/A"}
Else {
Try {
$Lines = Get-Content $FileName -ErrorAction Stop
ForEach ($Line in $Lines) {
If ($FilePrefix -eq "P01") {If (($Line -like "*receiver*")) {$TPut = $Line.Substring(38,17).Trim()} #End If
Else {
If (($Line -like "*SUM*" -and $Line -like "*receiver*")) {$TPut = $Line.Substring(38,17).Trim()} #End If
} # End Else
} # End For
} # End Try
Catch {Write-Warning "Error reading or processing file: $FileName"}
} # End If
# 7.2 PSPing log file line loop
$FileName = $env:USERPROFILE + "\" + $FilePrefix + "ping.log"
$PingArray = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
$PingLoss = "Error"
$PingSent = "Error"
$PingP50 = "Error"
$PingP90 = "Error"
$PingP95 = "Error"
$PingMin = "Error"
$PingMax = "Error"
$PingAvg = "Error"
Try {
$Lines = Get-Content $FileName -ErrorAction Stop
ForEach ($Line in $Lines) {
If ($Line.Contains("Connecting")) {
$Step1 = (($Line -split ':')[4])
$Step2 = $Step1.Trim()
[Decimal]$Step3 = $Step2.TrimEnd("ms")
} # EndIf
If ($Line -like "*Sent*") {
$PingSent = $Line.Substring($Line.IndexOf("=", $Line.IndexOf("Sent",0))+2, $Line.IndexOf(",", $Line.IndexOf("Sent",0))-$Line.IndexOf("=", $Line.IndexOf("Sent",0))-2)
$PingLoss = $Line.Substring($Line.IndexOf("(",0)+1,$Line.IndexOf(")",0)-$Line.IndexOf("(",0)-1)
} # End If
If ($Line -like "*Minimum*") {
$PingMin = $Line.Substring($Line.IndexOf("=", $Line.IndexOf("Minimum",0))+2, $Line.IndexOf(",", $Line.IndexOf("Minimum",0))-$Line.IndexOf("=", $Line.IndexOf("Minimum",0))-2)
$PingMax = $Line.Substring($Line.IndexOf("=", $Line.IndexOf("Maximum",0))+2, $Line.IndexOf(",", $Line.IndexOf("Maximum",0))-$Line.IndexOf("=", $Line.IndexOf("Maximum",0))-2)
$PingAvg = $Line.Substring($Line.IndexOf("=", $Line.IndexOf("Average",0))+2)
} # End If
} # End For
} # End Try
Catch {Write-Warning "Error reading or processing file: $FileName"}
# 7.3 Get Percentile values
# Remove the warm up ping and sort the arrary
$SortedArrary = $PingArray | Sort-Object
# Pick 50th Percentile
If ($SortedArrary.count%.5) {$PingP50 = $SortedArrary[[math]::Ceiling($SortedArrary.count*.5)-1]}
Else {$PingP50 = ($SortedArrary[$SortedArrary.Count*.5] + $SortedArrary[$SortedArrary.count*.5-1])/2}
# Pick 90th Percentile
If ($SortedArrary.count%.9) {$PingP90 = $SortedArrary[[math]::Ceiling($SortedArrary.count*.9)-1]}
Else {$PingP90 = ($SortedArrary[$SortedArrary.Count*.9] + $SortedArrary[$SortedArrary.count*.9-1])/2}
# Pick 95th Percentile
If ($SortedArrary.count%.95) {$PingP95 = $SortedArrary[[math]::Ceiling($SortedArrary.count*.95)-1]}
Else {$PingP95 = ($SortedArrary[$SortedArrary.Count*.95] + $SortedArrary[$SortedArrary.count*.95-1])/2}
# 7.4 Add results to object array
$Test = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
$Test | Add-Member -Name 'Name' -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $TestName
$Test | Add-Member -Name 'Bandwidth' -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $TPut
$Test | Add-Member -Name 'Count' -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $PingSent
$Test | Add-Member -Name 'Loss' -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $PingLoss
$Test | Add-Member -Name 'P50' -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $PingP50'ms'
$Test | Add-Member -Name 'P90' -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $PingP90'ms'
$Test | Add-Member -Name 'P95' -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $PingP95'ms'
$Test | Add-Member -Name 'Avg' -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $PingAvg
$Test | Add-Member -Name 'Min' -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $PingMin
$Test | Add-Member -Name 'Max' -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $PingMax
$TestResults += $Test
} # End Foreach
# 8. Output results
If ($DetailedOutput) {Write-Output $TestResults | ft}
Else {Write-Output $TestResults | Select Name, Bandwidth, Loss, P50 | ft}
} # End Function
Get-LinkPerformance -RemoteHost -TestSeconds 10 -DetailedOutput -Verbose

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@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
function Install-LinkPerformance{
# 1. Warning check
# 2. Initialize
# 3. Create C:\ACTTools dir
# 4. Check for iPerf files
# 4.1 If either are needed, download, extract
# 5. Check for PSPing
# 5.1 If needed, download
# 6. Check other files
# 7. Pull from GitHub if needed
# 8. Kill PSPing popup
# 9. Open Firewall rules
# 1. Warning check
If (-not $Force) {
Write-Host " " -BackgroundColor Black
Write-Host " *************************** " -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black
Write-Host " *** *** " -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black
Write-Host " ***" -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewline
Write-Host " !!!Warning!!! " -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewline
Write-host "*** " -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black
Write-Host " *** *** " -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black
Write-Host " *************************** " -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black
Write-Host " " -BackgroundColor Black
Write-Host " This script will install 3rd party products: iPerf3 and PSPing" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host " As well as open firewall port 5201 and allow ICMPv4" -ForegroundColor Cyan
$foo = Read-Host -Prompt "Are you sure you wish to continue? [y]"
If ($foo -ne "y" -and $foo -ne "") {Return}
} # End If
# 2. Initialize
$ToolPath = "C:\ACTTools\"
# 3. Create C:\ACTTools dir
If (-Not (Test-Path $ToolPath)){New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $ToolPath | Out-Null}
# 4. Check for iPerf files
# Yes I know I should make the file pull (and other things) a callable function, but lazy is ok sometimes
If (-Not (Test-Path $ToolPath"iperf3.exe") -or -Not (Test-Path $ToolPath"cygwin1.dll")){
# 4.1 If either are needed, download, extract
$File = $ToolPath + ""
Try {
$webClient = new-object System.Net.WebClient
$webClient.DownloadFile('', $File)
Catch {
Write-Warning "Something bad happened with the iPerf download. Most likely either files are missing at the source or this host doesn't have internet access."
Write-Host "You can manually add the files and rerun this Install script."
Write-Host "To manually install iPerf3:"
Write-Host " 1. Download files from"
Write-Host " 2. Extract zipped files (iPerf3.exe and cygwin1.dll) to $ToolPath"
Write-Host " 3. With those files in place, rerun this install script."
} # End Try
Try {
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
[System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($File, $ToolPath)
move-item -path ($ToolPath + "iperf-3.1.3-win64\*.*") -destination $ToolPath -Force
Remove-Item -Path ($ToolPath + "iperf-3.1.3-win64\") -Force
Remove-Item -Path $File -Force
Catch {
Write-Warning "Something bad happened Unzipping and moving the iPerf files. Most likely .Net or other required subsystem files are not loaded."
Write-Host "You can manually add the files and rerun this Install script."
Write-Host "To manually install iPerf3:"
Write-Host " 1. Find $File"
Write-Host " 2. Extract zipped files (iPerf3.exe and cygwin1.dll) to $ToolPath (not a subdirectory!)"
Write-Host " 3. With those files in place, rerun this install script."
} # End Try
} # End If
# 5. Check for PSPing
If (-Not (Test-Path $ToolPath"psping.exe")){
# 5.1 If needed, download
$File = $ToolPath + "psping.exe"
Try {
$webClient = new-object System.Net.WebClient
$webClient.DownloadFile('', $File)
Catch {
Write-Warning "Something bad happened with the PSPing download. Most likely either files are missing at the source or this host doesn't have internet access."
Write-Host "You can manually add the file and rerun this Install script."
Write-Host "To manually install PSPing:"
Write-Host " 1. Download the file from"
Write-Host " 2. Move the psping.exe file to the $ToolPath directory."
Write-Host " 3. With psping.exe in place, rerun this install script."
} # End Try
} # End If
# 6. Check other files
# Do I need to download the Install and Get .ps1 files if they are installed in the module?
$FileName = @()
If (-Not (Test-Path ($ToolPath + "Install-LinkPerformance.ps1"))){$FileName += 'Install-LinkPerformance.ps1'}
If (-Not (Test-Path ($ToolPath + "Get-LinkPerformance.ps1"))){$FileName += 'Get-LinkPerformance.ps1'}
If (-Not (Test-Path ($ToolPath + "Set-iPerfFirewallRules.ps1"))){$FileName += 'Set-iPerfFirewallRules.ps1'}
If (-Not (Test-Path ($ToolPath + ""))){$FileName += ''}
# 7. Pull from GitHub if needed
If ($FileName.Count -gt 0) {
Try {
$uri = ''
ForEach ($File in $FileName) {
$webClient = new-object System.Net.WebClient
$webClient.DownloadFile( $uri + $File, $ToolPath + $File )
} #End ForEach
Catch {
Write-Warning "Something bad happened pulling files from GitHub. Most likely either files are missing at the source or this host doesn't have internet access."
Write-Host "You can manually add the four files and rerun this Install script."
Write-Host "To manually install the files:"
Write-Host " 1. Go to"
Write-Host " 2. Download the files in that directory to the local $ToolPath directory."
Write-Host " 3. With these files in place, rerun this install script."
} # End Try
} # End If
# 8. Kill PSPing popup
$cmd = $ToolPath + "psping.exe -accepteula | Out-Null"
Invoke-Expression -Command $cmd
# 9. Open Firewall rules
If (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator"))
{Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs -ArgumentList ($ToolPath + "Set-iPerfFirewallRules.ps1")}
Else {Invoke-Expression -Command ($ToolPath + "Set-iPerfFirewallRules.ps1")}
} # End Function
Install-LinkPerformance -Force

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# README File for the LinkPerformance functions
Description goes here

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# Must be run as admin
# Turn On ICMPv4
Try {Get-NetFirewallRule -Name Allow_ICMPv4_in -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null}
Catch {New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Allow ICMPv4" -Name Allow_ICMPv4_in -Action Allow -Enabled True -Profile Any -Protocol ICMPv4 | Out-Null}
# Turn On iPerf3
Try {Get-NetFirewallRule -Name Allow_iPerf3_in -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null}
Catch {New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Allow iPerf3" -Name Allow_iPerf3_in -Action Allow -Enabled True -Profile Any -Protocol TCP -LocalPort 5201 | Out-Null}