This commit is contained in:
Martin Merdes 2024-09-21 11:08:45 +02:00
Родитель 4bbdffb9b5
Коммит 164439278e
3 изменённых файлов: 438 добавлений и 108 удалений

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# RGCOPY documentation
**Version: 0.9.64<BR>May 2024**
**Version: 0.9.65<BR>September 2024**
### Introduction
@ -150,6 +150,8 @@ same az-user / same region|same az-user / different region|different az-user
\* Normally, a full snapshot is used. For `UltraSSD_LRS` and `PremiumV2_LRS` an incremental snapshot is used instead.
> :warning: **Warning:** RGCOPY uses the same name for incremental and full snapshots. When copying to a different region, an existing full snapshot cannot be used. Creating new snapshots can break parallel running RGCOPY runs that use the same source RG.
You can further change the behavior by setting the following parameters:
parameter|[DataType]: usage
@ -263,7 +265,7 @@ The following resource configuration parameters exist:
parameter|usage (data type is always [string] or [array])
**`setVmSize`** =<BR>`@("size@vm1,vm2,...", ...)` |Set VM Size: <ul><li>**size**: VM size (e.g. Standard_E32s_v3) </li><li>**vm**: VM name</li></ul>
**`setDiskSku`** =<BR>`@("sku@disk1,disk2,...", ...)` |Set Disk SKU (default value is **Premium_LRS**): <ul><li>**sku** in {`Premium_LRS`, `StandardSSD_LRS`, `Standard_LRS`, `Premium_ZRS`, `StandardSSD_ZRS`, `PremiumV2_LRS`, `UltraSSD_LRS`} </li><li>**disk**: disk name</li></ul> :memo: **Note:** There are several restrictions:<ul><li> Converting **from** `PremiumV2_LRS` or `UltraSSD_LRS` requires incremental snapshots. RGCOPY does not support incremental snapshots if there already exists another incremental snapshot (not created by RGCOPY). Creating an 1TB disk from an incremental snapshot can take more then 1 hour.</li><li> Converting **to** `PremiumV2_LRS` or `UltraSSD_LRS` requires a zonal deployment. Therefore, parameter `setVmZone` must be used. </li><li> Converting **from** `PremiumV2_LRS` or `UltraSSD_LRS` to a different SKU is only possible if the logical sector size is 512.</li><li>When converting from a different SKU **to** `PremiumV2_LRS` or `UltraSSD_LRS`, the logical sector size is set to 512.</li></ul>:warning: **Warning:** If you want to avoid using the default value then you must explicitly <BR>set **setDiskSku = $Null**.
**`setDiskSku`** =<BR>`@("sku@disk1,disk2,...", ...)` |Set Disk SKU (default value is **`Premium_LRS`**).<BR>When setting to `false` (or `$False` or `$Null`), the disk SKU is not changed.<ul><li>**sku** in {`Premium_LRS`, `StandardSSD_LRS`, `Standard_LRS`, `Premium_ZRS`, `StandardSSD_ZRS`, `PremiumV2_LRS`, `UltraSSD_LRS`, `false`} </li><li>**disk**: disk name</li></ul> :memo: **Note:** There are several restrictions:<ul><li> Converting **from** `PremiumV2_LRS` or `UltraSSD_LRS` requires incremental snapshots. Creating an 1TB disk from an incremental snapshot can take more then 1 hour.</li><li> Converting **to** `PremiumV2_LRS` or `UltraSSD_LRS` requires a zonal deployment. Therefore, parameter `setVmZone` must be used. </li><li> Converting **from** `PremiumV2_LRS` or `UltraSSD_LRS` to a different SKU is only possible if the logical sector size is 512.</li><li>When converting from a different SKU **to** `PremiumV2_LRS` or `UltraSSD_LRS`, the logical sector size is set to 512.</li><li>If the VM size does not support premium IO then the disk SKU is automatically adopted. For example, `Premium_ZRS` is converted to `StandardSSD_ZRS`.</li></ul>
**`setDiskIOps`** = <BR>`@("iops@disk1,disk1,...", ...)`|Set Disk IOps: <ul><li>**iops**: maximum IOs per second</li><li>**disk**: disk name</li></ul>:memo: **Note:** This parameter only works for Premium V2 disks. It cannot be used for Ultra SSD disks.
**`setDiskMBps`** = <BR>`@("mbps@disk1,disk1,...", ...)`|Set Disk MBps: <ul><li>**mbps**: maximum MB per second</li><li>**disk**: disk name</li></ul>:memo: **Note:** This parameter only works for Premium V2 disks. It cannot be used for Ultra SSD disks.
**`setDiskSize`** = <BR>`@("size@disk1,disk1,...", ...)` |Set Disk Size: <ul><li>**size** in GB </li><li>**disk**: disk name</li></ul> :warning: **Warning:** It's only possible to *increase* the size of a disk. Partitions on the disk are not changed. This parameter was originally intended for increasing disk I/O on the target RG. Nowadays, you better should use parameter `setDiskTier` instead.
@ -340,7 +342,7 @@ RGCOPY can change Availability Zones, Availability Sets and Proximity Placement
parameter|[DataType]: usage
**`setVmZone`** = <BR>`@("zone@vm1,vm2,...", ...)` |Set VM Availability Zone: <ul><li>**zone** in {none, 1, 2, 3} </li><li>**vm**: VM name </li></ul>:bulb: **Tip:** Rather than 'none', you can use '0' for removing zone information<BR>:bulb: **Tip:** Disks are always created in the same zone as their VMs. Detached disks are only copied when parameter `copyDetachedDisks` was set. In this case, the detached disks are created in the zone that is defined by parameter **`defaultDiskZone`** (with default value 0).
**`setVmZone`** = <BR>`@("zone@vm1,vm2,...", ...)` |Set VM Availability Zone: <ul><li>**zone** in {none, 0, 1, 2, 3, false} </li><li>**vm**: VM name </li></ul>The default value is '0' which removes the zone configuration.<BR>:bulb: **Tip:** Rather than 'none', you can use '0' for removing zone configuration. When setting to 'false', the existing zone is not changed.<BR>:bulb: **Tip:** Disks are always created in the same zone as their VMs. Detached disks are only copied when parameter `copyDetachedDisks` was set. In this case, the detached disks are created in the zone that is defined by parameter **`defaultDiskZone`** (with default value 0).
**`setVmFaultDomain`** = <BR>`@("fault@vm1,vm2,...", ...)` |Set VM Fault Domain: <ul><li>**fault**: Used Fault Domain in {none, 0, 1, 2} </li><li>**vm**: VM name </li></ul>:bulb: **Tip:** The value 'none' removes the Fault Domain configuration from the VM.<BR>:warning: **Warning:** Values {0, 1, 2} are only allowed if the VM is part of a VMSS Flex.
**`skipVmssFlex`**|**[switch]**: do not copy existing VM Scale Sets Flexible. <BR>Hereby, the target RG does not contain any VM Scale Set.
**`skipAvailabilitySet`**|**[switch]**: do not copy existing Availability Sets. <BR>Hereby, the target RG does not contain any Availability Set.
@ -456,6 +458,8 @@ parameter|[DataType]: usage
## File Copy of NetApp Volumes
> :warning: **Warning:** File Copy of NetApp Volumes is a deprecated feature of RGCOPY. It will not be tested anymore. **It might or might not work in the future**. There will be no bug fixes for the RGCOPY file copy feature.
In Azure, you cannot export the snapshot of a NetApp volume to a BLOB or restore it in another region. Therefore, RGCOPY cannot directly copy NetApp volumes. However, RGCOPY supports NetApp volumes on LINUX using file copy (rather than disk or volume copy). Hereby, the following scenarios are possible:
source RG|target RG|procedure

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
rgcopy.ps1: Copy Azure Resource Group
version: 0.9.64
version date: June 2024
version: 0.9.65
version date: September 2024
Author: Martin Merdes
Public Github:
@ -394,6 +394,8 @@ param (
,[string] $monitorRG
,$setVmTipGroup = @()
,$setGroupTipSession = @()
,[string] $setIpTag
,[string] $setIpTagType = 'FirstPartyUsage'
,[switch] $allowRunningVMs
,[switch] $skipGreenlist
,[switch] $skipStartSAP
@ -3590,11 +3592,8 @@ function save-copyDisks {
if (($sourceSubUser -ne $targetSubUser) `
-or ($sourceSubTenant -ne $targetSubTenant)) {
# only possible for OSS version of RGCOPY
if (!$msInternalVersion) {
$blobCopy = $True
$snapshotCopy = $False
$blobCopy = $True
$snapshotCopy = $False
# BLOB copy does not work for BLOBs larger than 4TiB using Start-AzStorageBlobCopy
@ -3763,7 +3762,8 @@ function save-copyDisks {
Caching = 'None' # will be updated below by VM info
DiskControllerType = '' # will be updated below by VM info
WriteAcceleratorEnabled = $False # will be updated below by VM info
AbsoluteUri = '' # access token for copy to BLOB
AbsoluteUri = '' # access token for source snapshot
DelegationToken = '' # access token for target BLOB
SkuName = $sku
VmRestrictions = $False # will be updated later
DiskIOPSReadWrite = $DiskIOPSReadWrite #e.g. 1024
@ -5305,7 +5305,7 @@ function update-paramSetVmZone {
$vmZone = 'none'
test-values 'setVmZone' $vmZone @('none','1','2','3') 'zone'
test-values 'setVmZone' $vmZone @('none','1','2','3', 'false') 'zone'
# convert to internal syntax
if ($vmZone -eq 'none') {
$vmZone = 0
@ -5316,7 +5316,12 @@ function update-paramSetVmZone {
| Where-Object Name -in $script:paramVMs
| ForEach-Object {
$_.VmZoneNew = $vmZone
if ($vmZone -eq 'false') {
$_.VmZoneNew = $_.VmZone
else {
$_.VmZoneNew = $vmZone
@ -5480,13 +5485,18 @@ function update-paramSetDiskSku {
while ($Null -ne $script:paramConfig) {
$sku = $script:paramConfig
test-values 'setDiskSku' $sku @('Premium_LRS', 'StandardSSD_LRS', 'Standard_LRS', 'Premium_ZRS', 'StandardSSD_ZRS', 'PremiumV2_LRS', 'UltraSSD_LRS') 'sku'
test-values 'setDiskSku' $sku @('false', 'Premium_LRS', 'StandardSSD_LRS', 'Standard_LRS', 'Premium_ZRS', 'StandardSSD_ZRS', 'PremiumV2_LRS', 'UltraSSD_LRS') 'sku'
| Where-Object {$_.Name -in $script:paramDisks}
| ForEach-Object {
$_.SkuNameNew = $sku
if ($sku -eq 'false') {
$_.SkuNameNew = $_.SkuName
else {
$_.SkuNameNew = $sku
@ -6600,7 +6610,8 @@ function copy-snapshots {
$savedSub = $script:currentSub
set-context $targetSub # *** CHANGE SUBSCRIPTION **************
$token = (Get-AzAccessToken).Token
$secureToken= Get-AzAccessToken -AsSecureString -WarningAction 'SilentlyContinue'
$token = ConvertFrom-SecureString $secureToken.Token -AsPlainText
# update $script:copyDisks
@ -6811,7 +6822,7 @@ function wait-completion {
write-logFile (Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss \U\T\Cz')
write-logFile "$(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss \U\T\Cz') $step COMPLETION"
$percentAll = 100
foreach ($item in $res) {
if (($type -ne 'snapshots') -or ($item.Incremental -eq $True)) {
@ -6896,10 +6907,104 @@ function remove-snapshots {
function add-ipRule {
if (!$msInternalVersion) {
$savedSub = $script:currentSub
set-context $targetSub # *** CHANGE SUBSCRIPTION **************
$ip = $Null
# get public IP of local PC: first try
try {
$ip = (Invoke-WebRequest -ErrorAction 'Stop').Content.Trim()
catch {
$ip = $Null
# check syntax for IPv4
if ($ip -notmatch '^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$') {
# second try
$ip = $Null
try {
$ip = (Resolve-DnsName `
-Name `
-Server `
-ErrorAction 'Stop' `
-WarningAction 'SilentlyContinue').IPAddress
catch {
$ip = $Null
# check syntax for IPv4
if ($ip -notmatch '^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$') {
write-logFileError 'Getting public IP Address of local PC failed'
write-logFile "Granting access to storage account '$targetSA' for public IP $ip ..."
write-logFileWarning "All VPN connections must be closed"
Add-AzStorageAccountNetworkRule `
-ResourceGroupName $targetRG `
-Name $targetSA `
-IPAddressOrRange $ip `
-ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' | Out-Null
test-cmdlet 'Add-AzStorageAccountNetworkRule' "Granting access to storage account '$targetSA' for public IP $ip failed"
set-context $savedSub # *** CHANGE SUBSCRIPTION **************
function new-delegationToken {
if (!$msInternalVersion) {
$savedSub = $script:currentSub
set-context $targetSub # *** CHANGE SUBSCRIPTION **************
write-logFile "Creating delegation token..."
$context = New-AzStorageContext `
-StorageAccountName $targetSA `
-UseConnectedAccount `
-ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'
test-cmdlet 'New-AzStorageContext' "Getting Context for storage account '$targetSA' failed"
$StartTime = Get-Date
$EndTime = $startTime.AddDays(7)
$script:delegationToken = New-AzStorageContainerSASToken `
-Name $targetSaContainer `
-Permission 'crwdl' `
-StartTime $startTime `
-ExpiryTime $endTime `
-context $context `
-ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'
test-cmdlet 'New-AzStorageContainerSASToken' "Creating delegation token for storage account '$targetSA' failed"
# save token for each disk
| ForEach-Object {
$_.DelegationToken = $script:delegationToken
set-context $savedSub # *** CHANGE SUBSCRIPTION **************
function grant-access {
$token = (Get-AzAccessToken).Token
$secureToken = Get-AzAccessToken -AsSecureString -WarningAction 'SilentlyContinue'
$token = ConvertFrom-SecureString $secureToken.Token -AsPlainText
# update $script:copyDisks
@ -7020,6 +7125,8 @@ function grant-access {
# start execution
$param = get-scriptBlockParam $scriptParameter $script $maxDOP
@ -7032,6 +7139,9 @@ function grant-access {
if (!$?) {
write-logFileError "Grant Access to snapshot failed"
@ -7079,21 +7189,77 @@ function revoke-access {
function get-saKey {
param (
if ($msInternalVersion -or ($Null -ne $script:targetSaKey)) {
$savedSub = $script:currentSub
set-context $mySub # *** CHANGE SUBSCRIPTION **************
# Get Storage Account KEY
$script:targetSaKey = (Get-AzStorageAccountKey `
-ResourceGroupName $myRG `
-AccountName $mySA `
-WarningAction 'SilentlyContinue' `
-ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' `
| Where-Object KeyName -eq 'key1').Value
test-cmdlet 'Get-AzStorageAccountKey' "Could not get key for Storage Account '$mySA'"
set-context $savedSub # *** CHANGE SUBSCRIPTION **************
function start-copyBlobs {
write-stepStart "START COPY TO BLOB" $maxDOP
get-saKey $targetSub $targetRG $targetSA
# using parameters for parallel execution
$scriptParameter = "`$targetSaContainer = '$targetSaContainer';"
$scriptParameter += "`$targetSA = '$targetSA';"
$scriptParameter += "`$targetSaKey = '$($script:targetSaKey -replace '''', '''''')';"
# parallel running script
$script = {
Write-Output "... copying '$($_.SnapshotName)' to BLOB '$($_.Name).vhd'"
# header using Delegation Token
if ($msInternalVersion) {
write-logFile "Using Delegation Token"
$destinationContext = New-AzStorageContext `
-StorageAccountName $targetSA `
-UseConnectedAccount `
-ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'
$sc1 = {
Write-Output "... copying '$($_.SnapshotName)' to BLOB '$($_.Name).vhd'"
$destinationContext = New-AzStorageContext `
-StorageAccountName $targetSA `
-SasToken $_.DelegationToken `
-ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'
# header using Storage Account Key
else {
write-logFile "Using Storage Account Key"
$sc1 = {
Write-Output "... copying '$($_.SnapshotName)' to BLOB '$($_.Name).vhd'"
$destinationContext = New-AzStorageContext `
-StorageAccountName $targetSA `
-StorageAccountKey $targetSaKey `
-ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' `
-WarningAction 'SilentlyContinue'
# body
$sc2 = {
$param = @{
DestContainer = $targetSaContainer
@ -7114,10 +7280,9 @@ function start-copyBlobs {
Write-Output "$($_.Name).vhd"
# start execution
write-stepStart "START COPY TO BLOB" $maxDOP
write-logFile "using role-based access control" -ForegroundColor DarkGray
# start execution
$script = [Scriptblock]::Create(($sc1 -as [string]) + ($sc2 -as [string]))
$param = get-scriptBlockParam $scriptParameter $script $maxDOP
| Where-Object Skip -ne $True
@ -7134,20 +7299,49 @@ function start-copyBlobs {
function stop-copyBlobs {
write-stepStart "STOP COPY TO BLOB" $maxDOP
get-saKey $targetSub $targetRG $targetSA
# using parameters for parallel execution
$scriptParameter = "`$targetSaContainer = '$targetSaContainer';"
$scriptParameter += "`$targetSA = '$targetSA';"
$scriptParameter += "`$targetSaKey = '$($script:targetSaKey -replace '''', '''''')';"
# header using Delegation Token
if ($msInternalVersion) {
write-logFile "Using Delegation Token"
$sc1 = {
$diskname = $_.Name
Write-Output "... stopping BLOB copy $diskname.vhd"
# parallel running script
$script = {
$diskname = $_.Name
Write-Output "... stopping BLOB copy $diskname.vhd"
try {
$destinationContext = New-AzStorageContext `
-StorageAccountName $targetSA `
-UseConnectedAccount `
-ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'
-StorageAccountName $targetSA `
-SasToken $_.DelegationToken `
-ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'
# header using Storage Account Key
else {
write-logFile "Using Storage Account Key"
$sc1 = {
$diskname = $_.Name
Write-Output "... stopping BLOB copy $diskname.vhd"
$destinationContext = New-AzStorageContext `
-StorageAccountName $targetSA `
-StorageAccountKey $targetSaKey `
-ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' `
-WarningAction 'SilentlyContinue'
# body
$sc2 = {
try {
Stop-AzStorageBlobCopy `
-Container $targetSaContainer `
-Context $destinationContext `
@ -7164,9 +7358,7 @@ function stop-copyBlobs {
# start execution
write-stepStart "STOP COPY TO BLOB" $maxDOP
write-logFile "using role-based access control" -ForegroundColor DarkGray
$script = [Scriptblock]::Create(($sc1 -as [string]) + ($sc2 -as [string]))
$param = get-scriptBlockParam $scriptParameter $script $maxDOP
| Where-Object Skip -ne $True
@ -7184,11 +7376,30 @@ function stop-copyBlobs {
function wait-copyBlobs {
write-stepStart "CHECK BLOB COPY COMPLETION" -skipLF
$destinationContext = New-AzStorageContext `
-StorageAccountName $targetSA `
-UseConnectedAccount `
-ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'
get-saKey $targetSub $targetRG $targetSA
# using Delegation Token
if ($msInternalVersion) {
write-logFile "Using Delegation Token"
$destinationContext = New-AzStorageContext `
-StorageAccountName $targetSA `
-SasToken $script:delegationToken `
-ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'
# using Storage Account Key
else {
write-logFile "Using Storage Account Key"
$destinationContext = New-AzStorageContext `
-StorageAccountName $targetSA `
-StorageAccountKey $targetSaKey `
-ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' `
-WarningAction 'SilentlyContinue'
test-cmdlet 'New-AzStorageContext' "Could not get context for Storage Account '$targetSA'"
# create tasks
@ -7209,7 +7420,7 @@ function wait-copyBlobs {
$script:waitCount = 0
do {
write-logFile (Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss \U\T\Cz')
write-logFile "$(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss \U\T\Cz') BLOB COPY COMPLETION"
$done = $True
foreach ($task in $runningBlobTasks) {
@ -7220,10 +7431,11 @@ function wait-copyBlobs {
try {
$state = Get-AzStorageBlob `
-Blob $task.blob `
-Container $targetSaContainer `
-Context $destinationContext `
-ErrorAction 'Stop' `
-Blob $task.blob `
-Container $targetSaContainer `
-Context $destinationContext `
-WarningAction 'SilentlyContinue' `
-ErrorAction 'Stop' ` `
| Get-AzStorageBlobCopyState
catch {
@ -7273,7 +7485,8 @@ function new-disks {
$savedSub = $script:currentSub
set-context $targetSub # *** CHANGE SUBSCRIPTION **************
$token = (Get-AzAccessToken).Token
$secureToken= Get-AzAccessToken -AsSecureString -WarningAction 'SilentlyContinue'
$token = ConvertFrom-SecureString $secureToken.Token -AsPlainText
# get storage account ID
$blobsSaID = get-resourceString `
@ -13204,17 +13417,21 @@ function new-storageAccount {
SkuName = $SkuName
Kind = $Kind
AccessTier = $accessTier
AllowSharedKeyAccess = $False
MinimumTlsVersion = 'TLS1_2'
AllowBlobPublicAccess = $False
WarningAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
if ($msInternalVersion) {
$param.AllowSharedKeyAccess = $False
$param.PublicNetworkAccess = 'Enabled'
$param.NetworkRuleSet = @{defaultAction = 'Deny'}
if ($fileStorage) {
$param.DnsEndpointType = 'Standard'
$param.PublicNetworkAccess = 'Disabled'
$param.MinimumTlsVersion = 'TLS1_2'
$param.AllowBlobPublicAccess = $False
$param.NetworkRuleSet = @{defaultAction = 'Deny'}
if ($nfsQuotaGiB -gt 5120) {
$param.EnableLargeFileShare = $True
@ -15624,7 +15841,7 @@ function test-copyMode {
# 'setVmName'
# 'renameDisks'
# 'allowExistingDisks'
# Update Mode
@ -17834,6 +18051,29 @@ function add-az_publicIPAddresses {
foreach ($az_res in $script:az_publicIPAddresses) {
$ipTags = @()
# copy existing IP tags
if ('setIpTag' -notin $boundParameterNames) {
foreach ($tag in $az_res.IpTags) {
if ($tag.Tag.Length) {
$ipTags += @{
ipTagType = $tag.IpTagType
tag = $tag.Tag
# create new IP tag
if ($setIpTag.length -ne 0) {
$ipTags = @(
ipTagType = $setIpTagType
tag = $setIpTag
# create resource
$resource = @{
type = 'Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses'
@ -17845,6 +18085,7 @@ function add-az_publicIPAddresses {
publicIPAddressVersion = $az_res.PublicIpAddressVersion -as [string]
publicIPAllocationMethod = $az_res.PublicIpAllocationMethod -as [string]
idleTimeoutInMinutes = $az_res.IdleTimeoutInMinutes
ipTags = $ipTags
@ -18678,6 +18919,11 @@ function step-copyBlobsAndSnapshots {
if ($blobCopyNeeded -and !$skipRemoteCopy) {
if ($restartRemoteCopy) {
@ -18879,48 +19125,36 @@ function step-cleanup {
function step-patchMode {
write-logFileConfirm "Patch and Reboot VMs in resource group '$SourceRG'"
write-stepStart "Patching VMs"
if ($skipPatch) {
if (!$simulate) {
start-VMsParallel $sourceRG $patchVMs
write-stepStart "Patching LINUX VMs"
foreach ($vmName in $patchVMs) {
if ($script:copyVMs[$vmName].OsDisk.osType -eq 'linux') {
$script:linuxVMs += $vmName
else {
write-logFileWarning "VM '$vmName' skipped because it is not a Linux VM"
if (!$simulate) {
start-VMsParallel $sourceRG $script:linuxVMs
foreach ($vmName in $script:linuxVMs) {
$osType = $script:copyVMs[$vmName].OsDisk.OsType
write-logFile (Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss \U\T\Cz') -ForegroundColor 'DarkGray'
write-logfile '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
write-logfile "Patch VM '$vmName'"
write-logfile "Patch VM '$vmName' ($osType)"
if (!$simulate) {
new-scriptPatch $vmName
if ($script:copyVMs[$vmName].OsDisk.osType -eq 'linux') {
new-scriptPatch $vmName -Linux
else {
new-scriptPatch $vmName -Windows
if ($script:linuxVMs.count -eq 0) {
write-logFileWarning "No Linux VMs to patch"
if ($patchVMs.count -eq 0) {
write-logFileWarning "No VMs to patch"
else {
write-logfile "Waiting 30 seconds for patches to finish..."
Start-Sleep -seconds 30
write-logFileWarning "OS patches might still be installing"
@ -18929,20 +19163,30 @@ function step-patchMode {
function new-scriptPatch {
param (
[switch] $Linux,
[switch] $Windows
invoke-patchScript $sourceRG $vmName $script:blockPatch
if ($Windows) {
invoke-patchScript $sourceRG $vmName $script:WindowsPatchScript 'RunPowerShellScript'
if ($script:ZYPPER_EXIT_INF_RESTART_NEEDED -eq $True) {
write-logfile "Waiting 30 seconds on reboot..."
Start-Sleep -seconds 30
invoke-patchScript $sourceRG $vmName $script:blockPatch
elseif ($Linux) {
invoke-patchScript $sourceRG $vmName $script:LinuxPatchScript 'RunShellScript'
# second try for ZYPPER
if ($script:ZYPPER_EXIT_INF_RESTART_NEEDED -eq $True) {
write-logfile "Waiting 30 seconds on reboot..."
Start-Sleep -seconds 30
invoke-patchScript $sourceRG $vmName $script:LinuxPatchScript 'RunShellScript'
@ -18952,14 +19196,15 @@ function invoke-patchScript {
param (
$commandId = 'RunShellScript'
# script parameters
$parameter = @{
ResourceGroupName = $resourceGroup
VMName = $scriptVM
CommandId = 'RunShellScript'
CommandId = $commandId
ScriptString = $scriptText
ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
@ -19015,11 +19260,48 @@ function get-shellScripts {
# install patches (running on VM1 and VM2)
# Windows patches
$category = ''
if (!$patchAll) {
$category = " -Category 'Security Updates' "
$logDir = "C:\Packages\Plugins\RGCOPY"
$logFile = "C:\Packages\Plugins\RGCOPY\RGCOPY_WindowsUpdate_$(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss')"
$script:WindowsPatchScript = @"
New-Item '$logDir' -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force *>>'$logFile'
Install-Module -Name PSWindowsUpdate -Force *>>'$logFile'
Import-Module PSWindowsUpdate *>>'$logFile'
Get-WUInstallerStatus | Format-Table
Get-WURebootStatus | Format-Table
Get-WULastResults | Format-Table
Write-Host 'Last 10 updates:'
Get-WUHistory -Last 10 | Format-Table
Write-Host 'Starting updates as job and reboot...'
`$string = @'
Import-Module PSWindowsUpdate
Get-WindowsUpdate -MicrosoftUpdate -Install $category -AcceptAll -AutoReboot *>>'$logFile'
`$script = [Scriptblock]::Create(`$string)
Start-Job -ScriptBlock `$script *>>'$logFile'
# Linux patches
# runs as
# header file not used. Only parameter patchSecurity is used.
$script:blockPatch =
$script:LinuxPatchScript =
@ -19384,7 +19666,14 @@ function new-vmExtension {
[switch] $autoUpgradePossible
if ($extensionName -in $script:existingExtensions) {
$found = $False
foreach ($existingExtension in $script:existingExtensions) {
if ($existingExtension -like "*$extensionName*") {
$found = $True
if ($found) {
write-logFileUpdates 'extensions' $extensionName 'keep'
@ -19488,7 +19777,7 @@ else {
$pref = (get-Item 'Env:\rgcopyBreakingChangeWarnings' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue').value
if ($Null -eq $pref ) {
if ($pref -ne 'True') {
Set-Item Env:\SuppressAzurePowerShellBreakingChangeWarnings "true"
@ -19868,7 +20157,15 @@ try {
write-logFileError "Source Subscription '$sourceSub' not found" -lastError
# Check Source Resource Group
$sourceLocation = (Get-AzResourceGroup -Name $sourceRG -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue').Location
$sourceRgObject = Get-AzResourceGroup -Name $sourceRG -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'
# tag names are case insensitive
$tagName = $sourceRgObject.Tags.Keys | Where-Object {$_ -eq 'Owner'}
# result of (Get-AzResourceGroup).Tags.Keys is case sensitive
if (($Null -ne $tagName) -and ($Null -ne $sourceRgObject)) {
$rgOwner = $sourceRgObject.Tags.$tagName
$sourceLocation = $sourceRgObject.Location
$sourceRgNotFound = ''
if ($Null -eq $sourceLocation) {
@ -19889,6 +20186,7 @@ try {
write-logFile 'Source:'
write-logFileTab 'Subscription' $sourceSub
write-logFileTab 'SubscriptionID' $sourceSubID
write-logFileTab 'User' $sourceSubUser
write-logFileTab 'Tenant' $sourceSubTenant -noColor
write-logFileTab 'Region' $sourceLocation -noColor
@ -19920,9 +20218,11 @@ try {
if ($targetSub -eq $sourceSub) {
write-logFileTab 'Subscription' 'ditto' -noColor
write-logFileTab 'SubscriptionID' 'ditto' -noColor
else {
write-logFileTab 'Subscription' $targetSub
write-logFileTab 'SubscriptionID' $targetSubID
# Target User
@ -20091,31 +20391,50 @@ try {
elseif ($patchMode) {
write-logFileConfirm "Patch and Reboot VMs in resource group '$SourceRG'"
# check RG Owner tag
if ($Null -eq $rgOwner) {
write-logFileWarning "Owner tag of resource group '$sourceRG' was not set" `
"setting it to '$setOwner'"
$tags = $sourceRgObject.Tags
$tags += @{Owner = $setOwner}
Set-AzResourceGroup -Name $sourceRG -Tag $tags -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' | Out-Null
test-cmdlet 'Set-AzResourceGroup' "Could not set tag to resource group '$sourceRG'"
elseif ($rgOwner -ne $setOwner) {
write-logFileWarning "Owner tag of resource group '$sourceRG' is not set to '$setOwner'" `
"Current value is '$rgOwner'"
$script:linuxVMs = @()
# install OS patches
$script:patchesFailed = 0
if (!$skipPatch) {
# install VM extensions
$script:vmsWithNewExtension = @()
if ($forceExtensions -and $msInternalVersion) {
$vmsToStop = ($script:linuxVMs + $script:vmsWithNewExtension) | Sort-Object -Unique
# stop VMs
if (!$stopVMsSourceRG) {
write-logFileWarning "VMs in resource group '$sourceRG' have not been stopped" `
"Use parameter 'stopVMsSourceRG' the next time"
else {
write-stepStart "Stopping VMs"
stop-VMsParallel $sourceRG $vmsToStop
stop-VMsParallel $sourceRG $patchVMs
# display failed OS patches
if ($script:patchesFailed -gt 0) {
write-logFileError "Linux patches of $($script:patchesFailed) VMs failed"
write-logFileError "Patches of $($script:patchesFailed) VMs failed"
write-zipFile 0
@ -20174,9 +20493,7 @@ try {
if (($sourceSubUser -ne $targetSubUser) `
-or ($sourceSubTenant -ne $targetSubTenant)) {
if (!$msInternalVersion) {
$RemoteCopyNeeded = $True
$RemoteCopyNeeded = $True
if (!$RemoteCopyNeeded) {

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,4 +1,13 @@
## Version history
#### RGCOPY 0.9.65 September 2024
feature|Support for IP tags.
feature|New value `false` for parameter `setVmZone` (and `setDiskSku`). When set, the existing zone of the VM (or SKU of the disk) is not changed by RGCOPY.
experimental feature|Patching Windows VMs (not only Linux) in PATCH mode. Set RG owner in patch mode.
feature|Fix compatibility issue with Az version 13: Breaking change of Get-AzAccessToken.
feature|Allow BLOB copy for Microsoft internal version of RGCOPY (using storage account network rules and delegation keys).
#### RGCOPY 0.9.64 June 2024