- Supports Public Cloud (\*.database.windows.net), Azure China (\*.database.chinacloudapi.cn), Azure Germany (\*.database.cloudapi.de) and Azure Government (\*.database.usgovcloudapi.net).
For the better results, our recommendation is to use the advanced connectivity tests which demand to start PowerShell in Administrator mode. You can still run the basic tests, in case you decide not to run this way. Please note that script parameters 'RunAdvancedConnectivityPolicyTests' and 'CollectNetworkTrace' will only work if the admin privileges are granted.
# Supports Public Cloud (*.database.windows.net), Azure China (*.database.chinacloudapi.cn), Azure Germany (*.database.cloudapi.de) and Azure Government (*.database.usgovcloudapi.net)
RunAdvancedConnectivityPolicyTests = $true # Set as $true (default) or $false, this will load the library from Microsoft's GitHub repository needed for running advanced connectivity tests
CollectNetworkTrace = $true # Set as $true (default) or $false
#EncryptionProtocol = '' # Supported values: 'Tls 1.0', 'Tls 1.1', 'Tls 1.2'; Without this parameter operating system will choose the best protocol to use
**Running SQL Connectivity Checker in containerized environment**
In order to troubleshoot your containerized application you'll have to temporarily deploy a Powershell Image which will allow you to execute this script and collect the results, you can see all the available Powershell Images [here](https://hub.docker.com/_/microsoft-powershell).
Our suggestion would be to use a lightweight image for this purpose, such as `lts-alpine-3.10` image.
The following steps show the Kubernetes kubectl commands required to download the image and start an interactive PowerShell session.
kubectl run -it sqlconncheckerpowershellinstance --image=mcr.microsoft.com/powershell:lts-alpine-3.10
The following command is used to exit the current Powershell session.
The following command is used to attach to an existing Powershell instance.