30 строки
1.9 KiB
30 строки
1.9 KiB
#Run locally parameters
$LocalPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)
$Path = Join-Path $LocalPath 'AzureSQLConnectivityChecker.ps1'
# Script parameters
$parameters = @{
Server = '.database.windows.net'
Database = '' # Set the name of the database you wish to test, 'master' will be used by default if nothing is set
User = '' # Set the login username you wish to use, 'AzSQLConnCheckerUser' will be used by default if nothing is set
Password = '' # Set the login password you wish to use, 'AzSQLConnCheckerPassword' will be used by default if nothing is set
## Optional parameters (default values will be used if ommited)
SendAnonymousUsageData = $true # Set as $true (default) or $false
RunAdvancedConnectivityPolicyTests = $true # Set as $true (default) or $false, this will download the library needed for running advanced connectivity tests
CollectNetworkTrace = $true # Set as $true (default) or $false
ConnectionAttempts = 1 # Number of connection attempts while running advanced connectivity tests
DelayBetweenConnections = 1 # Number of seconds to wait between connection attempts while running advanced connectivity tests
#EncryptionProtocol = '' # Supported values: 'Tls 1.0', 'Tls 1.1', 'Tls 1.2'; Without this parameter operating system will choose the best protocol to use
## Run locally parameters
Local = $true # Do Not Change
LocalPath = $LocalPath # Do Not Change
Write-Host 'Please wait...'
Write-Host '(The tests are being run inside a PowerShell job and output will be updated only once the job completes all the tests)'
$ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue";
$job = Start-Job -ArgumentList $parameters -FilePath $Path
Wait-Job $job | Out-Null
Receive-Job -Job $job |