The **Azure IoT TypeEdge** introduces a strongly-typed flavor of the inherently loosely coupled vanilla [Azure IoT Edge](https:/
The minimum requirements to get started with **TypeEdge** are:
- The latest [.NET Core SDK]( (version 2.1.300). To find your current version, run
`dotnet --version`
- An [Azure IoT Hub](
- An [Azure Container Registry](, or any other secure container registry.
Here is the quickest way to get started with **TypeEdge**. In this quick start you will create an IoT Edge application with two modules and run it in the emulator:
> You can customize the TypeEdge application and modules names when you use the template. In the next example, the application is called **Thermostat**, and the two modules are called **SensorModule** and **PreprocessorModule**. These names will be used as class names, so **Pascal casing** is suggested.
>Note: In all three cases, your application is being emulated in-memory **without any containers involved**. This is very useful for quick develop and test iterations.
If your modules have system dependencies and you want to debug them inside the containers, you can leverage the *docker support* feature of VS 2017. Simply right click the **docker-compose** project and start it from VS 2017 to **debug your application inside the docker containers**.
You just created your first **TypeEdge** application. Continue reading to learn how to deploy this application to an IoT Device, or take the time to understand [how it works](#how).
>Note: The registry is configured in the .env file inside the root folder. **If you edit the .env file, make sure you run the the emulator afterwards** to update the cloud IoT Edge Device deployment configuration.
## Device Deployment
1.**Get the device connection string from Azure portal**, and on the device host run:
>Note: The device name is configured in the appsettings.json of the emulator project. **Make sure you run the emulator and rebuilt the containers if you change that name**. The emulator will provision a new device if the device does not exist.
This module has a strongly typed output called ***Output*** and the messages type is ***SensorModuleOutput***. Similarly, it has a module twin called ***Twin*** with type ***SensorModuleTwin***
After describing the module behavior and structure with an interface, the next step is to implement the module interface. This is effectively the code that will run in the **TypeEdge** module. Here is an implementation example of the above interface:
A <b>TypeEdge</b> module can override any of the virtual methods of the base class ``EdgeModule``. As demonstrated in the above example, the ``RunAsync`` method is used for defining long running loops, typically useful for modules that read sensor values. Another virtual method is ``Configure``, which can be used to read custom module configuration during startup.
public virtual CreationResult Configure(IConfigurationRoot configuration);
public virtual Task<ExecutionResult> RunAsync();
### Module Subscriptions
**TypeEdge** uses the pub/sub pattern for all module I/O, except for the direct methods. This means that a module can subscribe to other module outputs, and publish messages to their inputs. To do this, a reference to the module interface definition is required. **TypeEdge** uses dependency injection to determine the referenced modules.
Below, is the constructor of the second module included in the application template called ``PreprocessorModule``, that references the ``SensorModule`` via its interface.
In this example, the ``PreprocessorModule`` subscribes to ``SensorModule's`` output, called ``Output``, and defines a subscription handler, a delegate in other words that will be called every time the ``SensorModule`` sends a messages through its ``Output ``.
The emulator references the Runtime bits to achieve the emulation. Under the hood, the emulator starts a console application that hosts the Edge Hub and all referenced modules. It will also provision a new Edge device to your designated IoT Hub. This device will contain the complete deployment manifest, ready to be used to an actual device deployment.
**TypeEdge** also accelerates the service application development (cloud side application). The provided template will include a Proxy project, useful for cloud side interaction with the TypeEdge application. The code to call a direct method of a TypeEdge module from the could side is literally one line:
Apparently, to reference the module definition interfaces and to avoid coupling the module implementation code together, these interfaces need to be defined in a separate project that will be commonly shared across the solution, containing only the definition interfaces and the referenced types.