* remove unused declared deps in a few places
* lex sort modules in top level pom
* update maven plugin versions.
* no more jar-with-dependencies
* set ycsb-core to provided in bindings
* introduce a bindings-parent pom that sets
** stage dependency copy on building binding
** iff binding has a README.md, build a binding-specific dist artifact
* update distribution assembly to
** properly build after modules
** use per-binding sets of dependencies
http://tarantool.org and https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool
In "mail.ru" we wrote and widely use Tarantool key-value database.
It's key properties include:
* Defferent index types with iterators:
- HASH (the fastest)
- TREE (range and ordered retreival)
- BITSET (bit mask search)
- RTREE (geo search)
* multipart keys for HASH and TREE indexes
* Data persistence with by Write Ahead Log (WAL) and snapshots.
* asynchronous master-master replication, hot standby.
* coroutines and async. IO are used to implement high-performance lock-free access to data.
- socket-io/file-io with yeilds from lua
* stored procedures in Lua (Using LuaJIT)
* supports plugins written on C/C++ (Have two basic plugins for working with MySQL and PostgreSQL)
* Authentication and access control
Move 'distribution target' to the end (it's needed for .jar to be in the .tar.gz)
* enabling gemfire module and updating to release 7.0.2
* verified that there are no failures while trying to resolve gemfire repo.
* fixed an NPE.
Amending-Author: Sean Busbey <sean.busbey@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Sean Busbey <sean.busbey@gmail.com>
* Need a SNAPSHOT version because non-SNAPSHOT is reserved for actual releases.
* Increment minor version per pre-1.0 guidelines from the Version Numbers guide
* Increment Accumulo Version to 1.6.0
* Fix accumulo dependency versions
- Harmonize guava version for Accumulo.
- Automatically manage slf4j version.
* Clean up depr. code
* Clean up return codes and error logging
* set .gitignore to standard eclipse
* update versions of Accumulo to 1.4.4
* Pin slf4j binding to 1.5.8
Accumulo, Thrift, and YCSB all use different versions of slf4j, causing
runtime issues because everything is bundled together. Pin the version
to something in the middle that seems to work, even if it's not the
latest and greatest version.
This patch comments out the gemfire plugin from the pom.xml as the
build fails with the following message:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project gemfire-binding: Could not
resolve dependencies for project com.yahoo.ycsb:gemfire-binding:jar:0.1.4:
Failure to find com.gemstone.gemfire:gemfire:jar:6.6 in
http://dist.gemstone.com.s3.amazonaws.com/maven/release/ was cached in
the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the
update interval of gemstone has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]