Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark
Version 0.1.2
Home - Core workloads - Tips and FAQ
Core workload package properties
The property files used with the core workload generator can specify values for the following properties:
- fieldcount: the number of fields in a record (default: 10)
- fieldlength: the size of each field (default: 100)
- readallfields: should reads read all fields (true) or just one (false) (default: true)
- readproportion: what proportion of operations should be reads (default: 0.95)
- updateproportion: what proportion of operations should be updates (default: 0.05)
- insertproportion: what proportion of operations should be inserts (default: 0)
- scanproportion: what proportion of operations should be scans (default: 0)
- readmodifywriteproportion: what proportion of operations should be read a record, modify it, write it back (default: 0)
- requestdistribution: what distribution should be used to select the records to operate on - uniform, zipfian or latest (default: uniform)
- maxscanlength: for scans, what is the maximum number of records to scan (default: 1000)
- scanlengthdistribution: for scans, what distribution should be used to choose the number of records to scan, for each scan, between 1 and maxscanlength (default: uniform)
- insertorder: should records be inserted in order by key ("ordered"), or in hashed order ("hashed") (default: hashed)
- fieldnameprefix: string prefix for the field name (default: “field”)
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