Add Authentication and fix vuepress build
Signed-off-by: Sajay Antony <>
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@ -36,9 +36,13 @@ module.exports = {
title: 'Tasks',
collapsible: true,
children: ['/Tasks/container-registry-tasks-overview']
title: 'Authentication',
collapsable: true,
sidebarDepth : 1,
children : ['AAD-OAuth', 'Token-BasicAuth']
@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
type: post
title: "AAD Integration"
# Azure Container Registry integration with Azure Active Directory
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@ -1,491 +0,0 @@
title: ACR task.yaml Reference
description: Reference for ACR task.yaml formatting
services: container-registry
author: stevelas
manager: balans
ms.service: container-registry
ms.topic: article
|||| 08/31/2018
|||| stevelas
# ACR task.yaml Reference
ACR Tasks provide a container centric compute primitive, focused on building and patching containers.
This doc covers the commands and parameter syntax for tasks.yaml.
See [Task Overview](./ for an overview of Tasks and how to execute `task.yaml`
## task.yaml Format
ACR Tasks supports multi-step declaration through standard yaml syntax.
task.yaml supports:
- [Task Properties](#task-properties) which apply to the entire task execution, including [version](#version), [stepTimeout](#steptimeout) and [totalTimeout](#totaltimeout).
- [Task Step Types](#task-step-types) which represent executing a container, [cmd](#cmd), [build](#build) a container and [push](#push)ing to push a newly built or retagged image.
- [Task Step Properties](#task-step-properties) are parameters applicable to each step, such as [startDelay](#startdelay) and [when](#when)
version: # task.yaml format version
stepTimeout: # seconds each step may take
totalTimeout: # total seconds all steps must complete within.]
steps: # collection of executed container capabilities
cmd: # executes a container, using the [ENTRYPOINT] and parameters
startDelay: # properties of the step, with this being the number of seconds to wait before beginning
build: # equivalent to docker build, in a multi-tenant environment
push: # push a newly built image
when: # a means to defined parallel or dependent execution
> Note: **taska.yaml** follows strict yaml formating, including multi-line capabilities like `>` and `|`. If task execution fails, check the validity of the formatting, including nesting and usage of `:` to define each identifier.
# Running Samples
Samples referenced use `az acr run` and assume a default registry is configured.
- Configure a default registry
Assuming your registry is named, run the following
az configure --defaults acr=yourRegistry
> **Note:** As of 9/9/18, `az acr run` is not yet public. Replace `az acr run` with `az acr build`, using the `-f` parameter to reference the `task.yaml` file.
# Task Properties
Tasks have root properties that apply to the entire execution of the Task. Some properties may be overriden in a specific step.
## version:
The version of the task.yaml file, as parsed by the ACR Tasks service.
ACR Tasks will make every reasonable attempt to maintain backwards compatibility. Version values will allow ACR Tasks to adhere to compatibility within a defined version.
> Note: As of Preview 1, the version property is not yet required. However, it's highly recommended to use a specific version to avoid guessing which version the task.yaml file was intended to operate against.
- `1.0-preview-1` - Pre-release, preview 1. As this is the first public version of ACR Tasks, based on feedback, we may make breaking changes. However, this version will be supported with a yet to be determined time frame, as the 1.0 public release is made.
## stepTimeout:
Default Value: 600 seconds (10 minutes)
The maximum number of seconds an individual step has to execute. This property can be overridden by setting the [timeout](#timeout) property on a specific step.
## totalTimeout
The maximum number of seconds all steps must execute within.
# Task Step Types
ACR Tasks supports three step types:
- **[cmd](#cmd)** to run a container as a command, enabling parameters passed to the containers `[ENTRYPOINT]`. `cmd` supports run parameters including ports, volumes and other familiar `docker run` parameters, enabling unit and functional testing with concurrent container execution.
- **[build](#build)** containers using familiar syntax of `docker build`
- **[push](#push)** supports `docker push` of newly built or re-tagged images to a registry, including ACR, Docker hub and other private registries.
## cmd
`cmd` is the basic execution of a container. `cmd` follows the following format:
version: 1.0-preview-1
- [cmd]: [containerImage]:[tag (optional)] [cmdParameters to the image]
Using cmd, `az acr run -f ...` executes the referenced image as a command.
### cmd example: Hello World docker hub image
The most basic hello-world example would be:
az acr run -f hello-world.yaml
This runs a quick build of the hell-world.yaml file which references the [hello-world image on docker hub](
version: 1.0-preview-1
cmd: hello-world
### cmd example: echo hello world
The following **bash-echo.yaml** will instance the [docker hub bash]( image, executing `echo hello world`
az acr run -f bash-echo.yaml
version: 1.0-preview-1
- cmd: bash echo hello world
### cmd version example: versioned bash
To run a specific version, uses the image version specific tags.
The following example executes the [bash:3.0]( image:
az acr run -f bash-echo-3.yaml
version: 1.0-preview-1
- cmd: bash:3.0 echo hello world
### Custom Images
When executing `cmd`, the image reference follows the standard convention for docker run. Images not prefaced with a registry are assumed to originate from The above example could equally be represented as:
version: 1.0-preview-1
- cmd: echo hello world
By using docker run conventions, any image, in any registry, private or public may be referenced in `cmd`. Images referenced in the same registry ACR Task is executing will not require additional credentials.
- Run the bash image from your ACR.
Create a `bash-echo.yaml` file locally.
Replace [yourregistry] with the name of your registry.
version: 1.0-preview-1
- cmd: [yourregistry] echo hello world
Run the following from the same directory as `bash-echo-yaml`
az acr run -f bash-echo.yaml .
- Generalize Registry References
To generalize a task.yaml file for your registry, change specific registry references to use the `.Run.Registry` syntax.
version: 1.0-preview-1
- cmd: {{.Run.Registry}}/bash:3.0 echo hello world
### cmd Properties
Supported cmd properties include:
- [detach: bool (optional)](#detach)
- [entryPoint: string (optional)](#entryPoint)
- [env: [string, string, ...] (optional)](#env)
- [ignoreErrors: bool (optional)](#ignoreErrors)
- [id: string (optional)](#id)
- [keep: bool (optional)](#keep)
- [startDelay: int (in seconds) (optional)](#startDelay)
- [timeout: int (in seconds) (optional)](#timeout)
- [when: [string, string, ...] (optional)](#when)
- [workingDirectory: string (optional)](#workingDirectory)
## build
`build` represents a multi-tenant secure means of running `docker build` as a first-class primitive.
`build:` follows the following syntax:
version: 1.0-preview-1
- [build]: -t [imageName] [context]
[property]: [value]
### `-t` | `--image` (optional)
Defines the fully qualified image:tag of the built image.
As images may be used for inner task validations, such as functional tests, not all images require `push` to a registry. However, to instance an image within a Task execution, the image does need a name to reference.
Unlike `az acr build`, running ACR Tasks does not provide default push behavior. With ACR Tasks, the default scenario assumes the ability to build, validate, then push an image. See [push](#push) for how to optionally push built images.
### `-f` | `--file` (optional)
References the Dockerfile passed to `docker build`. If not specified, the default Dockerfile will be searched within the root of the context. To specify an alternative Dockerfile, pass the filename, in reference to the context.
### context
The root directory passed to `docker build`. The root directory of each task is set to a shared [workingDirectory](#workingDirectory). This includes the root of the associated git cloned directory.
### build example: Building an image from the root
To build a hello world image:
az acr run -f build-hello-world.yaml
version: 1.0-preview-1
- build: -t {{.Run.Registry}}/hello-world -f hello-world.dockerfile .
### build example: Building an image form a sub directory
version: 1.0-preview-1
- build: -t {{.Run.Registry}}/hello-world -f hello-world.dockerfile ./subDirectory
### Build Properties
Supported build properties include:
- [detach: bool (optional)](#detach)
- [entryPoint: string (optional)](#entryPoint)
- [env: [string, string, ...] (optional)](#env)
- [id: string (optional)](#id)
- [ignoreErrors: bool (optional)](#ignoreErrors)
- [keep: bool (optional)](#keep)
- [startDelay: int (in seconds) (optional)](#startDelay)
- [timeout: int (in seconds) (optional)](#timeout)
- [when: [string, string, ...] (optional)](#when)
- [workingDirectory: string (optional)](#workingDirectory)
## push
Push one more more newly built, or re-tagged images to a specified registry.
Push supports a collection of images. .yaml collection syntax supports inline and nested syntax:
When pushing a single image, inline may be more productive:
version: 1.0-preview-1
- push: ["{{.Run.Registry}}/hello-world:{{.Run.ID}}"]
When pushing a collection, inline may cause line wrapping, where the collection syntax is more readable.
version: 1.0-preview-1
- push: ["{{.Run.Registry}}/hello-world:{{.Run.ID}}", "{{.Run.Registry}}/hello-world:latest"]
- push:
- {{.Run.Registry}}/hello-world:{{.Run.ID}}
- {{.Run.Registry}}/hello-world:latest
az acr run -f build-push-hello-world.yaml
version: 1.0-preview-1
- build: -t {{.Run.Registry}}/hello-world:{{.Run.ID}} -f hello-world.dockerfile .
- push:
- {{.Run.Registry}}/hello-world:{{.Run.ID}}
- {{.Run.Registry}}/hello-world:latest
### push Properties
Supported push properties include:
- [env: [string, string, ...] (optional)](#env)
- [id: string (optional)](#id)
- [ignoreErrors: bool (optional)](#ignoreErrors)
- [startDelay: int (in seconds) (optional)](#startDelay)
- [timeout: int (in seconds) (optional)](#timeout)
- [when: [string, string, ...] (optional)](#when)
### Build, Push, Run hello-world
To build and run hello-world:
az acr run -f build-run-hello-world.yaml
version: 1.0-preview-1
- build: -t {{.Run.Registry}}/hello-world:{{.Run.ID}} -f hello-world.dockerfile .
- push: ["{{.Run.Registry}}/hello-world:{{.Run.ID}}"]
- cmd: {{.Run.Registry}}/hello-world:{{.Run.ID}}
# Task Step Properties
Each step type supports a collection of relevant step properties. See [cmd](#cmd), [build](#build), [push](#push) step reference for which properties apply.
## detach:
`detach` determines whether or not the container should be detached when running.
## entryPoint:
`entryPoint` overrides the entry point of a step's container.
## env:
`env` is a list of strings in `key=val` format which define environment variables for a step.
## id:
The `id` property is a unique identifier to reference the step throughout the task.
The id is also used as a DNS host name, when referencing images currently running.
### id: Example
Build two images, instancing a functional test image
az acr run -f when-parallel-dependent.yaml
version: 1.0-preview-1
# build website and func-test images, concurrently
- id: build-hello-world
build: -t {{.Run.Registry}}/hello-world:{{.Run.ID}} .
when: ["-"]
- id: build-hello-world-test
build: -t hello-world-test .
when: ["-"]
# run built images to be tested
- id: hello-world
cmd: {{.Run.Registry}}/hello-world:{{.Run.ID}}
when: ["build-hello-world"]
- id: func-tests
cmd: hello-world-func-test
env: TEST_TARGET_URL=hello-world
when: ["hello-world"]
## ignoreErrors:
If `ignoreErrors` is set to `true`, the step will be marked as complete regardless of whether or not an error occurred during its execution. Defaults to false.
## keep:
`keep` determines whether or not the step's container should be kept after execution.
## startDelay:
`startDelay:` The number of seconds used to delay a step's execution.
## timeout:
`timeout:` The maximum number of seconds for a step may execute before termination.
## when:
`when` is used to control a steps dependency on other steps.
`when` supports two parameter values:
- **`when: ["-"]`** - indicates no dependency. A step with `when: ["-"]` will begin execution immediately.
- **`when: ["id1", "id2"]`** - indicates the step is dependent upon steps with `id: id1` and `id: id2`.
If `when:` isn't provided, the step is dependent on the previous step in the yaml file.
### when example: Sequential execution without declaring `"-"`
az acr run -f when-sequential-default.yaml
version: 1.0-preview-1
- cmd: bash echo one
- cmd: bash echo two
- cmd: bash echo three
### when example: Sequential execution, referencing step id's
az acr run -f when-sequential-id.yaml
version: 1.0-preview-1
- id: step1
cmd: bash echo one
- id: step2
cmd: bash echo two
when: ["step1"]
- id: step3
cmd: bash echo three
when: ["step2"]
### when example: Parallel Builds
az acr run -f when-parallel.yaml
version: 1.0-preview-1
# build website and func-test images, concurrently
- id: build-hello-world
build: -t {{.Run.Registry}}/hello-world:{{.Run.ID}} .
when: ["-"]
- id: build-hello-world-test
build: -t hello-world-test .
when: ["-"]
### when example: Parallel Builds, with Dependent Testing
az acr run -f when-parallel-dependent.yaml
version: 1.0-preview-1
# build website and func-test images, concurrently
- id: build-hello-world
build: -t {{.Run.Registry}}/hello-world:{{.Run.ID}} .
when: ["-"]
- id: build-hello-world-test
build: -t hello-world-test .
when: ["-"]
# run built images to be tested
- id: hello-world
cmd: {{.Run.Registry}}/hello-world:{{.Run.ID}}
when: ["build-hello-world"]
- id: func-tests
cmd: hello-world-func-test
env: TEST_TARGET_URL=hello-world
when: ["hello-world"]
# push hello-world if func-tests are successful
- push: ["{{.Run.Registry}}/hello-world:{{.Run.ID}}"]
when: ["func-tests"]
## workingDirectory
`workingDirectory:` can be used to set a working directory when executing a step. By default, Azure Container Builder will produce a default root directory as the working directory. However, if your build has more than one step, you can share the artifacts created from previous steps.
# Run Properties
ACR Tasks supports a set of default properties.
The following variables can be accessed using `{{.Run.VariableName}}`, where `VariableName` equals one of the following:
## Run.ID
Each Run, through `az acr run`, or trigger based execution of tasks created through `az acr task create` have a unique ID. The ID represents the Run currently being executed.
### Run.ID Example
Typically used for a uniquely tagging an image:
version: 1.0-preview-1
- build: -t {{.Run.Registry}}/hello-world:{{.Run.ID}} .
## Run.Registry
The fully qualified login name of the registry.
### Run.Registry Example
Typically used to generically reference the registry where the task is being run.
version: 1.0-preview-1
- build: -t {{.Run.Registry}}/hello-world:{{.Run.ID}} .
## Run.Date
The current UTC date time the run began.
## Run.SharedContextDirectory
The name of the shared volume being used across steps.
To learn more about ACR Tasks, drill into the following topics:
* [ACR Task Overview](./
* [ACR Task Walkthrough](./
> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
* TBD:
@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
type: post
title: "Token with Basic Auth"
# Azure Container Registry's support of getting Bearer token using Basic Authentication
The Azure Container Registry supports both Basic Authentication and OAuth2 for getting a registry Bearer token. This document describes how to get a Bearer token using Basic Authentication. To get the token using OAuth2, please refer to the [AAD-OAuth doc](
## Token API
## Using the token API
ACR has implemented the GET method on the token endpoint for user to retrieve a Bearer token using Basic Authentication:
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ tags: [developers, teleport]
date: 2019-11-01 17:00:00
# Azure Container Registry Adds Teleportation
@ -18,8 +17,6 @@ Instancing a custom environment within seconds is one of the many wonders of run
## Teleportation Performance
### TEst
The following table represents initial performance metrics across different image sizes. The amount of time to teleport an image has less to do with the size of the image, but rather the number of layers that must be mounted. This is an area of performance we’ll continue to focus upon.
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