TARGETS = darwin/amd64 linux/amd64 windows/amd64 DIST_DIRS = find * -type d -exec .NOTPARALLEL: .PHONY: bootstrap build test test_fmt validate-copyright-headers fmt lint ci ifdef DEBUG GOFLAGS := -gcflags="-N -l" else GOFLAGS := endif # go option GO ?= go TAGS := LDFLAGS := BINDIR := $(CURDIR)/bin PROJECT := aks-engine VERSION ?= $(shell git rev-parse HEAD) VERSION_SHORT ?= $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD) GITTAG := $(shell git describe --exact-match --tags $(shell git log -n1 --pretty='%h') 2> /dev/null) ifeq ($(GITTAG),) GITTAG := $(VERSION_SHORT) endif DEV_ENV_IMAGE := DEV_ENV_WORK_DIR := /aks-engine DEV_ENV_OPTS := --rm -v $(GOPATH)/pkg/mod:/go/pkg/mod -v $(CURDIR):$(DEV_ENV_WORK_DIR) -w $(DEV_ENV_WORK_DIR) $(DEV_ENV_VARS) DEV_ENV_CMD := docker run $(DEV_ENV_OPTS) $(DEV_ENV_IMAGE) DEV_ENV_CMD_IT := docker run -it $(DEV_ENV_OPTS) $(DEV_ENV_IMAGE) DEV_CMD_RUN := docker run $(DEV_ENV_OPTS) ifdef DEBUG LDFLAGS := -X main.version=$(VERSION) else LDFLAGS := -s -X main.version=$(VERSION) endif BINARY_DEST_DIR ?= bin ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) EXTENSION = .exe SHELL = cmd.exe CHECK = where.exe else EXTENSION = SHELL = bash CHECK = which endif # Active module mode, as we use go modules to manage dependencies export GO111MODULE=on all: build .PHONY: dev dev: $(DEV_ENV_CMD_IT) bash .PHONY: validate-dependencies validate-dependencies: bootstrap @./scripts/ .PHONY: validate-copyright-headers validate-copyright-headers: @./scripts/ .PHONY: validate-go validate-go: @./scripts/ .PHONY: validate-shell validate-shell: @./scripts/ .PHONY: generate generate: bootstrap go generate $(GOFLAGS) -v ./... > /dev/null 2>&1 .PHONY: generate-azure-constants generate-azure-constants: python pkg/helpers/ .PHONY: build build: generate go-build .PHONY: go-build go-build: $(GO) build -mod=vendor $(GOFLAGS) -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS)' -o $(BINDIR)/$(PROJECT)$(EXTENSION) $(REPO_PATH) .PHONY: tidy tidy: $(GO) mod tidy .PHONY: vendor vendor: tidy $(GO) mod vendor build-binary: generate go build $(GOFLAGS) -v -ldflags "$(LDFLAGS)" -o $(BINARY_DEST_DIR)/aks-engine . # usage: make clean build-cross dist VERSION=v0.4.0 .PHONY: build-cross build-cross: build build-cross: LDFLAGS += -extldflags "-static" build-cross: CGO_ENABLED=0 gox -output="_dist/aks-engine-$(GITTAG)-{{.OS}}-{{.Arch}}/{{.Dir}}" -osarch='$(TARGETS)' $(GOFLAGS) -tags '$(TAGS)' -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS)' .PHONY: build-windows-k8s build-windows-k8s: ./scripts/ -v $(K8S_VERSION) -p $(PATCH_VERSION) .PHONY: build-azs-windows-k8s build-azs-windows-k8s: ./scripts/ -v $(K8S_VERSION) -p $(PATCH_VERSION) -a $(BUILD_AZURE_STACK) .PHONY: dist dist: build-cross compress-binaries ( \ cd _dist && \ $(DIST_DIRS) cp ../LICENSE {} \; && \ $(DIST_DIRS) cp ../ {} \; && \ $(DIST_DIRS) tar -zcf {}.tar.gz {} \; && \ $(DIST_DIRS) zip -r {}.zip {} \; \ ) .PHONY: compress-binaries compress-binaries: @which upx || (echo "Please install the upx executable packer tool. See" && exit 1) find _dist -type f \( -name "aks-engine" -o -name "aks-engine.exe" \) -exec upx -9 {} + .PHONY: checksum checksum: for f in _dist/*.{gz,zip} ; do \ shasum -a 256 "$${f}" | awk '{print $$1}' > "$${f}.sha256" ; \ done .PHONY: build-container build-container: docker build --no-cache --build-arg BUILD_DATE=`date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"` \ --build-arg AKSENGINE_VERSION="$(VERSION)" -t microsoft/aks-engine:$(VERSION) \ --file ./releases/Dockerfile.linux ./releases || \ echo 'This target works only for published releases. For example, "VERSION=0.32.0 make build-container".' .PHONY: clean clean: @rm -rf $(BINDIR) ./_dist ./pkg/helpers/unit_tests GIT_BASEDIR = $(shell git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null) ifneq ($(GIT_BASEDIR),) LDFLAGS += -X$(GIT_BASEDIR)/test/junit endif ginkgoBuild: generate ginkgo build test/e2e/kubernetes test: generate ginkgoBuild ginkgo -skipPackage test/e2e/kubernetes -failFast -r . .PHONY: test-style test-style: validate-go validate-shell validate-copyright-headers .PHONY: ensure-generated ensure-generated: @echo "==> Checking generated files <==" @scripts/ .PHONY: test-e2e test-e2e: @test/ HAS_GOX := $(shell $(CHECK) gox) HAS_GIT := $(shell $(CHECK) git) HAS_GOLANGCI ?= $(shell $(CHECK) golangci-lint) HAS_GINKGO := $(shell $(CHECK) ginkgo) .PHONY: bootstrap bootstrap: ifndef HAS_GOX go get -u endif go get ifndef HAS_GIT $(error You must install Git) endif ifndef HAS_GOLANGCI curl -sfL | sh -s -- -b $(GOPATH)/bin endif ifndef HAS_GINKGO go get -u endif ci: bootstrap test-style build test lint ./scripts/ --coveralls .PHONY: coverage coverage: @scripts/ --codecov include include include