
186 строки
5.8 KiB

import groovy.json.*
defaultEnv = [
] + params
def k8sVersions = ["1.21", "1.22", "1.23", "1.24"]
def latestReleasedVersion = "1.24"
def tasks = [:]
def testConfigs = []
def tasksForUpgradeJob(jobCfg, aksEngineVersions, jobName, version) {
def jobsByName = [:]
def t = [:]
def versions = aksEngineVersions.orchestrators.findAll {
if(!versions) {
println("no versions starting with ${version}, so return an empty job map")
return t
def latestVersion = versions.last()
if(!latestVersion.upgrades) {
println("no versions to upgrade for ${version}, so return an empty job map")
return t
def upgradeVersion = latestVersion.upgrades.last().orchestratorVersion
jobCfg.env["UPGRADE_VERSIONS"] = upgradeVersion
jobName = "${jobName}/upgrade/${upgradeVersion}"
t[jobName] = runJobWithEnvironment(jobCfg, jobName, version)
return t
def taskForCreateJob(jobCfg, jobName, version) {
def t = [:]
t[jobName] = runJobWithEnvironment(jobCfg, jobName, version)
return t
def runJobWithEnvironment(jobCfg, jobName, version) {
def jobSpecificEnv = defaultEnv + jobCfg.env
def opts = jobCfg.options
return {
node {
ws("${env.JOB_NAME}-${jobName}") {
stage(jobName) {
sh("sudo rm -rf ./bin ./_output ./_logs")
checkout scm
dir('./bin') {
unstash(name: 'aks-engine-bin')
// set environment variables needed for the test script
def envVars = [
API_MODEL_INPUT: "${JsonOutput.toJson(jobCfg.apiModel)}",
ADD_NODE_POOL_INPUT: "${JsonOutput.toJson(jobCfg.addNodePool)}",
] + jobSpecificEnv
withEnv(envVars.collect{ k, v -> "${k}=${v}" }) {
// define any sensitive data needed for the test script
def creds = [
withCredentials(creds) {
echo "Running tests for: ${jobName}"
try {
sh "./test/e2e/cluster.sh"
} finally {
sh "./test/e2e/jenkins_reown.sh"
archiveArtifacts(artifacts: '_output/**/*', allowEmptyArchive: true)
archiveArtifacts(artifacts: '_logs/**/*', allowEmptyArchive: true)
stage ("build binary") {
node {
sh("sudo rm -rf ./*")
checkout scm
echo "building binary for test runs"
try {
sh "./test/e2e/build.sh"
} finally {
sh "./test/e2e/jenkins_reown.sh"
dir('./bin') {
stash(includes: 'aks-engine', name: 'aks-engine-bin')
archiveArtifacts(artifacts: 'bin/**/*')
stage ("discover tests") {
node {
sh("sudo rm -rf ./*")
checkout scm
dir('./bin') {
unstash(name: 'aks-engine-bin')
def aksEngineAllVersions = readJSON(text: sh(script: "bin/aks-engine get-versions -o json", returnStdout: true))
testConfigs = findFiles(glob: '**/test/e2e/test_cluster_configs/**/*.json')
testConfigs.each { cfgFile ->
def jobCfg = readJSON(file: cfgFile.path)
if(!jobCfg.env) {
jobCfg.env = [:] // ensure env exists
k8sVersions.each { version ->
def jobName = cfgFile.path[cfgFile.path.indexOf("test_cluster_configs/") + 21..-6] // remove leader and trailing .json
jobName = "v${version}/${jobName}"
if(params.INCLUDE_JOB_REGEX.trim() && !(jobName ==~ ~/${params.INCLUDE_JOB_REGEX}/)){
// the job is focused, so only run jobs matching the regex
echo("This run is limited to jobs matching ${params.INCLUDE_JOB_REGEX}; not running ${jobName}")
return // this is a continue and will not exit the entire iteration
if(params.EXCLUDE_JOB_REGEX.trim() && (jobName ==~ ~/${params.EXCLUDE_JOB_REGEX}/)){
// the job is focused, so only run jobs matching the regex
echo("This run excludes jobs matching ${params.EXCLUDE_JOB_REGEX}; not running ${jobName}")
return // this is a continue and will not exit the entire iteration
// run the job if:
// allowedOrchestratorVersions is not set OR
// allowedOrchestratorVersions contains version being processed OR
// (version being process equals latestReleasedVersion AND allowedOrchestratorVersions contains "latestReleasedVersion")
def allowedVersions = jobCfg.options?.allowedOrchestratorVersions
def isVersionAllowed = allowedVersions == null ? true : version in allowedVersions
isVersionAllowed |= version == latestReleasedVersion && allowedVersions && "latestReleasedVersion" in allowedVersions
if(!isVersionAllowed) {
// the job config has limited this job to not run for this verion of the orchestrator
echo("${jobName} is limited to ${jobCfg.options?.allowedOrchestratorVersions}; not running for ${version}")
return // this is a continue and will not exit the entire iteration
} else {
echo("${jobName} is limted to '${jobCfg.options?.allowedOrchestratorVersions}'; running for ${version}")
if(params.UPGRADE_CLUSTER || jobCfg.env["UPGRADE_CLUSTER"]) {
// we are upgrading, so we need to determine the next logical version to upgrade
tasks = tasks + tasksForUpgradeJob(jobCfg, aksEngineAllVersions, jobName, version)
} else {
// not a upgrade job, just run the config and version
tasks = tasks + taskForCreateJob(jobCfg, jobName, version)
stage ("AKS Engine E2E Tests") {
throttle(['k8s-matrix']) {
parallel tasks