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Исходник Обычный вид История

function Get-HnsPsm1
$HnsUrl = "https://github.com/Microsoft/SDN/raw/master/Kubernetes/windows/hns.psm1",
DownloadFileOverHttp -Url $HnsUrl -DestinationPath "$HNSModule"
function Update-WinCNI
$WinCniUrl = "https://github.com/Microsoft/SDN/raw/master/Kubernetes/flannel/l2bridge/cni/win-bridge.exe",
$wincni = "win-bridge.exe"
$wincniFile = [Io.path]::Combine($CNIPath, $wincni)
DownloadFileOverHttp -Url $WinCniUrl -DestinationPath $wincniFile
function Get-DefaultGateway($CIDR) {
return $CIDR.substring(0, $CIDR.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".1"
function Get-PodCIDR() {
$podCIDR = c:\k\kubectl.exe --kubeconfig=c:\k\config get nodes/$($env:computername.ToLower()) -o custom-columns=podCidr:.spec.podCIDR --no-headers
return $podCIDR
function Test-PodCIDR($podCIDR) {
return $podCIDR.length -gt 0
function Write-WinCNIConfig {
[string] $cniConfigPath,
[string] $networkMode,
[string] $kubeDnsServiceIp,
[string] $kubeDnsSearchPath,
[string] $kubeClusterCIDR,
[string] $masterSubnet,
[string] $kubeServiceCIDR
Write-Log "Writing CNI config for kubenet"
$jsonSampleConfig =
""cniVersion"": ""0.2.0"",
""name"": ""<NetworkMode>"",
""type"": ""win-bridge"",
""master"": ""Ethernet"",
""dns"" : {
""Nameservers"" : [ ""<NameServers>"" ],
""Search"" : [ ""<Cluster DNS Suffix or Search Path>"" ]
""policies"": [
""Name"" : ""EndpointPolicy"", ""Value"" : { ""Type"" : ""OutBoundNAT"", ""ExceptionList"": [ ""<ClusterCIDR>"", ""<MgmtSubnet>"" ] }
""Name"" : ""EndpointPolicy"", ""Value"" : { ""Type"" : ""ROUTE"", ""DestinationPrefix"": ""<ServiceCIDR>"", ""NeedEncap"" : true }
$configJson = ConvertFrom-Json $jsonSampleConfig
$configJson.name = $networkMode.ToLower()
$configJson.dns.Nameservers[0] = $kubeDnsServiceIp
$configJson.dns.Search[0] = $kubeDnsSearchPath
$configJson.policies[0].Value.ExceptionList[0] = $kubeClusterCIDR
$configJson.policies[0].Value.ExceptionList[1] = $masterSubnet
$configJson.policies[1].Value.DestinationPrefix = $kubeServiceCIDR
if (Test-Path $cniConfigPath) {
Clear-Content -Path $cniConfigPath
Write-Log "Generated CNI Config [$configJson]"
Add-Content -Path $cniConfigPath -Value (ConvertTo-Json $configJson -Depth 20)
function Get-PodCIDRForNode {
[string[]] $kubeletArgList
Write-Log "Attempting to get pod CIDR"
$podCIDR = Get-PodCIDR
$podCidrDiscovered = Test-PodCIDR($podCIDR)
Write-Log "Staring kubelet with args: $kubeletArgList"
# if the podCIDR has not yet been assigned to this node, start the kubelet process to get the podCIDR, and then promptly kill it.
if (-not $podCidrDiscovered) {
Write-Log "Staring kubelet with args: $kubeletArgList"
$process = Start-Process -FilePath c:\k\kubelet.exe -PassThru -ArgumentList $kubeletArgList
# run kubelet until podCidr is discovered
Write-Log "waiting to discover pod CIDR"
while (-not $podCidrDiscovered) {
Write-Log "Sleeping for 10s, and then waiting to discover pod CIDR"
Start-Sleep 10
$podCIDR = Get-PodCIDR
$podCidrDiscovered = Test-PodCIDR($podCIDR)
# stop the kubelet process now that we have our CIDR, discard the process output
$process | Stop-Process | Out-Null
Write-Log "Pod CIDR: $podCIDR"
return $podCIDR