зеркало из https://github.com/Azure/aks-engine.git
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Once your DC/OS cluster has deployed you will have a resource group containing:
1. a set of 1,3, or 5 masters in a master specific availability set. Each master's SSH can be accessed via the public dns address at ports 2200..2204
2. a set of public agents in an Virtual Machine Scale Set (VMSS). The agent VMs can be accessed through a master. See [agent forwarding](SSHKeyManagement.md#key-management-and-agent-forwarding-with-windows-pageant) for an example of how to do this.
2. a set of public agents in an Virtual Machine Scale Set (VMSS). The agent VMs can be accessed through a master. See [agent forwarding](ssh.md#key-management-and-agent-forwarding-with-windows-pageant) for an example of how to do this.
3. a set of private agents in an Virtual Machine Scale Set (VMSS).
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ This walk through is inspired by the wonderful digital ocean tutorial: https://w
5. now you can copy the output FQDNs and sample SSH commands
![Image of docker scaling](images/findingoutputs.png)
2. Create an [SSH tunnel to port 80](SSHKeyManagement.md#create-port-80-tunnel-to-the-master) on the master FQDN.
2. Create an [SSH tunnel to port 80](ssh.md#create-port-80-tunnel-to-the-master) on the master FQDN.
3. browse to the DC/OS UI <http://localhost/>. This displays the main DC/OS dashboard:
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Once your Kubernetes cluster has been created you will have a resource group con
1. 1 master accessible by SSH on port 22 or kubectl on port 443
2. a set of nodes in an availability set. The nodes can be accessed through a master. See [agent forwarding](SSHKeyManagement.md#key-management-and-agent-forwarding-with-windows-pageant) for an example of how to do this.
2. a set of nodes in an availability set. The nodes can be accessed through a master. See [agent forwarding](ssh.md#key-management-and-agent-forwarding-with-windows-pageant) for an example of how to do this.
The following image shows the architecture of a container service cluster with 1 master, and 2 agents:
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ After completing this walkthrough you will know how to:
* [Linux](https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/v1.4.5/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl)
9. The Kubernetes master contains the kube config file for remote access under the home directory ~/.kube/config. Download this file to your machine, set the KUBECONFIG environment variable, and run kubectl to verify you can connect to cluster:
* Windows to use pscp from [putty](http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html). Ensure you have your certificate exposed through [pageant](SSHKeyManagement.md#key-management-and-agent-forwarding-with-windows-pageant):
* Windows to use pscp from [putty](http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html). Ensure you have your certificate exposed through [pageant](ssh.md#key-management-and-agent-forwarding-with-windows-pageant):
# MASTERFQDN is obtained in step1
pscp azureuser@MASTERFQDN:.kube/config .
@ -25,8 +25,14 @@ There are several ways to create a Service Principal in Azure Active Directory:
az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/${SUBSCRIPTION_ID}"
This will output your `client_id` and `client_secret` (`password`).
This will output your `client_id`, `client_secret` (password), `sp_name`, and `tenant`. The `sp_name` or `client_id` may be used for the `servicePrincipalProfile.servicePrincipalClientId` and the `client_secret` is used for `servicePrincipalProfile.servicePrincipalClientSecret`.
Confirm your service principal by opening a new shell and run the following commands substituting in `sp_name`, `client_secret`, and `tenant`:
az login --service-principal -u SPNAME -p CLIENTSECRET --tenant TENANT
az vm list-sizes --location westus
* **With the legacy [Azure XPlat CLI](https://github.com/Azure/azure-xplat-cli)**
@ -16,27 +16,27 @@ Pageant enables agent forwarding. This means that you can SSH from any of the m
1. Download and install [Putty Pageant](http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html).
2. Double Click on pageant.exe to run, and you will notice it appears in your tray
![Image of Pageant in the tray](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-acs-mesos/images/pageant-tray.png)
![Image of Pageant in the tray](images/pageant-tray.png)
3. Right click on Pageant in the tray and click "View Keys"
4. Click "Add Key", and add your PPK generated in (#ssh-key-generation).
![Image of Pageant addkey](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-acs-mesos/images/pageant-addkey.png)
![Image of Pageant addkey](images/pageant-addkey.png)
5. Now try out the configuration by opening up Putty.exe
6. Type in "azureuser@FQDN" and port 2200 where FQDN is the management name returned after deploying a cluster and port:
![Image of Putty main](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-acs-mesos/images/putty-address.png)
![Image of Putty main](images/putty-address.png)
7. Browse to Connection->SSH->Auth and click "Allow agent forwarding":
![Image of Putty SSH](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-acs-mesos/images/putty-agentforwarding.png)
![Image of Putty SSH](images/putty-agentforwarding.png)
8. Click "Open" to connect to the master. Now ssh directly to an agent, and you will connect automatically.
# Create Port 80 tunnel to the Master
The Mesos admin router requires an SSH tunnel from port 80 to port 80.
The DC/OS admin router requires an SSH tunnel from port 80 to port 80.
1. Verify you have nothing listening on port 80:
1. on linux or Mac type `sudo netstat -anpe | grep ":80"` and stop any service or process listening on port 80
@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ The Mesos admin router requires an SSH tunnel from port 80 to port 80.
3. then click on "Succeeded" under *last deployment*
4. then click on the "Microsoft.Template"
5. now you can copy the output of "sshMaster0"
![Image of docker scaling](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-acs-swarm/images/findingoutputs.png)
![Image of docker scaling](images/findingoutputs.png)
2. SSH to the machine
1. on linux or Mac, modify the ssh command from "sshMaster0", and add `-L 80:localhost:80`, then use that command to connect
2. on Windows, open Putty and in addition to the instructions from [agent forwarding](#key-management-and-agent-forwarding-with-windows-pageant), browse to Connection->SSH->Tunnel and add "80" to Source Port and "localhost:80" to Destination.
![Image of putty port 80](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-acs-mesos/images/putty-port80tunnel.png)
![Image of putty port 80](images/putty-port80tunnel.png)
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Once your Swarm cluster has been deployed you will have a resource group contain
1. a set of 1,3, or 5 masters in a master availability set. Each master's SSH can be accessed via the public dns address at ports 2200..2204
2. a set of agents in a VM scale set (VMSS). The agent VMs can be accessed through a master. See [agent forwarding](SSHKeyManagement.md#key-management-and-agent-forwarding-with-windows-pageant) for an example of how to do this.
2. a set of agents in a VM scale set (VMSS). The agent VMs can be accessed through a master. See [agent forwarding](ssh.md#key-management-and-agent-forwarding-with-windows-pageant) for an example of how to do this.
The following image shows the architecture of a container service cluster with 3 masters, and 3 agents:
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ After completing this walkthrough you will know how to:
![Image of docker scaling](images/findingoutputs.png)
3. SSH to port 2200 of the master FQDN. See [agent forwarding](SSHKeyManagement.md#key-management-and-agent-forwarding-with-windows-pageant) for an example of how to do this.
3. SSH to port 2200 of the master FQDN. See [agent forwarding](ssh.md#key-management-and-agent-forwarding-with-windows-pageant) for an example of how to do this.
4. Set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable to `:2375`: e.g. ```export DOCKER_HOST=:2375```
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