* support for CoreOS on master and agent nodes
* updated coreos customdata files to support acsengine updates (with etcd3 support) and added check for distros on agents
* fix typo
* set master profile distro
* fixed k8s custom script for handling multiple os logic
* fix formatting issue
* updated documentation
* fix duplicate literal, updated docs
* update custom coreos data to reflect changes in main custom data
* merged coreos customdata files into main customdata files, masterprofile now defines agents distro OS if defined
* add linux distro support for agents by enumerating image offer per agent pool
* update ubuntu default image for agents
* ensure agent and master custom data is properly checking the correct profile, updates to docs
* updated ubuntu image for agentparams
* moved examples files, added to E2E
* errata
Removed Mesos from the metadata:description of the count parameter. This would be confusing as these parameters are the same for all orchestrator engine templates.