name: "Azure Machine Learning Run Action" description: "Submit a run to an Azure Machine Learning Workspace with this GitHub Action" author: "azure/gh-aml" inputs: azure_credentials: description: "Paste output of `az ad sp create-for-rbac --name --role contributor --scopes /subscriptions//resourceGroups/ --sdk-auth` as value of secret variable: AZURE_CREDENTIALS" required: true parameters_file: description: "JSON file including the parameters of the run." required: true default: "run.json" outputs: experiment_name: description: "Name of the experiment of the run" run_id: description: "ID of the run" run_url: description: "URL to the run in the Azure Machine Learning Studio" run_metrics: description: "Metrics of the run (will only be provided if wait_for_completion is set to True)" run_metrics_markdown: description: "Metrics of the run formatted as markdown table (will only be provided if wait_for_completion is set to True)" published_pipeline_id: description: "Id of the publised pipeline (will only be provided if you submitted a pipeline and pipeline_publish is set to True)" published_pipeline_status: description: "Status of the publised pipeline (will only be provided if you submitted a pipeline and pipeline_publish is set to True)" published_pipeline_endpoint: description: "Endpoint of the publised pipeline (will only be provided if you submitted a pipeline and pipeline_publish is set to True)" artifact_path: description: "Path of downloaded artifacts and logs from Azure Machine Learning (pipeline) run (will only be provided if wait_for_completion and download_artifacts is set to True)" branding: icon: "chevron-up" color: "blue" runs: using: "docker" image: "Dockerfile"