29 строки
955 B
29 строки
955 B
// This script wraps logic in @azure-tools/extension to resolve
// the path to Python 3 so that a Python script file can be run
// from an npm script in package.json. It uses the same Python 3
// path resolution algorithm as AutoRest so that the behavior
// is fully consistent (and also supports AUTOREST_PYTHON_EXE).
// Invoke it like so: "node run-python3.js script.py"
const cp = require("child_process");
const extension = require("@azure-tools/extension");
async function runPython3(scriptName) {
const command = ["python"];
await extension.updatePythonPath(command);
cp.execSync(command[0] + " " + scriptName, {
stdio: [0, 1, 2]
runPython3(process.argv[2]).catch(err => {
const error = err.toString();
// Python script errors are already written out via stderr so don't
// write them twice. Write out all other errors to stderr.
if (!error.startsWith("Error: Command failed")) {