through = require 'through2' util = require 'util' # place an object into global namespace global['Import'] = (object) -> for key, value of object global[key] = value Import # require into the global namespace (modulename = module) Install: (modulename, module) -> global[modulename] = require module or modulename # require a gulp-Plugin into the global namespace Plugin: () -> Install module,"gulp-#{module}" for module in arguments # require a module, placing exports into global namespace Include: () -> Import require module for module in arguments Tasks: () -> require "#{__dirname}/#{module}" for module in arguments ############################################### # force-global a bunch of stuff. require 'shelljs/global' Install 'marked' Install 'vinyl' Install 'os' Install 'path' Install 'fs' Install 'gulp' Install 'util' Install 'moment' Install 'chalk' Install 'yargs' Install 'semver' Install 'eol', 'gulp-line-ending-corrector' Install 'through', 'through2-parallel' Install 'run', 'run-sequence' # do a bit of monkeypatching _gulpStart = gulp.Gulp::start _runTask = gulp.Gulp::_runTask gulp.Gulp::start = (taskName) -> @currentStartTaskName = taskName _gulpStart.apply this, arguments return gulp.Gulp::_runTask = (task) -> @currentRunTaskName = _runTask.apply this, arguments return # echo 'this.currentStartTaskName: ' + this.currentStartTaskName # echo 'this.currentRunTaskName: ' + this.currentRunTaskName # bring some gulp-Plugins along # Plugin 'filter', # 'zip' #'unzip' #'rename' # force this into global namespace global['argv'] = yargs.argv fs = require('fs') path = require('path') concurrency = 0 queue = [] global.completed = [] vfs = require('vinyl-fs'); module.exports = # lets us just handle each item in a stream easily. foreach: (delegate) -> through.obj { concurrency: threshold }, ( each, enc, done ) -> delegate each, done, this count: (result,passthru) => foreach (each,done) => result++ done null hashCode: (s) -> (s.split('').reduce ((a, b) -> a = (a << 5) - a + b.charCodeAt(0) a & a ), 0 ) .toString(16) toArray: (result,passthru) => foreach (each,done) => result.push(each) if passthru done null, each else done null showFiles: () -> foreach (each,done) -> echo info each.path done null, each onlyFiles: () -> foreach (each,done) -> return done null, each if fs.statSync(each.path).isFile() done null source: (globs, options ) -> options = options or { } options.follow = true vfs.src( globs, options) watchFiles: (src,tasks) -> return src,tasks) destination: (globs, options ) -> gulp.dest( globs, options) later: (fn) -> setTimeout fn, 10 mklink: (link,target) -> # unlink link if ! test "-d", link fs.symlinkSync target, link, "junction" unlink: (link) -> if test "-d", link fs.unlinkSync link erase: (file) -> if test "-f", file fs.unlinkSync file task: (name, description, deps, fn) -> throw "Invalid task name " if typeof name isnt 'string' throw "Invalid task description #{name} " if typeof description isnt 'string' if typeof deps == 'function' fn = deps deps = [] # chain the task if it's a repeat if name of gulp.tasks prev = gulp.tasks[name] # reset the name of this task to be a 'child'' task name = "#{name}/#{description}" description = '' # add this task as a dependency of the original task. prev.dep.unshift name # add the new task. # gulp.task name, deps, fn skip = (name.startsWith "init") or (name.startsWith "npm-install") or (name.startsWith "clean") or (name is "copy-dts-files") or (name.startsWith "nuke") or (name.startsWith "reset") or (name.startsWith "autorest") or description.endsWith("!") description = '' if description = '!' if !skip deps.unshift "init" if fn.length # see if the task function has arguments (betcha never saw that before!) gulp.task name, deps, (done)-> if not global.completed[name] #echo warning "Running task #{name} #{typeof done}" global.completed[name] = true return fn(done) #echo warning "Skipping completed task #{name}" return done() else gulp.task name, deps, ()-> if not global.completed[name] #echo warning "Running task #{name}" global.completed[name] = true return fn() #echo warning "Skipping completed task #{name}" return null # set the description gulp.tasks[name].description = description return where: (predicate) -> foreach (each,done) -> #return done null if each? return done null, each if predicate each done null splitPath: (path) -> s = path.match /^(.+)[\\\/]([^\/]+)$/ or [path, '',path] f = s[2].match(/^(.*)([\\.].*)$/ ) or [s[2],s[2],''] d = (path.match /^(.:)[\\\/]?(.*)$/ ) or ['','',path] return { fullname : path folder : s[1] filename : s[2] basename : f[1] extension : f[2] drive: d[1] or '' folders: (d[2].split /[\\\/]/ )or path } folder: (path) -> return '' if not path return (splitPath path).folder split: (path) -> return '' if not path return (splitPath path).folders filename: (path) -> return '' if not path p = splitPath path return p.filename extension: (path) -> return '' if not path p = splitPath path return p.extension basename: (path) -> return '' if not path p = splitPath path return p.basename exists: (path) -> return test '-f', path fileExists: (path) -> return test '-f', path dirExists: (path) -> return test '-d', path newer: (first,second) -> return true if (!test "-d", second) and (!test "-f", second) return false if (!test "-d",first) and (!test "-f", first) f = fs.statSync(first).mtime s = fs.statSync(second).mtime return f > s flattenEncode: (path) -> path.basename = "#{ path.dirname.replace(/[\/\\]/g, '_') }_#{path.basename}" path.dirname = "" flattenDecode: (path) -> f = path.basename.match(/^(.*)_(.*)$/ ) path.basename = "#{f[1].replace(/[_]/g, '/') }/#{f[2]}" path.dirname = "" except: (match) -> # await through.obj defer file, enc, callback through.obj (file, enc, callback) -> # check if the file is an actual file. # if it's not, just skip this tool. if !file or !file.path return callback null, file # do something with the file if file.path.match( match ) return callback null return callback null, file rmfile: (dir, file, callback) -> p = path.join(dir, file) fs.lstat p, (err, stat) -> if err null, err else if stat.isDirectory() rmdir p, callback else fs.unlink p, callback return return rmdir: (dir, callback) -> #echo "RMDIR #{dir}" fs.readdir dir, (err, files) -> if err null, err else if files.length i = undefined j = undefined i = j = files.length while i-- rmfile dir, files[i], (err) -> if err null, err else if --j == 0 fs.rmdir dir, callback return else fs.rmdir dir, callback return return guid: -> x = -> Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring 1 "#{x()}#{x()}-#{x()}-#{x()}-#{x()}-#{x()}#{x()}#{x()}" Fail: (text) -> echo "" echo "#{ error 'Task Failed:' } #{error_message text}" echo "" rm '-rf', workdir process.exit(1) execute: (cmdline,options,callback, ondata)-> if typeof options == 'function' ondata = callback callback = options options = { } # if we're busy, schedule again... if concurrency >= threshold queue.push(-> execute cmdline, options, callback, ondata ) return concurrency++ options.cwd = options.cwd or basefolder echo " #{quiet_info options.cwd} :: #{info cmdline}" if !options.silent options.silent = !verbose proc = exec cmdline, options, (code,stdout,stderr)-> concurrency-- if code and (options.retry or 0) > 0 echo warning "retrying #{options.retry} #{options.cwd}/#{cmdline}" options.retry-- return execute cmdline,options,callback,ondata # run the next one in the queue if queue.length fn = (queue.shift()) fn() if code and !options.ignoreexitcode echo error "Exec Failed #{quiet_info options.cwd} :: #{info cmdline}" if( stderr.length ) echo error "(stderr)" echo marked ">> #{error stderr}" if( stdout.length ) echo warning "(stdout)" echo warning stdout Fail "Execute Task failed, fast exit" callback(code,stdout,stderr) proc.stdout.on 'data', ondata if ondata return proc autorest: (args,done,ignoreexitcode) -> echo info "Queuing up: AutoRest #{args.join(' ')}" execute "#{basefolder}/node_modules/.bin/autorest \"--use=#{basefolder}\" #{ -> "\"#{a}\"").join(' ')}" , { silent:true, ignoreexitcode: ignoreexitcode || false }, (code,stdout,stderr) -> return done(code,stdout,stderr) # build task for global build module.exports.task 'build', 'builds project', -> echo "Building project in #{basefolder}" module.exports.task 'clean', 'cleans the project files', -> module.exports.task 'regenerate', 'regenerates expected files for testing', -> # task for vs code module.exports.task 'code', 'launches vs code', -> exec "code #{basefolder}" module.exports.task 'release-only', '', (done)-> Fail( "This command requires --configuration release" ) if configuration isnt "Release" done() configString = (s)-> "#{s.charAt 0 .toUpperCase()}#{s.slice 1 .toLowerCase() }" # bring current module into global namespace. Import module.exports ############################################### # Global values process.env.tmp = process.env.tmp or "#{basefolder}/tmp" package_json = require("#{basefolder}/package.json") Import stable: argv.stable or false configuration: if argv.configuration then configString( argv.configuration) else (if argv.release then 'Release' else 'Debug') github_apikey: argv.github_apikey or process.env.GITHUB_APIKEY or null nuget_apikey: argv.nuget_apikey or process.env.NUGET_APIKEY or null npm_apikey: argv.npm_apikey or process.env.NPM_APIKEY or null today: moment().format('YYYYMMDD') now: moment().format('YYYYMMDD-HHmm') force: argv.force or false threshold: argv.threshold or ((os.cpus().length)-1) or 1 verbose: argv.verbose or null workdir: "#{process.env.tmp}/gulp/#{module.exports.guid()}" watch: or false mkdir "-p", workdir if !test "-d", workdir ############################################### # UI stuff TerminalRenderer = require('marked-terminal') marked.setOptions { renderer: new TerminalRenderer({ heading:, firstHeading:, showSectionPrefix: false, strong: chalk.bold.cyan, em: chalk.cyan, blockquote: chalk.magenta, tab: 2 }) } set '+e' Import error: error_message: chalk.bold.cyan warning: chalk.bold.yellow info: quiet_info: ############################################### task 'default','', -> cmds = "" for name, t of gulp.tasks cmds += "\n gulp **#{name}** - #{t.description}" if t.description? and t.description.length switches = "" echo marked """ # Usage ## gulp commands #{cmds} ## available switches *--force* specify when you want to force an action (restore, etc) *--configuration* 'debug' or 'release' *--verbose* enable verbose output *--threshold=nn* set parallelism threshold (default = 10) #{switches} """ task 'test', "Run Tests", -> task 'fix-line-endings', 'Fixes line endings to file-type appropriate values.', -> source "**/*.iced" .pipe eol {eolc: 'LF', encoding:'utf8'} .pipe destination '.' task 'get-tag', '!', (done)-> if argv.tag # take the argument if they specified it. global.tag = argv.tag done() else # pick up the tag from the pkg.json version entry global.tag = semver.parse((package_json.version).trim()).prerelease.join(".") if( global.tag ) return done() # if branch is provided by environment if( env.BUILD_SOURCEBRANCHNAME ) global.tag = if ( env.BUILD_SOURCEBRANCHNAME == "master" || env.BUILD_SOURCEBRANCHNAME =="HEAD" ) then "preview" else env.BUILD_SOURCEBRANCHNAME return done(); # grab the git branch name. execute "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD" , {silent:true}, (c,o,e)-> o = "preview" if( o == undefined || o == null || o == "" || o.trim() == 'master' || o.trim() == 'HEAD') global.tag = o.trim() done(); task 'version-number', '!', (done)-> if argv.version global.version = argv.version if argv.version done(); else # git rev-list --parents HEAD --count --full-history execute "git rev-list --parents HEAD --count --full-history" , {silent:true}, (c,o,e)-> pv = (package_json.version).trim() global.version = "#{semver.major(pv)}.#{semver.minor(pv)}.#{o.trim()}" done();