first commit (adding avshub content)
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###### Repository/Build Configurations - These values can be configured to match your app requirements. ######
# For more information regarding Static Web App workflow configurations, please visit:
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###### End of Repository/Build Configurations ######
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# How to Contribute
We'd love to accept your patches and contributions to this project. There are
just a few small guidelines you need to follow.
## Contributor License Agreement
Contributions to this project must be accompanied by a Contributor License
Agreement. You (or your employer) retain the copyright to your contribution;
this simply gives us permission to use and redistribute your contributions as
part of the project. Head over to <> to see
your current agreements on file or to sign a new one.
You generally only need to submit a CLA once, so if you've already submitted one
(even if it was for a different project), you probably don't need to do it
## Code reviews
All submissions, including submissions by project members, require review. We
use GitHub pull requests for this purpose. Consult
[GitHub Help]( for more
information on using pull requests.
## Community Guidelines
This project follows
[Google's Open Source Community Guidelines](
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title : "AVS Hub"
{{% blocks/lead color="white" %}}
<h2 >Welcome to the AVS Hub!</h2>
<p>a collection of resources for the AVS community</p>
{{% /blocks/lead %}}
{{< blocks/cover image_anchor="top" height="full" color="white">}}
<a class="btn btn-lg btn-primary mr-3 mb-4" href="{{< relref "/workshop-guide">}}">Workshop Guide<i class="fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-right ml-2"></i></a><br>
<h2>Why AVS?</h2>
{{< blocks/section color="dark" >}}
{{% blocks/feature icon="fa-lightbulb" %}}
Seamlessly move VMware-based workloads from your datacenter to Azure and integrate your VMware environment with Azure.
{{% /blocks/feature %}}
{{% blocks/feature icon="fa fa-wrench" %}}
Azure VMware Solution provides you with private clouds built from dedicated bare-metal Azure infrastructure.
{{% /blocks/feature %}}
{{% blocks/feature icon="fa fa-eye" %}}
Azure VMware Solution is a Microsoft service, verified by VMware, that runs on Azure infrastructure.
{{% /blocks/feature %}}
{{< /blocks/section >}}
{{< /blocks/cover>}}
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title: "About "
weight: 100
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{{< blocks/section height="full" color="white">}}
<div style="float: center;text-align:center; vertical-align:middle">
<div style="float: center;text-align:center; vertical-align:middle">
<h1>About Our Team</h1>
We are part of Microsoft's U.S. Global Partner Solution team, focused on AVS
skilling and enablement
var contents = new Array();
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contents[0] = `<td><img border="0" src="roberto2.png">
<br><a href=""><img src="in.png">Roberto Canton</a><div style="float: left; text-align: left">
Principal Cloud Solution Architect
contents[1] = `<td><img border="0" src="husam.png">
<br><a href=""><img src="in.png">Husam Hilal</a><div style="float: left; text-align: left">
Senior Cloud Solution Architect</div></td>`;
contents[2] = `<td><img border="0" src="enrique.png">
<br><a href="" "><img src="in.png">Enrique Gonzalez</a><div style="float: left; text-align: left">
Senior Cloud Solution Architect</div></td>`;
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
title: "Additional Resources"
weight: 10
weight: 40
- type: "docs"
description: >
Recommended resources to expand your knowledge
Here is a list of resources to help you started:
- [AVS Documentation (official)](
- [AVS Partner Learning Plan](
- [AVS Partner Learning Path (official)](
- [AVS Partner Assets](
- [AVS Customer Success Stories](
- [AVS Projected Total Economic Impact](
- [AVS TechZone](
- [AVS Overview Video Series](
- [AVS Deep Dive Video Series](
- [AVS Hands-on Labs](
- [AVS Guided Pilot (script generating)](
- [AVS Micro-hack](
- [Husam Hilal's YouTube Channel](
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
title: "AVS Advanced Specialization"
linkTitle: Advanced Specialization
weight: 10
description: >
Differentiate your organization, demonstrate expertise, and build stronger connections with customers!
- [Azure Advanced Specialization (all areas)](
- [AVS Advanced Specialization](
- [AVS Advanced Specialization Audit Checklist](
- [AVS Advanced Specialization Video](
- [AVS Advanced Specialization Assessment](
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
title: "Azure VMware Solution landing zone accelerator"
linkTitle: "AVS landing zone accelerator"
weight: 5
description: >
Architectural approaches and reference implementations to prepare Azure landing
zone subscriptions for a scalable Azure VMware Solution
## Reference Architecture
[AVS LZ Accelerator](
## Reference Implementation
[AVS LZ Automation](
## Critical Design Areas
- [Identity and access management](
- [Network topology and connectivity](
- [Security, governance, and compliance](
- [Management and monitoring](
[Business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR)](
- [Platform automation](
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
title: "HCX Resources"
linkTitle: HCX
weight: 30
description: >
HCX Resources
- [VMware HCX
- [Introduction to HCX
- [Introduction to HCX
- [Deploy disaster recovery using VMware
- [Install and activate VMware HCX in
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
title: "AVS Networking Resources"
linkTitle: Networking
weight: 40
description: >
AVS Networking Resources
- [Network topology and connectivity overview in Azure - Cloud Adoption
Framework \| Microsoft
- [Azure VMWare Solution networking and interconnectivity
- [Design Considerations for Networks in Azure VMware
- [Add an NSX-T segment using the Azure
- [Use the Azure portal to create a DHCP server or
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
title: "SRM Resources"
linkTitle: SRM
weight: 50
description: >
SRM Resources
- [Deploy disaster recovery with VMware Site Recovery Manager - Azure VMware
Solution \| Microsoft
- [Disaster Protection with Azure VMware Solution and Site Recovery Manager -
- [VMware Site Recovery Manager
- [Using vSphere Replication with Site Recovery Manager
- [Configure Inventory Mappings for an Individual Virtual Machine in an
Array-Based, vVols, or vSphere Replication Protection Group
- [About Placeholder Virtual Machines
- [vSphere Replication Protection Groups
- [Creating, Testing, and Running Recovery Plans
- [Configuring a Recovery Plan
- [How Site Recovery Manager Reprotects Virtual Machines with vSphere
- [Perform a Failback
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
title: "AVS Advanced Specialization"
weight: 1
weight: 30
description: >
Differentiate your organization, demonstrate expertise, and build stronger
connections with customers.
{{% blocks/lead color="white" %}} Differentiate your organization, demonstrate
expertise, and build stronger connections with customers!
{{< vimeo 626510751 >}}
{{% /blocks/lead %}}
{{< blocks/section color="dark" >}}
{{% blocks/feature icon="fa-solid fa-info" title="Program General Information" url="" %}}
{{% /blocks/feature %}}
{{% blocks/feature icon="fa-solid fa-binoculars" title="Program Overview and Requirements" url="" %}}
(pdf file)
{{% /blocks/feature %}}
{{% blocks/feature icon="fa-solid fa-clipboard-list" title="AVS Advances Specialization Audit Checklist" url="" %}}
(pdf file)
{{% /blocks/feature %}}
{{< /blocks/section >}}
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
title: "GPS Azure VMware Solution Boot Camp"
linkTitle: "GPS AVS Boot Camp, 2021-12-07"
date: 2021-12-07
[GPS Azure VMware Solution Boot Camp](
This three half-day Azure VMware Solution (AVS) Partner Boot Camp, part of our
GPS Azure Partner Tech Intensity Training, is designed to further enhance your
AVS technical abilities through interactive presentations from some of the top
Microsoft AVS architects.
This virtual event is offered to all managed partners looking to increase there
technical understanding of Azure VMware Services while considering business
drivers and various infrastructure scenarios. Attendees will learn how to rely
on the operating platform and backend infrastructure of Azure to run WMware
vSphere, vSAN, and NSX-T platforms natively and at scale while gaining exclusive
access to leading Azure VMware Solution experts.
During this three session event series, we will cover
What’s new with AVS Advanced storage considerations Advanced networking
considerations Site Recovery Manager with AVS Backup and Disaster Recovery
solutions Designing for AVS Enterprise Scale Migration scenarios and
considerations Case studies Event Overview and Logistics:
### Day 1
- What's new with AVS
- Advanced Storage Considerations
- Advanced Networking for AVS
### Day 2:
- Designing for Enterprise Scale
- Backup and Disaster Recovery
- SRM for AVS
### Day 3:
- Migration Scenarios and Examples
- Advanced Specialization and other Partner Programs
- Next Steps Who should attend?
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
title: "Deep Dive in Economics of Azure VMware Solution"
linkTitle: "Deep Dive in Economics of AVS, 2022-03-02"
date: 2022-03-02
[Deep Dive in Economics of Azure VMware Solution Tech Talk](
Your customer or leadership has decided to migrate to Azure, Fantastic! Amongst the different migration options Microsoft is offering: Azure VMware Solution (AVS), a service that allows you to run VMware-based workloads inside of Azure on dedicated hyper-converged infrastructure. How do you determine the economics of migrating to Azure? Should you migrate to native IaaS (Azure Virtual Machines)? Azure VMware Solution? Or perhaps you’re even thinking about staying on-premises and renewing hardware, co-lo leases, licensing?!
Join us along with our special guest from VMware, Greg Kaffenberger, to help you demystifying the numbers of Azure VMware Solution economic assessment to help you or your customer make a more informative and intelligent economic decision for migration.
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
title: "Extend to the Cloud with Azure VMware Solution"
linkTitle: "Extend to the Cloud with AVS, 2022-03-23"
date: 2022-03-23
[Extend to the Cloud with Azure VMware Solution](
Learn how to easily extend your VMware workloads, skills, and tools to the cloud
with Azure VMware Solution—the cloud service that lets you run VMware
infrastructure natively on Azure. Join Microsoft and VMware insiders at this
free digital event for the latest product news, and best practices, and
technical deep dives.
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
title: "Microsoft Azure VMware Solution (AVS) Boot Camp"
linkTitle: "AVS Boot Camp, 2022-04-27 "
date: 2022-04-27
[April 2022 Microsoft Azure VMware Solution (AVS) boot camp](
The Microsoft Azure VMware Solution Partner Boot Camp was held April
27-28, 2022. This virtual event is now available on demand and offers almost 5
hours of partner-targeted sessions, providing the latest information and
guidance for Azure VMware Solution. The partner audience for this event is
business and product development roles, technical sellers, and those in an
architectural or delivery role. Sessions are presented by Microsoft Worldwide
Sales and Marketing, Global Partner Solutions, Azure Engineering and Global
Black Belts.
Use the registration pages for the daily sessions. You will receive an email
with link to view on demand recordings and access to the slides used during the
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: "Migrate to AVS with HCX"
linkTitle: "Migrate to AVS with HCX, 2022-06-22"
date: 2022-06-22
[Migrate to Azure VMware Solution with HCX Tech Talk](
Migrate to Azure VMware Solution with VMware HCX. In this Tech Talk we'll describe how you can easily migrate to AVS with HCX.
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
title: "AVS Events"
weight: 1
weight: 10
- type: "blog"
description: >
AVS events
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
title: Search Results
layout: search
После Ширина: | Высота: | Размер: 66 KiB |
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После Ширина: | Высота: | Размер: 98 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
title: "Workshop Guide"
linkTitle: "Workshop Guide - Start Here"
weight: 1
weight: 20
- type: "docs"
## **Training Environment**
### **Azure Portal Credentials**
> Replace “**\#**” with your group number.
Connect to []( with the
following credentials:
| **Username** | Group**\#** |
| ------------ | ------------------------------------------------- |
| **Password** | TO BE SUPPLIED |
### **Environment Details**
### **Jumpbox Details**
Your first task should be to create a Jumpbox in your respective Jumpbox
Resource group.
### **Exercise 1: Instructions for Creation of Jumpbox**
#### Step 1: Create Azure Virtual Machine
In the Azure Portal locate the Virtual Machines area.
1. Click **+ Create**.
2. Select **Azure virtual machine**.
#### Step 2: Basic information for Azure Virtual Machine
{{% alert title="Important notes about the next step" color="warning" %}}
The next step, could be confusing and often, a source of mistakes. Please, pay special attention to the notes at the bottom of the image.
- Please notice that **PARTNER1** is just a **PLACEHOLDER** most likely for your organization's name. Reach out to the moderators for guidance
- **Do not create a new resource group**, see the notes below about the correct resource group to choose from
- Also, once you select the correct resource group the **region** will be defaulted (populated) with the right value
{{% /alert %}}
1. Select Basics tab.
2. Select the appropriate Resource group per the table below.
3. Give your Jumpbox a unique name you wish.
4. Ensure the appropriate region is selected.
5. Select the type of image.
> Operating System: Windows 10 or Windows 11
6. Ensure the correct Size is selected.
> Size: Standard D2s v3 (2vcpus, 8GiB memory)
Leave other defaults and scroll down on the Basics tab.
1. Enter a user name for your Jumpbox (Anything of your choosing).
2. Enter and confirm a password for your Jumpbox user.
3. Ensure to select "None" for Public inbound ports.
4. Select checkbox for "I confirm I have an eligible Windows 10 license".
Leave all other defaults and jump to **Networking** tab.
#### Step 3: Azure Virtual Machine Networking Information
1. Click on **Networking** tab.
2. Select the appropriate VNet based on the table below.
> NOTE: This is not the VNet that is loaded by default.
3. If the appropriate VNet was selected it should auto-populate the JumpBox subnet.
4. Select "Delete public IP and NIC when VM is deleted" checkbox.
5. Click **Review + Create** -> **Create**.
> **Replace the word 'Name' with Partner name**
| **Group** | **Jumpbox Resource Group** | **Virtual Network/Subnet** |
| --------- | -------------------------- | -------------------------- |
| 1 | GPSUS-Name1-Jumpbox | GPSUS-Name1-VNet/JumpBox |
| 2 | GPSUS-Name2-Jumpbox | GPSUS-Name2-VNet/JumpBox |
| 3 | GPSUS-Name3-Jumpbox | GPSUS-Name3-VNet/JumpBox |
| 4 | GPSUS-Name4-Jumpbox | GPSUS-Name4-VNet/JumpBox |
#### Step 4: Connect to your Azure Virtual Machine Jumpbox
Once your Jumpbox finishes creating, go to it and click:
1. Connect
2. Bastion
This should open a new browser tab and connect you to the Jumpbox, enter the Username and Password you specified for your Jumpbox.
## **AVS Environments**
### **vCenter, HCX, and NSX-T URLs**
Please refer to the Identity blade in the Azure portal for AVS vCenter, HCX, and
NSX-T URLs and Login Information.
**Note**: In a real customer environment, the local
[cloudadmin@vsphere.local](mailto:cloudadmin@vsphere.local) account should be
treated as an emergency access account for "break glass" scenarios in your
private cloud. It's not for daily administrative activities or integration with
other services. For more information see
### **On-Premises VMware Lab Environment**
If you are in a group with multiple participants you will be assigned a participant number.
> **Replace X with your group number and Y with your participant number.**
#### Generic information
| **Group** | **Participant** | **vCenter IP** | **Username** | **Password** | **Web workload IP** | **App Workload IP** |
| --------- | --------------- | -------------- | --------------------------- | ------------ | ------------------- | ------------------- |
| X | Y | 10.X.Y.3 | administrator@avs.lab | MSFTavs1! | 10.X.1Y.1/25 | 10.X.1Y.129/25 |
#### Example for Group 1 with 4 participants
| **Group** | **Participant** | **vCenter IP** | **Username** | **Password** | **Web workload IP** | **App Workload IP** |
| --------- | --------------- | -------------- | --------------------------- | ------------ | ------------------- | ------------------- |
| 1 | 1 | | administrator@avs.lab | MSFTavs1! | | |
| 1 | 2 | | administrator@avs.lab | MSFTavs1! | | |
| 1 | 3 | | administrator@avs.lab | MSFTavs1! | | |
| 1 | 4 | | administrator@avs.lab | MSFTavs1! | | |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
title: "Additional Resources"
weight: 100
Please visit our main [Additional Resources](/additional-resources) section for
a comprehensive list of AVS content and resources.
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
title: "Module 1 Setup AVS Connectivity"
linkTitle: "Module 1 - AVS Connectivity"
weight: 1
description: >
## **Introduction Module 1**
Azure VMware Solution offers a private cloud environment accessible from On-Premises and Azure-based resources. Services such as Azure ExpressRoute, VPN connections, or Azure Virtual WAN deliver the connectivity.
### **Scenario**
Customer needs to have connectivity between their workloads in AVS, existing services and workloads in Azure, and access to the internet.
### **Connectivity Options for AVS**
This hands-on lab will show you how to configure the Networking components of an Azure VMware Solution for:
- Connecting Azure VNet’s to AVS over an ExpressRoute circuit **(Preconfigured)**.
- Peering with remote environments using Global Reach **(Not Applicable)**.
- AVS Interconnect Options.
- Configuring NSX-T (check DNS and configure DHCP, Segments, and Gateway) to manage connectivity within AVS.
The lab environment has a preconfigured Azure VMware Solution environment with an Express Route circuit. A nested or embedded VMware environment is configured to simulate an On-Premises environment **(PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH)**. Both environments are accessible through Bastions and JumpBoxes.
After this lab is complete, you will have built out this scenario below:
1. ExpressRoute, for connectivity between Azure VMware Solution and Azure Virtual Networks.
2. Configure NSX-T to establish connectivity within the AVS environment.
3. Creation of Test VMs to attach to your NSX-T Network Segments.
4. Explore some advanced NSX-T features like tagging, creation of groups, Distributed Firewall Features.
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@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
title: "Module 1 Task 1"
linkTitle: "Task 1: Connectivity Options"
weight: 2
description: >
Task 1 - AVS Connectivity Options
## **AVS Connectivity Options**
### **Section Overview**
In this section you will create a connection between an existing, non-AVS,
Virtual Network in Azure and the Azure VMware Solution environment. This allows
the jumpbox virtual machine you created to manage key components in the VMware management
plane such as vCenter, HCX, and NSX-T. You will also be able to access Virtual
Machines deployed in AVS and allow those VMs to access resources deployed in
the Hub or Spoke VNet’s, such as Private Endpoints and other Azure VMs or
![Section Overview](Mod1Task1Pic1.png)
**Summary**: Generate a new Authorization Key in the AVS ExpressRoute settings,
and then create a new Connection from the Virtual Network Gateway in the VNet
where the JumpBox is connected to.
The diagram below shows the respective resource groups for your lab environment.
You will replace Name with Partner Name, for example: GPSUS-Name1-SDDC for partner XYZ would be GPSUS-XYZ1-SDDC.
![Resource Groups](Mod1Task1Pic2.png)
### **Option 1: Internal ExpressRoute Setup from AVS -> VNet**
> **NOTE:**
> - Since we already have a virtual network gateway, you'll add a connection between it and your Azure VMware Solution private cloud.
> - **The last step of this section is expected to fail, the Connection will be created but it will be in Failed state because another Connection to the same target already exists. This is expected behavior and you can ignore the error.**
#### Step1: Request an ExpressRoute authorization key
![ER Authorization Key](Mod1Task1Pic3.png)
In your AVS Private Cloud:
1. Click **Connectivity**.
2. Click **ExpressRoute** tab.
3. Click **+ Request an authorization key**.
#### Step 2: Name Authorization Key
![Request Authorization Key](Mod1Task1Pic4.png)
1. Give your authorization key a name: group-XY-key, where X is your group number, and Y is your participant number.
2. Click **Create**. It may take about 30 seconds to create the key. Once created, the new key appears in the list of authorization keys for the private cloud.
Copy the authorization key and ExpressRoute ID and keep it handy. You will need them to complete the peering. The authorization key disappears after some time, so copy it as soon as it appears.
#### Step 3: Create connection in VNet Gateway
![VNet Gateway Connection](Mod1Task1Pic5.png)
1. Navigate to the **Virtual Network Gateway** named **GPSUS-Name\#-Network** where # is your group number.
2. Click **Connections**.
3. Click **+ Add**.
#### Step 4: Establish VNet Gateway Setup
![VNet Gateway connection setup](Mod1Task1Pic6.png)
1. Enter a Name for your connection. Use **GROUPXY-AVS** where X is your group number and Y is your participant number.
2. For Connection type select **ExpressRoute**.
3. Ensure the checkbox next to "Redeem authorization" is selected.
4. Enter the **Authorization key** you copied earlier.
5. For **Peer circuit URI** paste the ExpressRoute ID you copied earlier.
6. Click **OK**.
The connection between your ExpressRoute circuit and your Virtual Network is
**Reminder**: It is expected that the connection is in **Failed State** after
the creation, that is because another connection to the same target already
exists. Next, delete the connection.
#### Step 5: Delete connection
![Delete connection](Mod1Task1Pic7.png)
1. Navigate to your Virtual Network Gateway named **GPSUS-NameX-GW where X is your group number.
2. Click **Connections**.
3. Select the 3 ellipses next to the connection with the status of **Failed** and select **Delete**.
### **Option 2: ExpressRoute Global Reach Connection from AVS -> Customer's on-premises ExpressRoute**
ExpressRoute Global Reach connects your on-premises environment to your Azure VMware Solution private cloud. The ExpressRoute Global Reach connection is established between the private cloud ExpressRoute circuit and an existing ExpressRoute connection to your on-premises environments. [Click here for more information.](
#### Step 1: ExpressRoute Circuits in Azure Portal
> NOTE: There are no ExpressRoute circuits setup in this environment. These steps are informational only.
1. In the Azure Portal search bar type **ExpressRoute**.
2. Click **ExpressRoute circuits**.
#### Step 2: Create ExpressRoute Authorization
1. From the **ExpressRoute circuits** blade, click **Authorizations**.
2. Give your authorization key a **Name**.
3. Click **Save**. Copy the Authorization Key created and keep it handy.
4. Also copy the **Resource ID** for the ExpressRoute circuit and keep it handy.
#### Step 3: Create Global Reach Connection in AVS
1. From your AVS Private Cloud blade, click **Connectivity**.
2. Click **ExpressRoute Global Reach**.
3. Click **+ Add**.
4. In the **ExpressRoute circuit** box, paste the **Resource ID** copied in the previous step.
5. Paste the **Authorization Key** created in the previous step.
6. Click **Create**.
### **Option 3: AVS Interconnect**
The AVS Interconnect feature lets you create a network connection between two or more Azure VMware Solution private clouds located in the same region. It creates a routing link between the management and workload networks of the private clouds to enable network communication between the clouds. [Click here for more information.](
#### Step 1: Establish AVS Interconnect in your AVS SDDC
1. In your AVS Private Cloud blade, click **Connectivity**.
2. Click **AVS Interconnect**.
3. Click **+ Add**.
#### Step 2: Add connection to another private cloud
1. **Subscription** and **Location** are automatically populated based on the values of your Private Cloud, ensure these are correct.
2. Select the **Resource group** of the other Private Cloud you would like to connect to.
3. Select the **AVS Private cloud** you wish to connect.
4. Ensure the checkbox next to "I confirm that the two private clouds to be connected don't contain overlapping network address space".
5. Click **Create**.
It takes a few minutes for the connection to complete. Once completed the networks found in both Private Clouds will be able to talk to each other. Feel free to perform this exercise if no one in your group has done it as there is a requirement to connect a second Private Cloud in order to perform the exercises in Module 3 (Site Recovery Manager).
### **Confirm access from Jumpbox**
You can now validate access to your Azure VMware Solution components like vCenter and NSX-T from the Jumpbox you created.
#### Step 1: Obtain AVS Login Credentials
1. Navigate to the Azure VMware Solution blade associated with your group: **GPSUS-Name\#-SDDC**.
2. Click your assigned **AVS SDDC**.
3. Click **Identity**.
4. You will now see the **Login Credentials** for both vCenter and NSX-T. You will need these credentials for the next few steps. You do not need to copy the Certificate thumbprint.
#### Step 2: Access AVS from Jumpbox
Click **Connect** and **Bastion** from the previously created Jumpbox blade.
Once connected to your Jumpbox, open a browser and enter the IP Address for AVS vCenter located in a previous step. There might be a secure browser connection message. Click the advanced button and select the option to continue. Then click on **LAUNCH VSPHERE CLIENT (HTML 5)**.
If the **VMware vSphere login page launches successfully, then everything is working as expected.
You’ve now confirmed that you can access AVS from a remote environment
## **References**
[Tutorial - Configure networking for your VMware private cloud in Azure - Azure
VMware Solution \| Microsoft
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@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
title: "Module 1 Task 2"
linkTitle: "Task 2: Configure NSX-T"
weight: 3
description: >
Task 2: Configure NSX-T to establish connectivity within AVS
## **NSX-T on AVS**
After deploying Azure VMware Solution, you can configure an NSX-T network
segment from NSX-T Manager or the Azure portal. Once configured, the segments
are visible in Azure VMware Solution, NSX-T Manager, and vCenter.
NSX-T comes pre-provisioned by default with an NSX-T Tier-0 gateway in
Active/Active mode and a default NSX-T Tier-1 gateway in Active/Standby mode.
These gateways let you connect the segments (logical switches) and provide
East-West and North-South connectivity. Machines will not have IP addresses
until statically or dynamically assigned from a DHCP server or DHCP relay.
In this Section, you will learn how to:
- Create additional NSX-T Tier-1 gateways.
- Add network segments using either NSX-T Manager or the Azure portal
- Configure DHCP and DNS
- Deploy Test VMs in the configured segments
- Validate connectivity
In your Jumpbox, open a browser tab and navigate to the NSX-T URL found in the AVS Private Cloud blade in the Azure Portal. Login using the appropriate credentials noted in the Identity tab.
### **Exercise 1: Configure DNS Forwarder**
>NOTE: This task is done by default for every new AVS deployment
AVS DNS forwarding services run in DNS zones and enable workload VMs in the zone
to resolve fully qualified domain names to IP addresses. Your SDDC includes
default DNS zones for the Management Gateway and Compute Gateway. Each zone
includes a preconfigured DNS service. Use the DNS Services tab on the DNS
Services page to view or update properties of DNS services for the default
zones. To create additional DNS zones or configure additional properties of DNS
services in any zone, use the DNS Zones tab.
The DNS Forwarder and DNS Zone are already configured for this training but
follow the steps to see how to configure it for new environments.
1. Ensure the **POLICY** view is selected.
2. Click **Networking**.
3. Click **DNS**.
4. Click **DNS Services**.
5. Click the **elipsis button -> Edit** to view/edit the default DNS settings.
1. Examine the settings (do not change anything) and click **CANCEL**.
### **Exercise 2: Add DHCP Profile in AVS Private Cloud**
> **Please ensure to replace X with your group's assigned number, Y with your participant number. For participant 10 please replace XY with 20**
| **AVS NSX-T Details** | |
| **DHCP Server IP** | 10.**XY**.50.1/30 |
| **Segment Name** | WEB-NET-GROUP-**XY** |
| **Segment Gateway** | 10.**XY**.51.1/24 |
| **DHCP Range** | 10.**XY**.51.4-10.**XY**.51.254 |
A DHCP profile specifies a DHCP server type and configuration. You can use the
default profile or create others as needed.
A DHCP profile can be used to configure DHCP servers or DHCP relay servers
anywhere in your SDDC network.
#### Step 1: Add DHCP Profile
1. In the NSX-T Console, click **Networking**.
2. Click **DHCP**.
3. Click **ADD DHCP PROFILE**.
#### Step 2: Configure DHCP Profile
1. Name the profile as **DHCP-Profile-GROUP-XY-AVS** for your respective group/participant.
2. Ensure **DHCP Server** is selected.
3. Specify the IPv4 **Server IP Address** as **10.XY.50.1/30** and optionally change the **Lease Time** or leave the default.
4. Click **SAVE**.
### **Exercise 3: Create an NSX-T T1 Logical Router**
NSX-T has the concept of Logical Routers (LR). These Logical Routers can perform both distributed or centralized functions. In AVS, NSX-T is deployed and configured with a default T0 Logical Router and a default T1 Logical Router.
The T0 LR in AVS cannot be manipulated by AVS customers, however the T1 LR can be configured however an AVS customer chooses. AVS customers also have the option to add additional T1 LRs as they see fit.
#### Step 1: Add Tier-1 Gateway
1. Click **Networking**.
2. Click **Tier-1 Gateways**.
3. Click **ADD TIER-1 GATEWAY**.
#### Step 2: Configure Tier-1 Gateway
1. Give your T1 Gateway a Name. Use GROUP-**XY**-T1.
2. Select the default T0 Gateway, usually TNT**-T0.
3. Click **SAVE**. Clck **NO** to the question "Want to continue configuring this Tier-1 Gateway?".
### **Exercise 4: Add the DHCP Profile to the T1 Gateway**
1. Click the elipsis next to your newly created T1 Gateway.
2. Click **Edit**.
#### Step 1: Set DHCP Configuration to Tier-1 Gateway
1. Click **Set DHCP Configuration**.
2. After finishing the DHCP Configuration, click to expand **Route Advertisement** and make sure all the buttons are enabled.
1. Ensure **DHCP Server** is selected for Type.
2. Select the **DHCP Server Profile** you previously created.
3. Click **SAVE**. Click **SAVE** again to confirm changes, then click **CLOSE EDITING**.
### **Exercise 5: Create Network Segment for AVS VM workloads**
Network segments are logical networks for use by workload VMs in the SDDC
compute network. Azure VMware Solution supports three types of network segments:
routed, extended, and disconnected.
- A routed network segment (the default type) has connectivity to other
logical networks in the SDDC and, through the SDDC firewall, to external
- An extended network segment extends an existing L2VPN tunnel, providing a
single IP address space that spans the SDDC and an On-Premises network.
- A disconnected network segment has no uplink and provides an isolated
network accessible only to VMs connected to it. Disconnected segments are
created when needed by HCX. You can also create them yourself and can
convert them to other segment types.
#### Step 1: Add Network Segment
1. Click **Networking**.
2. Click **Segments**.
3. Click **ADD SEGMENT**.
#### Step 2: Configure Network Segment
1. Enter **WEB-NET-GROUP-XY** in the **Segment Name** field.
2. Select the Tier-1 Gateway you created previously **(GROUP-XY-T1)** as the **Connected Gateway**.
3. Select the pre-configured overlay **Transport Zone** (TNTxx-OVERLAY-TZ).
4. In the **Subnets** column, you will enter the IP Address for the **Gateway** of the Subnet that you are creating, which is the first valid IP of the Address Space.
- For Example: **10.XY.51.1/24**
5. Then click **SET DHCP CONFIG**.
#### Step 3: Set DHCP Configuration on Network Segment
1. Ensure **Gateway DHCP Server** is selected for **DHCP Type**.
2. In the **DHCP Config** click the toggle button to **Enabled**.
3. Then in the **DHCP Ranges** field enter the range according to the IPs assigned to your group. The IP in in the same network as the Gateway defined above.
- Use **10.XY.51.4-10.XY.51.254**
4. In the DNS Servers, enter the IP ****.
5. Click **Apply**. Then **SAVE** and finally **NO**.
> **Important**
>The IP address needs to be on a non-overlapping RFC1918 address block, which ensures connection to the VMs on the new segment.
## **References**
- [Create or Modify a Network Segment
- [Configure Segment DHCP Properties
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@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
title: "Module 1 Task 3"
linkTitle: "Task 3: Create Test VM"
weight: 4
description: Create Test VMs and connect to Segment
## **Create Test VMs**
Now that we have our networks created, we can deploy virtual machines and ensure we can get an IP address from DHCP. Go ahead and Login into your AVS vCenter.
### **Exercise 1: Create a content Library**
#### Step 1: Create vCenter Content Library
1. From AVS vCenter, click the **Menu** bars.
2. Click **Content Libraries**.
Click **CREATE**
#### Step 2: Give your Content Library a Name and Location
1. Name your Library **LocalLibrary-XY** where X is your group number and Y is your participant number
2. Click **NEXT**
3. Leave the defaults for **Configure content library** and for **Appy security policy**
#### Step 3: Specify Datastore for Content Library
1. For **Add storage** select the**vsanDatastore**
2. Click **NEXT** then **FINISH**
### **Exercise 2: Import Item to Content Library**
#### Step 1: Import OVF/OVA to Content Library
1. Click on your newly created Library and click **Templates**.
2. Click **OVF & OVA Templates**
3. Click **ACTIONS**
4. Click **Import item**
#### Step 2: Specify URL for OVF/OVA
Import using this URL - [Download Link](
This will now download and import the VM to the library
### **Exercise 3: Create VMs**
#### Step 1: Create VM from Template
Once downloaded, Right-click the VM Template \> **New VM from This Template**.
#### Step 2: Select a Name and Folder for the VM
1. Give the VM a name – e.g **VM1-AVS-XY**
2. Select the **SDDC-Datacenter**
3. Click **NEXT**
#### Step 3: Select a Compute Resource
1. Select **Cluster-1**
2. Click **NEXT**
#### Step 4: Review Details, select Datastore
1. Review **Details** and click **NEXT**. Accept the terms and click **NEXT**
2. Confirm the storage as the **vsanDatastore**
3. Click **NEXT**
#### Step 5: Select network for VM
Select the segment that you created previously- **“WEB-NET-GROUP-XY”** and click **NEXT**. Then review and click **FINISH**.
Once deployed, head back to VM’s and Templates and Power On this newly created VM. This VM is provided as a very lightweight Linux machine that will automatically pick up DHCP if configured. Since we have added this to the **WEB-NET-GROUP-XY** segment, it should get an IP address from this DHCP range. This usually takes few seconds. Click the “Refresh” button on vCenter toolbar.
If you see an IP address here, we have successfully configured the VM and it has connected to the segment and will be accessible from the Jumpbox.
We can confirm this by SSH'ing to this IP address from the Jumpbox.
> Username: root
> Password: AVSR0cks!
Once you SSH into the VMs, enter these 2 commands to enable ICMP traffic on the VM:
`iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT`
`iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT`
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@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
title: "Module 1 Task 4"
linkTitle: "Task 4: Advanced NSX-T Features"
weight: 5
description: >
Task 4: Advanced NSX-T Features within AVS
## **Section Overview:**
You can find more information about NSX-T capabilities in VMware's website under [VMware NSX-T Data Center Documentation.](
In this Section, you will learn just a few additional NSX-T Advanced Features. You will learn how to:
- Create NSX-T tags for VMs
- Create NSX-T groups based on tags
- Create Distributed Firewall Rules in NSX-T
## **NSX-T Tags**
NSX-T Tags hel you label NSX-T Data Center objects so that you can quickly search or filter objects, troubleshoot and trace, and do other related tasks.
You can create tags using both the NSX-T UI available within AVS and APIs.
More information on NSX-T Tags can be found here: [VMware NSX-T Data Center Documentation.](,create%20tags%20using%20both%20the%20UI%20and%20APIs.)
### **Exercise 1: Assign NSX-T Tags to VMs**
#### Step 1: Assign Tags to your VMs
1. From the NSX-T UI, click **Inventory**.
2. Click **Virtual Machines**.
3. Locate your 2 Virtual Machines you created in the previous task, notice they have no tags.
Click the elipsis next to the first VM and click **Edit**.
#### Step 2: Name your VM's tag
1. Type "G**XY**", where X is your group number and Y is your participant number.
2. Click to add G**XY** as a tag to this VM.
3. Click **SAVE**.
## **NSX-T Groups**
Groups include different objects that are added both statically and dynamically, and can be used as the source and destination of a firewall rule.
Groups can be configured to contain a combination of Virtual Machines, IP sets, MAC sets, segment ports, segments, AD user groups, and other groups. Dynamic including of groups can be based on a tag, machine name, OS name, or computer name.
You can find more information on NSX-T Groups on [VMware's NSX-T Data Center docs.](
### **Exercise 2: Create NSX-T Groups**
#### Step 1: Create an NSX-T Group
Now that we've assigned tags to the VMs, we'll create a group based of those tags.
1. Click **Inventory**
2. Click **Groups**
3. Click **ADD GROUP**
#### Step 2: Name your NSX-T Group and Assign Members
1. Name your group **GROUP-XY** where X is your group number and Y is your participant number
2. Click on **Set Members*
#### Step 3: Set the Membership Criteria for your Group
1. Click **ADD CRITERIA**
2. Select **Virtual Machine**
3. Select **Tag**
4. Select **Equals**
5. Select your previously created group G**XY**
6. Click **APPLY**. Then click **SAVE**
## **NSX-T Distributed Firewall**
NSX-T Distributed Firewall monitors all East-West traffic on your AVS Virtual Machines and allows you to either deny or allow traffic between these VMs even if the exist on the same NSX-T Network Segment. This is the example of your 2 VMs and we will assume they're 2 web servers that should never have to talk to each other. More information can be found here: [Distributed Firewall.](
### **Exercise 3: Create an NSX-T Distributed Firewall Policy**
#### Step 1: Add a Policy
1. Click **Security**
2. Click **Distributed Firewall**
3. Click **+ ADD POLICY**
4. Give your policy a name "Policy **XY**" where X is your group number and Y is your participant number
5. Click the elipsis and select **Add Rule**
#### Step 2: Add a Rule
1. Name your rule "Rule **XY**"
2. Click under **Sources** column and select your newly created "GROUP-**XY**"
3. Click under **Destinations** and also select "GROUP-**XY**"
4. Leave all other defaults, and for now, leave the **Action** set to **Allow**. We will change this later to understand the behavior
5. Click **PUBLISH** to publish the newly created Distributed Firewall Rule
#### Step 3: Reject communication in your Distributed Firewall Rule
Hopefully you still have the SSH sessions open to your 2 VMs you created earlier. If not, just SSH again. From one of the VMs, run a continuous ping to the other VM's IP address like the example below.
1. Change the **Action** in your Rule to **Reject**
2. Click **PUBLISH**
You can notice that after publishing the change to **Reject** on your rule, the ping now displays "Destination Host Prohibited". NSX-T DFW feature is allowing the packet to get from one VM to another but it rejects it once the second VM receives the packet. You can also change this option to **Drop** where the packet is completely dropped by the second VM.