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273 строки
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# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
# license information.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
import argparse
from knack.arguments import ArgumentsContext, CLIArgumentType
from azdev.completer import get_test_completion
from azdev.operations.linter import linter_severity_choices
from azdev.operations.command_change import diff_export_format_choices
class Flag:
""" Place holder to be used for optionals that take 0 or more arguments """
# pylint: disable=too-many-statements
def load_arguments(self, _):
modules_type = CLIArgumentType(nargs='*',
help="Space-separated list of modules or extensions (dev mode) to check. "
"Use 'CLI' to check built-in modules or 'EXT' to check extensions. "
"Omit to check all. ")
with ArgumentsContext(self, '') as c:
c.argument('private', action='store_true', help='Target the private repo.')
c.argument('yes', options_list=['--yes', '-y'], action='store_true', help='Answer "yes" to all prompts.')
c.argument('use_ext_index', action='store_true', help='Run command on extensions registered in the azure-cli-extensions index.json.')
c.argument('git_source', options_list='--src', arg_group='Git', help='Name of the Git source branch to check (i.e. master or upstream/master).')
c.argument('git_target', options_list='--tgt', arg_group='Git', help='Name of the Git target branch to check (i.e. dev or upstream/dev)')
c.argument('git_repo', options_list='--repo', arg_group='Git', help='Path to the Git repo to check.')
with ArgumentsContext(self, 'setup') as c:
c.argument('cli_path', options_list=['--cli', '-c'], nargs='?', const=Flag, help="Path to an existing Azure CLI repo. Omit value to search for the repo or use special value 'EDGE' to install the latest developer edge build.")
c.argument('ext_repo_path', options_list=['--repo', '-r'], nargs='+', help='Space-separated list of paths to existing Azure CLI extensions repos.')
c.argument('ext', options_list=['--ext', '-e'], nargs='+', help="Space-separated list of extensions to install initially. Use '*' to install all extensions.")
c.argument('deps', options_list=['--deps-from', '-d'], choices=['requirements.txt', 'setup.py'], default='requirements.txt', help="Choose the file to resolve dependencies.")
with ArgumentsContext(self, 'test') as c:
c.argument('discover', options_list='--discover', action='store_true', help='Build an index of test names so that you don\'t need to specify fully qualified test paths.')
c.argument('xml_path', options_list='--xml-path', help='Path and filename at which to store the results in XML format. If omitted, the file will be saved as `test_results.xml` in your `.azdev` directory.')
c.argument('in_series', options_list='--series', action='store_true', help='Disable test parallelization.')
c.argument('run_live', options_list='--live', action='store_true', help='Run all tests live.')
c.positional('tests', nargs='*',
help="Space-separated list of tests to run. Can specify module or extension names, test filenames, class name or individual method names. "
"Omit to check all or use 'CLI' or 'EXT' to check only CLI modules or extensions respectively.",
c.argument('profile', options_list='--profile', choices=['latest', '2017-03-09-profile', '2018-03-01-hybrid', '2019-03-01-hybrid', '2020-09-01-hybrid'], help='Run automation against a specific profile. If omit, the tests will run against current profile.')
c.argument('pytest_args', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, options_list=['--pytest-args', '-a'], help='Denotes the remaining args will be passed to pytest.')
c.argument('last_failed', options_list='--lf', action='store_true', help='Re-run the last tests that failed.')
c.argument('no_exit_first', options_list='--no-exitfirst', action='store_true', help='Do not exit on first error or failed test')
c.argument('mark', help='Select tests with this mark. You can add @pytest.mark.custom_mark to a test')
# CI parameters
arg_group='Continuous Integration',
help='Apply incremental test strategy to Azure CLI on Azure DevOps')
with ArgumentsContext(self, 'coverage') as c:
c.argument('prefix', type=str, help='Filter analysis by command prefix.')
c.argument('report', action='store_true', help='Display results as a report.')
c.argument('untested_params', nargs='+', help='Space-separated list of param dest values to search for (OR logic)')
with ArgumentsContext(self, 'style') as c:
c.positional('modules', modules_type)
c.argument('pylint', action='store_true', help='Run pylint.')
c.argument('pep8', action='store_true', help='Run flake8 to check PEP8.')
with ArgumentsContext(self, 'cli check-versions') as c:
c.argument('update', action='store_true', help='If provided, the command will update the versions in azure-cli\'s setup.py file.')
c.argument('pin', action='store_true', help='If provided and used with --update, will pin the module versions in azure-cli\'s setup.py file.')
with ArgumentsContext(self, 'cli update-setup') as c:
c.argument('pin', action='store_true', help='Pin the module versions in azure-cli\'s setup.py file.')
# region linter
with ArgumentsContext(self, 'linter') as c:
c.positional('modules', modules_type)
c.argument('rules', options_list=['--rules', '-r'], nargs='+', help='Space-separated list of rules to run. Omit to run all rules.')
c.argument('rule_types', options_list=['--rule-types', '-t'], nargs='+', choices=['params', 'commands', 'command_groups', 'help_entries', 'command_test_coverage'], help='Space-separated list of rule types to run. Omit to run all.')
c.argument('ci_exclusions', action='store_true', help='Force application of CI exclusions list when run locally.')
help="Allow running linter on extensions installed by `az extension add`.")
options_list=['--save', '-s'],
help="Allow saving global exclusion. It would take effect when modules is CLI or EXT.",
c.argument('min_severity', choices=linter_severity_choices(),
help='The minimum severity level to run the linter on. '
'For example, specifying "medium" runs linter rules that have "high" or "medium" severity. '
'However, specifying "low" runs the linter on every rule, regardless of severity. '
'Defaults to "high".')
# endregion
# region scan & mask
for scope in ['scan', 'mask']:
with ArgumentsContext(self, scope) as c:
c.argument('file_path', options_list=['--file-path', '-f'],
help='Path of the file you want to scan secrets for')
c.argument('directory_path', options_list=['--directory-path', '-d'],
help='Path of the folder you want to scan secrets for')
c.argument('recursive', options_list=['--recursive', '-r'],
help='Scan the directory recursively')
c.argument('include_pattern', options_list=['--include-pattern', '--include'], nargs='*',
help="Space separated patterns used for files you want to include within the directory. "
"The supported patterns are '*', '?', '[seq]', and '[!seq]'. "
"For more information, please refer to https://docs.python.org/3/library/fnmatch.html")
c.argument('exclude_pattern', options_list=['--exclude-pattern', '--exclude'], nargs='*',
help="Space separated patterns used for files you want to exclude within the directory. "
"The supported patterns are '*', '?', '[seq]', and '[!seq]'. "
"For more information, please refer to https://docs.python.org/3/library/fnmatch.html")
c.argument('data', help='Raw string you want to scan secrets for')
c.argument('save_scan_result', options_list=['--save-scan-result', '--save'], action='store_true',
help='Whether to save scan result to file or not')
c.argument('scan_result_path', options_list=['--scan-result-path', '--result'],
help='Path for the file you want to save the result in. '
'If specified, --save-scan-result will be True anyway. '
'If not speficied but set --save-scan-result to True, '
'the file will be saved as `scan_result_YYYYmmddHHMMSS.json` in your `.azdev` directory ')
c.argument('confidence_level', choices=['HIGH', 'MEDIUM', 'LOW'], default='HIGH',
help='Which confidence level can you accept for built-in scanning patterns. If you choose HIGH, '
'we will only scan with high confidence level patterns. If you choose MEDIUM, '
'we will use patterns of medium confidence level or above, which is medium and high level.')
help='Additional patterns you want to apply or built-in patterns you want to exclude '
'for scanning. Can be json string or path to the json file.')
with ArgumentsContext(self, 'mask') as c:
c.argument('yes', options_list=['--yes', '-y'], action='store_true', help='Answer "yes" to all prompts.')
c.argument('redaction_type', options_list=['--redaction-type', '--type'],
c.argument('saved_scan_result_path', options_list=['--saved-scan-result-path', '--saved-result'],
help='Path of the file you saved the scan result in')
# endregion
# region statistics
with ArgumentsContext(self, 'statistics') as c:
help="Allow running linter on extensions installed by `az extension add`.")
c.argument('statistics_only', action='store_true', help='Show statistics only, without detailed commands.')
with ArgumentsContext(self, 'statistics list-command-table') as c:
c.positional('modules', modules_type)
with ArgumentsContext(self, 'statistics diff-command-tables') as c:
c.argument('table_path', help='command table json file')
c.argument('diff_table_path', help='command table json file to diff')
# endregion
with ArgumentsContext(self, 'command-change meta-export') as c:
c.positional('modules', modules_type)
c.argument('with_help', action="store_true", help="State whether to include help message")
c.argument('with_example', action="store_true", help="State whether to include examples")
c.argument('meta_output_path', help='command meta json file path to store')
with ArgumentsContext(self, 'command-change meta-diff') as c:
c.argument('base_meta_file', required=True, help='command meta json file')
c.argument('diff_meta_file', required=True, help='command meta json file to diff')
c.argument('only_break', action="store_true", help='whether include non breaking changes')
c.argument('output_type', choices=diff_export_format_choices(), default=diff_export_format_choices()[0],
help='format to print diff and suggest message')
c.argument('output_file', help='command meta diff json file path to store')
with ArgumentsContext(self, 'command-change tree-export') as c:
c.positional('modules', modules_type)
c.argument('output_file', help='command tree json file path to store')
# region cmdcov
with ArgumentsContext(self, 'cmdcov') as c:
c.positional('modules', modules_type)
c.argument('level', choices=['command', 'argument'], help='Run command test coverage in command level or argument level.')
# endregion
with ArgumentsContext(self, 'perf') as c:
c.argument('runs', type=int, help='Number of runs to average performance over.')
with ArgumentsContext(self, 'perf benchmark') as c:
c.positional('commands', nargs="*", help="Command prefix to run benchmark. Omit to check all commands with --help.")
c.argument('top', type=int, help='Show N slowest commands. 0 for all.')
with ArgumentsContext(self, 'extension') as c:
c.argument('dist_dir', help='Name of a directory in which to save the resulting WHL files.')
with ArgumentsContext(self, 'extension publish') as c:
c.argument('update_index', action='store_true', help='Update the index.json file after publishing is complete.')
with ArgumentsContext(self, 'extension publish') as c:
c.argument('storage_account', help='Name of the storage account to publish to. Environment variable: AZDEV_DEFAULTS_STORAGE_ACCOUNT.', arg_group='Storage', configured_default='storage_account')
c.argument('storage_container', help='Name of the storage container to publish to. Environment variable: AZDEV_DEFAULTS_STORAGE_CONTAINER.', arg_group='Storage', configured_default='storage_container')
c.argument('storage_account_key', help='Key of the storage account to publish to. ', arg_group='Storage',
for scope in ['extension add', 'extension remove', 'extension build', 'extension publish']:
with ArgumentsContext(self, scope) as c:
c.positional('extensions', metavar='NAME', nargs='+', help='Space-separated list of extension names.')
for scope in ['extension repo add', 'extension repo remove']:
with ArgumentsContext(self, scope) as c:
c.positional('repos', metavar='PATH', nargs='+', help='Space-separated list of paths to Git repositories.')
with ArgumentsContext(self, 'extension update-index') as c:
c.positional('extensions', nargs='+', metavar='URL', help='Space-separated list of URLs to extension WHL files.')
with ArgumentsContext(self, 'extension cal-next-version') as c:
c.argument('base_meta_file', required=True, help='command meta json file')
c.argument('diff_meta_file', required=True, help='command meta json file to diff')
c.argument('current_version', help='current version from metadata')
c.argument('is_preview', help='current azext.isPreview from metadata')
c.argument('is_experimental', help='current azext.isExperimental from metadata')
c.argument('next_version_pre_tag', help='next version is stable or preview, if not provided, use current stable/preview tag')
c.argument('next_version_segment_tag', help='used to modify actual major/minor/patch/pre, if provided, increment version as provided')
with ArgumentsContext(self, 'extension show') as c:
c.argument('mod_name', required=True, help='installed extension module name')
with ArgumentsContext(self, 'cli create') as c:
c.positional('mod_name', help='Name of the module to create.')
with ArgumentsContext(self, 'cli create') as c:
with ArgumentsContext(self, 'extension create') as c:
c.positional('ext_name', help='Name of the extension to create.')
for scope in ['extension create', 'cli create']:
with ArgumentsContext(self, scope) as c:
c.argument('github_alias', help='Github alias for the individual who will be the code owner for this package.')
c.argument('not_preview', action='store_true', help='Do not create template commands under a "Preview" status.')
c.argument('required_sdk', help='Name and version of the underlying Azure SDK that is published on PyPI. (ex: azure-mgmt-contoso==0.1.0).', arg_group='SDK')
c.argument('local_sdk', help='Path to a locally saved SDK. Use if your SDK is not available on PyPI.', arg_group='SDK')
c.argument('client_name', help='Name of the Python SDK client object (ex: ContosoManagementClient).', arg_group='SDK')
c.argument('operation_name', help='Name of the principal Python SDK operation class (ex: ContosoOperations).', arg_group='SDK')
c.argument('sdk_property', help='The name of the Python variable that describes the main object name in the SDK calls (i.e.: account_name)', arg_group='SDK')
c.argument('repo_name', help='Name of the repo the extension will exist in.')
c.argument('display_name', arg_group='Help', help='Description to display in help text.')
c.argument('display_name_plural', arg_group='Help', help='Description to display in help text when plural.')
with ArgumentsContext(self, 'cli generate-docs') as c:
c.argument('all_profiles', action='store_true',
help="If specified, generate docs for all CLI profiles. NOTE: this command updates the current CLI profile and will attempt to reset it to its original value. "
"Please check the CLI's profile after running this command.")
for scope in ['cli', 'extension']:
with ArgumentsContext(self, '{} generate-docs'.format(scope)) as c:
c.argument('output_dir', help='Directory to place the generated docs in. Defaults to a temporary directory. '
'If the base directory does not exist, it will be created')
c.argument('output_type', choices=['xml', 'html', 'text', 'man', 'latex'], default="xml",
help='Output type of the generated docs.')
with ArgumentsContext(self, 'generate-breaking-change-report') as c:
c.positional('modules', modules_type)
c.argument('target_version', default='NextWindow',
help='Only the breaking changes scheduled prior to the specified version will be displayed. '
'The value could be `NextWindow`, `None` or a specified version like `3.0.0`')
c.argument('source', choices=['deprecate_info', 'pre_announce'], default='pre_announce',
help='The source of pre-announced breaking changes. `deprecate_info` represents all breaking changes '
'marked through `deprecation_info`; `pre_announce` represents the breaking changes announced in '
'`breaking_change.py` file.')
c.argument('group_by_version', action='store_true',
help='If specified, breaking changes would be grouped by their target version as well.')
c.argument('output_format', choices=['structure', 'markdown'], default='structure',
help='Output format of the collected breaking changes.')