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149 строки
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// Copyright 2017 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// MIT License
package common
// Command line options.
const (
// Operating environment.
OptEnvironment = "environment"
OptEnvironmentAlias = "e"
OptEnvironmentAzure = "azure"
OptEnvironmentMAS = "mas"
OptEnvironmentFileIpam = "fileIpam"
OptEnvironmentIPv6NodeIpam = "ipv6NodeIpam"
// API server URL.
OptAPIServerURL = "api-url"
OptAPIServerURLAlias = "u"
OptCnsURL = "cns-url"
OptCnsURLAlias = "c"
OptCnsPort = "cns-port"
OptCnsPortAlias = "p"
// Logging level.
OptLogLevel = "log-level"
OptLogLevelAlias = "l"
OptLogLevelInfo = "info"
OptLogLevelDebug = "debug"
OptLogLevelError = "error"
// Logging target.
OptLogTarget = "log-target"
OptLogTargetAlias = "t"
OptLogTargetSyslog = "syslog"
OptLogTargetStderr = "stderr"
OptLogTargetFile = "logfile"
OptLogStdout = "stdout"
OptLogMultiWrite = "stdoutfile"
// Logging location
OptLogLocation = "log-location"
OptLogLocationAlias = "o"
// IPAM query URL.
OptIpamQueryUrl = "ipam-query-url"
OptIpamQueryUrlAlias = "q"
// IPAM query interval.
OptIpamQueryInterval = "ipam-query-interval"
OptIpamQueryIntervalAlias = "i"
// Interval to send reports to host
OptReportToHostInterval = "report-interval"
OptReportToHostIntervalAlias = "hostinterval"
// Periodic Interval Time
OptIntervalTime = "interval"
OptIntervalTimeAlias = "it"
OptDefaultIntervalTime = "defaultinterval"
// Version.
OptVersion = "version"
OptVersionAlias = "v"
// Help.
OptHelp = "help"
OptHelpAlias = "h"
// CNI binary location
OptNetPluginPath = "net-plugin-path"
OptNetPluginPathAlias = "np"
// CNI binary location
OptNetPluginConfigFile = "net-plugin-config-file"
OptNetPluginConfigFileAlias = "npconfig"
// Telemetry config Location
OptTelemetryConfigDir = "telemetry-config-file"
OptTelemetryConfigDirAlias = "d"
// Create ext Hns network
OptCreateDefaultExtNetworkType = "create-defaultextnetwork-type"
OptCreateDefaultExtNetworkTypeAlias = "defaultextnetworktype"
// Disable Telemetry
OptTelemetry = "telemetry"
OptTelemetryAlias = "dt"
// Enable CNS to program SNAT iptables rules
OptProgramSNATIPTables = "program-snat-iptables"
// Enable Telemetry service
OptTelemetryService = "telemetry-service"
OptTelemetryServiceAlias = "ts"
// HTTP connection timeout
OptHttpConnectionTimeout = "http-connection-timeout"
OptHttpConnectionTimeoutAlias = "httpcontimeout"
// HTTP response header timeout
OptHttpResponseHeaderTimeout = "http-response-header-timeout"
OptHttpResponseHeaderTimeoutAlias = "httprespheadertimeout"
// Enable CNS to manage endpoint state
OptManageEndpointState = "manage-endpoint-state"
// Store file location
OptStoreFileLocation = "store-file-path"
OptStoreFileLocationAlias = "storefilepath"
// Private Endpoint
OptPrivateEndpoint = "private-endpoint"
OptPrivateEndpointAlias = "pe"
// Infrastructure Network
OptInfrastructureNetworkID = "infra-vnet"
OptInfrastructureNetworkIDAlias = "iv"
// Node ID/Name
OptNodeID = "node-id"
OptNodeIDAlias = "n"
// Managed mode
OptManaged = "managed"
OptManagedAlias = "m"
// Client mode, cmd
OptDebugCmd = "debugcmd"
OptDebugCmdAlias = "cmd"
// Client mode, args for cmd
OptDebugArg = "debugarg"
OptDebugArgAlias = "darg"
// CNS config path
OptCNSConfigPath = "config-path"
OptCNSConfigPathAlias = "cp"
// OptCNIConflistFilepath
OptCNIConflistFilepath = "cni-conflist-filepath"
// OptCNIConflistFilepathAlias TODO: a "shorthand" is required for the acn args package but this isn't helpful
OptCNIConflistFilepathAlias = "cniconflist"
// OptCNIConflistFilepath
OptCNIConflistScenario = "cni-conflist-scenario"
// OptCNIConflistScenarioAlias "shorthand" for the cni conflist scenairo, see above
OptCNIConflistScenarioAlias = "cniconflistscenario"