
155 строки
7.0 KiB

clusterName: ""
os: ""
sub: ""
os_version: ""
dependsOn: ""
tag: ""
continueOnError: false
# Condition confirms that:
# Pipeline has not been canceled and that the previous job has reports anything other than failure(Succeeded, SuccededWithIssues, Skipped). Previous job is declared by dependsOn: ${{ parameters.dependsOn }}
# Cluster is either Windows2022 or Linux
# CONTROL_SCENARIO either contains 'npm' or 'all'. It is not case sensitive
- job: npm_k8se2e
displayName: "NPM k8s E2E"
dependsOn: ${{ parameters.dependsOn }}
condition: and( and( not(canceled()), not(failed()) ), ${{ or(contains(parameters.os_version, '2022'), eq(parameters.os, 'linux') ) }} , or( contains(variables.CONTROL_SCENARIO, 'npm') , contains(variables.CONTROL_SCENARIO, 'all') ) )
timeoutInMinutes: 180 # This is for testing windows, due to the 3m between the 14 tests -> results in 42m of wasted time
- agent.os -equals Linux
- Role -equals Build
- ${{ if eq(parameters.os, 'linux') }}:
- task: AzureCLI@2
displayName: "Deploy NPM to Test Cluster"
azureSubscription: ${{ parameters.sub }}
scriptType: "bash"
scriptLocation: "inlineScript"
inlineScript: |
set -ex
make -C ./hack/aks set-kubeconf AZCLI=az CLUSTER=${{ parameters.clusterName }}
# deploy azure-npm
kubectl apply -f
kubectl set image daemonset/azure-npm -n kube-system azure-npm=$IMAGE_REGISTRY/azure-npm:${{ parameters.tag }}
kubectl rollout status -n kube-system daemonset/azure-npm
kubectl get po -n kube-system -owide -A
# FQDN=`az aks show -n $CLUSTER_NAME -g $CLUSTER_NAME --query fqdn -o tsv`
FQDN=`az aks show -g ${{ parameters.clusterName }} -n ${{ parameters.clusterName }} --query fqdn -o tsv`
echo $FQDN
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=FQDN]$FQDN"
echo $artifact/e2e.test
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=artifact]$artifact"
- download: current
artifact: npm_k8s
- ${{ if eq(parameters.os, 'windows') }}:
- task: AzureCLI@2
displayName: "Deploy Windows NPM to Test Cluster"
azureSubscription: ${{ parameters.sub }}
scriptType: "bash"
scriptLocation: "inlineScript"
inlineScript: |
set -ex
make -C ./hack/aks set-kubeconf AZCLI=az CLUSTER=${{ parameters.clusterName }}
# deploy azure-npm-win
# Windows
kubectl apply -f npm/examples/windows/azure-npm.yaml
kubectl set image daemonset/azure-npm-win -n kube-system azure-npm=$IMAGE_REGISTRY/azure-npm:windows-amd64-ltsc2022-${{ parameters.tag }}
kubectl rollout status -n kube-system daemonset/azure-npm-win
# konnectivity agent tends to fail after rollout. Give it time to recover
sleep 60
# Taint Linux (system) nodes so windows tests do not run on them
kubectl taint nodes -l
kubectl get po -n kube-system -owide -A
# FQDN=`az aks show -n $CLUSTER_NAME -g $CLUSTER_NAME --query fqdn -o tsv`
FQDN=`az aks show -g ${{ parameters.clusterName }} -n ${{ parameters.clusterName }} --query fqdn -o tsv`
echo $FQDN
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=FQDN]$FQDN"
echo $artifact/e2e.test
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=artifact]$artifact"
- download: current
artifact: npm_k8s_windows
- bash: |
set -e
# NetworkPolicy between server and...
client should enforce policy to allow traffic only from a different namespace, based on NamespaceSelector|\
client should deny egress from pods based on PodSelector|\
client should enforce multiple, stacked policies with overlapping podSelectors|\
client should enforce egress policy allowing traffic to a server in a different namespace based on PodSelector and NamespaceSelector|\
client should work with Ingress, Egress specified together|\
client should enforce ingress policy allowing any port traffic to a server on a specific protocol|\
client should not allow access by TCP when a policy specifies only UDP|\
client should allow egress access to server in CIDR block|\
client should enforce policy based on Ports|\
client should support allow-all policy|\
client should enforce updated policy|\
client should support denying of egress traffic on the client side|\
client should stop enforcing policies after they are deleted|\
client should support a 'default-deny-ingress' policy"
ls -l $(Pipeline.Workspace)/$(artifact)
echo adding execution to $(artifact)/e2e.test
chmod +x $(Pipeline.Workspace)/$(artifact)/e2e.test
ls -l $(Pipeline.Workspace)/$(artifact)
$(Pipeline.Workspace)/$(artifact)/e2e.test \
--provider=local \
--ginkgo.focus="$focus" \
--ginkgo.skip="NetworkPolicyLegacy|SCTP" \
--kubeconfig=$HOME/.kube/config \
displayName: "Run Kubernetes e2e.test"
continueOnError: ${{ parameters.continueOnError }}
- ${{ if eq(parameters.os, 'windows') }}:
- bash: |
# Untaint Linux (system) nodes once testing is complete
kubectl taint nodes -l
displayName: Untaint Linux Nodes
condition: always()
- bash: |
npmLogs=$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/${{ parameters.clusterName }}_npmLogs_Attempt_#$(System.StageAttempt)
mkdir -p $npmLogs
kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep npm
npmPodList=`kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep npm | awk '{print $1}'`
# capture all logs
for npmPod in $npmPodList; do
kubectl logs -n kube-system $npmPod > $npmLogs/$npmPod-logs.txt
displayName: Generate NPM pod logs
retryCountOnTaskFailure: 3
condition: always()
- publish: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/${{ parameters.clusterName }}_npmLogs_Attempt_#$(System.StageAttempt)
condition: always()
artifact: ${{ parameters.clusterName }}_npmLogs_Attempt_#$(System.StageAttempt)
name: npmLogs
displayName: Publish NPM pod logs