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This repository contains plugins and tools for container networking in Azure:
- A libnetwork (CNM) plugin for Docker containers on Microsoft Azure. The plugin connects containers to Azure's VNET, to take advantage of SDN capabilities.
- A CNI plugin for Kubernetes and Mesos on Azure.
We welcome your feedback!
Download the latest official stable release from Docker plugin store.
$ docker plugin pull azure/azure-cnm-plugin
If you want the very latest version, you can also build plugins directly from this repo.
Clone the azure-container-networking repo:
$ git clone https://github/com/Azure/azure-container-networking
$ cd azure-container-networking
Build the plugin for your environment. For Docker:
$ make azure-cnm-plugin
For Kubernetes and Mesos:
$ make azure-cni-plugin
The plugin is placed in the azure-container-networking/out directory.
Supported Environments
Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure Stack
Usage: azure-cnm-plugin [OPTIONS]
-e, --environment={azure|mas} Set the operating environment.
-l, --log-level={info|debug} Set the logging level.
-t, --log-target={syslog|stderr} Set the logging target.
-?, --help Print usage and version information.
To connect your containers to other resources on your Azure virtual network, you need to first create a Docker network. A network is a group of uniquely addressable endpoints that can communicate with each other.
Create a network:
$ docker network create --driver=azurenet --ipam-driver=azureipam azure
When the command succeeds, it will return the network ID. Networks can also be listed by:
$ docker network ls
3159b0528a83 azure azurenet local
515779dadc8a bridge bridge local
ed6e704a74ef host host local
b35e3b663cc1 none null local
Connect containers to your network by specifying the network name when starting them:
$ docker run --net=azure -it ubuntu:latest /bin/bash
Finally, once all containers on the network exit, you can delete the network:
$ docker network rm azure
All endpoints on the network must be deleted before the network itself can be deleted.
The plugin creates a bridge for each underlying Azure virtual network. The bridge functions in L2 mode and is bridged to the host network interface. The bridge itself can also be assigned an IP address, turning it into a gateway for containers.
If the container host VM has multiple network interfaces, the primary network interface is reserved for management traffic. A secondary interface is used for container traffic whenever possible.
Code of Conduct
This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact opencode@microsoft.com with any additional questions or comments.