
462 строки
14 KiB

//go:build linux
// +build linux
package dhcp
import (
const (
dhcpDiscover = 1
bootRequest = 1
ethPAll = 0x0003
MaxUDPReceivedPacketSize = 8192
dhcpServerPort = 67
dhcpClientPort = 68
dhcpOpCodeReply = 2
bootpMinLen = 300
bytesInAddress = 4 // bytes in an ip address
macBytes = 6 // bytes in a mac address
udpProtocol = 17
opRequest = 1
htypeEthernet = 1
hlenEthernet = 6
hops = 0
secs = 0
flags = 0x8000 // Broadcast flag
// TransactionID represents a 4-byte DHCP transaction ID as defined in RFC 951,
// Section 3.
// The TransactionID is used to match DHCP replies to their original request.
type TransactionID [4]byte
var (
magicCookie = []byte{0x63, 0x82, 0x53, 0x63} // DHCP magic cookie
DefaultReadTimeout = 3 * time.Second
DefaultTimeout = 3 * time.Second
type DHCP struct {
logger *zap.Logger
func New(logger *zap.Logger) *DHCP {
return &DHCP{
logger: logger,
type Socket struct {
fd int
remoteAddr unix.SockaddrInet4
// Linux specific
// returns a writer which should always be closed, even if we return an error
func NewWriteSocket(ifname string, remoteAddr unix.SockaddrInet4) (io.WriteCloser, error) {
fd, err := MakeBroadcastSocket(ifname)
ret := &Socket{
fd: fd,
remoteAddr: remoteAddr,
if err != nil {
return ret, errors.Wrap(err, "could not make dhcp write socket")
return ret, nil
func (s *Socket) Write(packetBytes []byte) (int, error) {
err := unix.Sendto(s.fd, packetBytes, 0, &s.remoteAddr)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Wrap(err, "failed unix send to")
return len(packetBytes), nil
// returns a reader which should always be closed, even if we return an error
func NewReadSocket(ifname string, timeout time.Duration) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
fd, err := makeListeningSocket(ifname, timeout)
ret := &Socket{
fd: fd,
if err != nil {
return ret, errors.Wrap(err, "could not make dhcp read socket")
return ret, nil
func (s *Socket) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
n, _, innerErr := unix.Recvfrom(s.fd, p, 0)
if innerErr != nil {
return 0, errors.Wrap(err, "failed unix recv from")
return n, nil
func (s *Socket) Close() error {
// do not attempt to close fd with -1 as they are not valid
if s.fd == -1 {
return nil
// Ensure the file descriptor is closed when done
if err := unix.Close(s.fd); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error closing dhcp unix socket")
return nil
// GenerateTransactionID generates a random 32-bits number suitable for use as TransactionID
func GenerateTransactionID() (TransactionID, error) {
var xid TransactionID
_, err := rand.Read(xid[:])
if err != nil {
return xid, errors.Errorf("could not get random number: %v", err)
return xid, nil
func makeListeningSocket(ifname string, timeout time.Duration) (int, error) {
// reference:
// starts listening to the specified protocol, or none if zero
// the SockaddrLinkLayer also ensures packets for the htons(unix.ETH_P_IP) prot are received
fd, err := unix.Socket(unix.AF_PACKET, unix.SOCK_DGRAM, int(htons(unix.ETH_P_IP)))
if err != nil {
return fd, errors.Wrap(err, "dhcp socket creation failure")
iface, err := net.InterfaceByName(ifname)
if err != nil {
return fd, errors.Wrap(err, "dhcp failed to get interface")
llAddr := unix.SockaddrLinklayer{
Ifindex: iface.Index,
Protocol: htons(unix.ETH_P_IP),
err = unix.Bind(fd, &llAddr)
// set max time waiting without any data received
timeval := unix.NsecToTimeval(timeout.Nanoseconds())
if innerErr := unix.SetsockoptTimeval(fd, unix.SOL_SOCKET, unix.SO_RCVTIMEO, &timeval); innerErr != nil {
return fd, errors.Wrap(innerErr, "could not set timeout on socket")
return fd, errors.Wrap(err, "dhcp failed to bind")
// MakeBroadcastSocket creates a socket that can be passed to unix.Sendto
// that will send packets out to the broadcast address.
func MakeBroadcastSocket(ifname string) (int, error) {
fd, err := makeRawSocket(ifname)
if err != nil {
return fd, err
// enables broadcast (disabled by default)
err = unix.SetsockoptInt(fd, unix.SOL_SOCKET, unix.SO_BROADCAST, 1)
if err != nil {
return fd, errors.Wrap(err, "dhcp failed to set sockopt")
return fd, nil
// conversion between host and network byte order
func htons(v uint16) uint16 {
var tmp [2]byte
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(tmp[:], v)
return binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(tmp[:])
func BindToInterface(fd int, ifname string) error {
return errors.Wrap(unix.BindToDevice(fd, ifname), "failed to bind to device")
// makeRawSocket creates a socket that can be passed to unix.Sendto.
func makeRawSocket(ifname string) (int, error) {
// AF_INET sends via IPv4, SOCK_RAW means create an ip datagram socket (skips udp transport layer, see below)
fd, err := unix.Socket(unix.AF_INET, unix.SOCK_RAW, unix.IPPROTO_RAW)
if err != nil {
return fd, errors.Wrap(err, "dhcp raw socket creation failure")
// Later on when we write to this socket, our packet already contains the header (we create it with MakeRawUDPPacket).
err = unix.SetsockoptInt(fd, unix.IPPROTO_IP, unix.IP_HDRINCL, 1)
if err != nil {
return fd, errors.Wrap(err, "dhcp failed to set hdrincl raw sockopt")
err = BindToInterface(fd, ifname)
if err != nil {
return fd, errors.Wrap(err, "dhcp failed to bind to interface")
return fd, nil
// Build DHCP Discover Packet
func buildDHCPDiscover(mac net.HardwareAddr, txid TransactionID) ([]byte, error) {
if len(mac) != macBytes {
return nil, errors.Errorf("invalid MAC address length")
var packet bytes.Buffer
// BOOTP header
packet.WriteByte(opRequest) // op: BOOTREQUEST (1)
packet.WriteByte(htypeEthernet) // htype: Ethernet (1)
packet.WriteByte(hlenEthernet) // hlen: MAC address length (6)
packet.WriteByte(hops) // hops: 0
packet.Write(txid[:]) // xid: Transaction ID (4 bytes)
err := binary.Write(&packet, binary.BigEndian, uint16(secs)) // secs: Seconds elapsed
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to write seconds elapsed")
err = binary.Write(&packet, binary.BigEndian, uint16(flags)) // flags: Broadcast flag
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to write broadcast flag")
// Client IP address (
packet.Write(make([]byte, bytesInAddress))
// Your IP address (
packet.Write(make([]byte, bytesInAddress))
// Server IP address (
packet.Write(make([]byte, bytesInAddress))
// Gateway IP address (
packet.Write(make([]byte, bytesInAddress))
// chaddr: Client hardware address (MAC address)
paddingBytes := 10
packet.Write(mac) // MAC address (6 bytes)
packet.Write(make([]byte, paddingBytes)) // Padding to 16 bytes
// sname: Server host name (64 bytes)
serverHostNameBytes := 64
packet.Write(make([]byte, serverHostNameBytes))
// file: Boot file name (128 bytes)
bootFileNameBytes := 128
packet.Write(make([]byte, bootFileNameBytes))
// Magic cookie (DHCP)
err = binary.Write(&packet, binary.BigEndian, magicCookie)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to write magic cookie")
// DHCP options (minimal required options for DISCOVER)
53, 1, 1, // Option 53: DHCP Message Type (1 = DHCP Discover)
55, 3, 1, 3, 6, // Option 55: Parameter Request List (1 = Subnet Mask, 3 = Router, 6 = DNS)
255, // End option
// padding length to 300 bytes
var value uint8 // default is zero
if packet.Len() < bootpMinLen {
packet.Write(bytes.Repeat([]byte{value}, bootpMinLen-packet.Len()))
return packet.Bytes(), nil
// MakeRawUDPPacket converts a payload (a serialized packet) into a
// raw UDP packet for the specified serverAddr from the specified clientAddr.
func MakeRawUDPPacket(payload []byte, serverAddr, clientAddr net.UDPAddr) ([]byte, error) {
udpBytes := 8
udp := make([]byte, udpBytes)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(udp[:2], uint16(clientAddr.Port))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(udp[2:4], uint16(serverAddr.Port))
totalLen := uint16(udpBytes + len(payload))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(udp[4:6], totalLen)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(udp[6:8], 0) // try to offload the checksum
headerVersion := 4
headerLen := 20
headerTTL := 64
h := ipv4.Header{
Version: headerVersion, // nolint
Len: headerLen, // nolint
TotalLen: headerLen + len(udp) + len(payload),
TTL: headerTTL,
Protocol: udpProtocol, // UDP
Dst: serverAddr.IP,
Src: clientAddr.IP,
ret, err := h.Marshal()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to marshal when making udp packet")
ret = append(ret, udp...)
ret = append(ret, payload...)
return ret, nil
// Receive DHCP response packet using reader
func (c *DHCP) receiveDHCPResponse(ctx context.Context, reader io.ReadCloser, xid TransactionID) error {
recvErrors := make(chan error, 1)
// Recvfrom is a blocking call, so if something goes wrong with its timeout it won't return.
// Additionally, the timeout on the socket (on the Read(...)) call is how long until the socket times out and gives an error,
// but it won't error if we do get some sort of data within the time out period.
// If we get some data (even if it is not the packet we are looking for, like wrong txid, wrong response opcode etc.)
// then we continue in the for loop. We then call recvfrom again which will reset the timeout period
// Without the secondary timeout at the bottom of the function, we could stay stuck in the for loop as long as we receive packets.
go func(errs chan<- error) {
// loop will only exit if there is an error, context canceled, or we find our reply packet
for {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
errs <- ctx.Err()
buf := make([]byte, MaxUDPReceivedPacketSize)
// Blocks until data received or timeout period is reached
n, innerErr := reader.Read(buf)
if innerErr != nil {
errs <- innerErr
// check header
var iph ipv4.Header
if err := iph.Parse(buf[:n]); err != nil {
// skip non-IP data
if iph.Protocol != udpProtocol {
// skip non-UDP packets
udph := buf[iph.Len:n]
// source is from dhcp server if receiving
srcPort := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(udph[0:2]))
if srcPort != dhcpServerPort {
// client is to dhcp client if receiving
dstPort := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(udph[2:4]))
if dstPort != dhcpClientPort {
// check payload
pLen := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(udph[4:6]))
payload := buf[iph.Len+8 : iph.Len+pLen]
// retrieve opcode from payload
opcode := payload[0] // opcode is first byte
// retrieve txid from payload
txidOffset := 4 // after 4 bytes, the txid starts
// the txid is 4 bytes, so we take four bytes after the offset
txid := payload[txidOffset : txidOffset+4]
c.logger.Info("Received packet", zap.Int("opCode", int(opcode)), zap.Any("transactionID", TransactionID(txid)))
if opcode != dhcpOpCodeReply {
continue // opcode is not a reply, so continue
if TransactionID(txid) == xid {
// only occurs if we find our reply packet successfully
// a nil error means a reply was found for this txid
recvErrors <- nil
// sends a message on repeat after timeout, but only the first one matters
ticker := time.NewTicker(DefaultReadTimeout)
defer ticker.Stop()
select {
case err := <-recvErrors:
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error during receiving")
case <-ticker.C:
return errors.New("timed out waiting for replies")
return nil
// Issues a DHCP Discover packet from the nic specified by mac and name ifname
// Returns nil if a reply to the transaction was received, or error if time out
// Does not return the DHCP Offer that was received from the DHCP server
func (c *DHCP) DiscoverRequest(ctx context.Context, mac net.HardwareAddr, ifname string) error {
txid, err := GenerateTransactionID()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to generate random transaction id")
// Used in later steps
raddr := &net.UDPAddr{IP: net.IPv4bcast, Port: dhcpServerPort}
laddr := &net.UDPAddr{IP: net.IPv4zero, Port: dhcpClientPort}
var destination [net.IPv4len]byte
copy(destination[:], raddr.IP.To4())
// Build a DHCP discover packet
dhcpPacket, err := buildDHCPDiscover(mac, txid)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to build dhcp discover packet")
// Make UDP packet from dhcp packet in previous steps
packetToSendBytes, err := MakeRawUDPPacket(dhcpPacket, *raddr, *laddr)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error making raw udp packet")
// Make writer
remoteAddr := unix.SockaddrInet4{Port: laddr.Port, Addr: destination}
writer, err := NewWriteSocket(ifname, remoteAddr)
defer func() {
// Ensure the file descriptor is closed when done
if err = writer.Close(); err != nil {
c.logger.Error("Error closing dhcp writer socket:", zap.Error(err))
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to make broadcast socket")
// Make reader
deadline, ok := ctx.Deadline()
if !ok {
return errors.New("no deadline for passed in context")
timeout := time.Until(deadline)
// note: if the write/send takes a long time DiscoverRequest might take a bit longer than the deadline
reader, err := NewReadSocket(ifname, timeout)
defer func() {
// Ensure the file descriptor is closed when done
if err = reader.Close(); err != nil {
c.logger.Error("Error closing dhcp reader socket:", zap.Error(err))
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to make listening socket")
// Once writer and reader created, start sending and receiving
_, err = writer.Write(packetToSendBytes)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to send dhcp discover packet")
c.logger.Info("DHCP Discover packet was sent successfully", zap.Any("transactionID", txid))
// Wait for DHCP response (Offer)
res := c.receiveDHCPResponse(ctx, reader, txid)
return res