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namespace DocumentDB.Samples.Queries
using Microsoft.Azure.Documents;
using Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client;
using Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Linq;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
// This sample demonstrates the use of LINQ and SQL Query Grammar to query DocumentDB Service
// For additional examples using the SQL query grammer refer to the SQL Query Tutorial available
// at
// There is also an interactive Query Demo web application where you can try out different
// SQL queries available at
public class Program
private static DocumentClient client;
// Assign an id for your database & collection
private static readonly string DatabaseName = "samples";
private static readonly string CollectionName = "query-samples";
// Read the DocumentDB endpointUrl and authorizationKeys from config
// These values are available from the Azure Management Portal on the DocumentDB Account Blade under "Keys"
// NB > Keep these values in a safe & secure location. Together they provide Administrative access to your DocDB account
private static readonly string endpointUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EndPointUrl"];
private static readonly string authorizationKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AuthorizationKey"];
// Set to true for this sample since it deals with different kinds of queries.
private static readonly FeedOptions DefaultOptions = new FeedOptions { EnableCrossPartitionQuery = true };
public static async Task Main(string[] args)
// DocumentClient should be a singleton
using (client = new DocumentClient(new Uri(endpointUrl), authorizationKey,
new ConnectionPolicy { ConnectionMode = ConnectionMode.Direct, ConnectionProtocol = Protocol.Tcp }))
await RunDemoAsync(DatabaseName, CollectionName);
#if !DEBUG
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("End of demo, press any key to exit.");
private static async Task RunDemoAsync(string databaseId, string collectionId)
Database database = await client.CreateDatabaseIfNotExistsAsync(new Database { Id = databaseId });
DocumentCollection collection = await GetOrCreateCollectionAsync(databaseId, collectionId);
Uri collectionUri = UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(databaseId, collectionId);
await CreateDocuments(collectionUri);
// There are three ways of writing queries in the .NET SDK for DocumentDB,
// using the SQL Query Grammar, using LINQ Provider with Query and with Lambda.
// This sample will show each query using all methods.
// It is entirely up to you which style of query you write as they result in exactly the same query being
// executed on the service.
// There are some occasions when one syntax has advantages over others, but it's your choice which to use when
// Querying for all documents
await QueryAllDocumentsAsync(collectionUri);
// Querying for equality using ==
await QueryWithEquality(collectionUri);
// Querying for inequality using != and NOT
await QueryWithInequality(collectionUri);
// Querying using range operators like >, <, >=, <=
await QueryWithRangeOperatorsOnNumbers(collectionUri);
// Querying using range operators against strings. Needs a different indexing policy or the EnableScanInQuery directive.
await QueryWithRangeOperatorsOnStrings(collectionUri);
await QueryWithRangeOperatorsDateTimes(collectionUri);
// Querying with order by
await QueryWithOrderBy(collectionUri);
// Query with aggregate operators - Sum, Min, Max, Average, and Count
await QueryWithAggregates(collectionUri);
// Work with subdocuments
await QueryWithSubdocuments(collectionUri);
// Query with Intra-document Joins
await QueryWithJoins(collectionUri);
// Query with string, math and array operators
await QueryWithStringMathAndArrayOperators(collectionUri);
// Query with parameterized SQL using SqlQuerySpec
await QueryWithSqlQuerySpec(collectionUri);
// Query with explict Paging
await QueryWithPagingAsync(collectionUri);
// Query across multiple partitions in parallel
await QueryPartitionedCollectionInParallelAsync(collectionUri);
// Query using order by across multiple partitions
await QueryWithOrderByForPartitionedCollectionAsync(collectionUri);
// Uncomment to Cleanup
// await client.DeleteDatabaseAsync(UriFactory.CreateDatabaseUri(databaseId));
private static async Task QueryAllDocumentsAsync(Uri collectionUri)
// LINQ Query
var families =
from f in client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, DefaultOptions)
select f;
int count = await families.CountAsync();
Assert("Expected two families", count == 2);
// LINQ Lambda
IQueryable<Family> allfamiliesQuery = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, DefaultOptions);
IList<Family> allFamiles = await ExecuteQuery(allfamiliesQuery);
Assert("Expected two families", allFamiles.Count == 2);
// SQL
allfamiliesQuery = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(
documentCollectionOrDatabaseUri: collectionUri,
sqlExpression: "SELECT * FROM Families",
feedOptions: DefaultOptions);
allFamiles = await ExecuteQuery(allfamiliesQuery);
Assert("Expected two families", allFamiles.Count == 2);
private static async Task QueryWithSqlQuerySpec(Uri collectionUri)
// Simple query with a single property equality comparison
// in SQL with SQL parameterization instead of inlining the
// parameter values in the query string
// LINQ Query -- Id == "value"
var query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, new SqlQuerySpec()
QueryText = "SELECT * FROM Families f WHERE ( = @id)",
Parameters = new SqlParameterCollection()
new SqlParameter("@id", "AndersenFamily")
}, DefaultOptions);
IList<Family> families = await ExecuteQuery(query);
Assert("Expected only 1 family", families.Count == 1);
// Query using two properties within each document. WHERE Id == "" AND Address.City == ""
// notice here how we are doing an equality comparison on the string value of City
query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(
new SqlQuerySpec()
QueryText = "SELECT * FROM Families f WHERE = @id AND f.Address.City = @city",
Parameters = new SqlParameterCollection()
new SqlParameter("@id", "AndersenFamily"),
new SqlParameter("@city", "Seattle")
}, DefaultOptions);
families = await ExecuteQuery(query);
Assert("Expected only 1 family", families.Count == 1);
private static async Task QueryWithEquality(Uri collectionUri)
// Simple query with a single property equality comparison
await QueryWithEqualsOnId(collectionUri);
// Query using two properties within each document (WHERE Id == "" AND Address.City == "")
// Notice here how we are doing an equality comparison on the string value of City
await QueryWithAndFilter(collectionUri);
//Query using a filter on two properties and include a custom projection
//in to a new anonymous type
await QueryWithAndFilterAndProjection(collectionUri);
private static async Task QueryWithAndFilterAndProjection(Uri collectionUri)
// LINQ Query -- Id == "value" OR City == "value"
var query =
(from f in client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, DefaultOptions)
where f.Id == "AndersenFamily" || f.Address.City == "NY"
select new { Name = f.LastName, City = f.Address.City }).AsDocumentQuery();
while (query.HasMoreResults)
var items2 = await query.ExecuteNextAsync();
foreach (var item in items2)
Console.WriteLine("The {0} family live in {1}", item.Name, item.City);
var query2 = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(
new FeedOptions { MaxItemCount = 1, EnableCrossPartitionQuery = true })
.Where(d => d.LastName == "Andersen")
.Select(f => new { Name = f.LastName })
while (query2.HasMoreResults)
var items2 = await query2.ExecuteNextAsync();
foreach (var item in items2)
Console.WriteLine("The {0} family.", item.Name);
// LINQ Lambda -- Id == "value" OR City == "value"
var query3 = (client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, DefaultOptions)
.Where(f => f.Id == "AndersenFamily" || f.Address.City == "NY")
.Select(f => new { Name = f.LastName, City = f.Address.City })).AsDocumentQuery();
while (query3.HasMoreResults)
var items = await query3.ExecuteNextAsync();
foreach (var item in items)
Console.WriteLine("The {0} family live in {1}", item.Name, item.City);
// SQL -- Id == "value" OR City == "value"
var query4 = client.CreateDocumentQuery(collectionUri,
"SELECT f.LastName AS Name, f.Address.City AS City " +
"FROM Families f " +
"WHERE'AndersenFamily' OR f.Address.City='NY'", DefaultOptions);
var items4 = await ExecuteQuery<dynamic>(query4);
foreach (var item in items4)
Console.WriteLine("The {0} family live in {1}", item.Name, item.City);
private static async Task QueryWithAndFilter(Uri collectionUri)
// LINQ Query
var query = from f in client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, DefaultOptions)
where f.Id == "AndersenFamily" && f.Address.City == "Seattle"
select f;
var families = await ExecuteQuery(query);
Assert("Expected only 1 family", families.Count == 1);
// LINQ Lambda -- Id == "value" AND City == "value"
query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, DefaultOptions)
.Where(f => f.Id == "AndersenFamily" && f.Address.City == "Seattle");
families = await ExecuteQuery(query);
Assert("Expected only 1 family", families.Count == 1);
// SQL -- Id == "value" AND City == "value"
query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(
"SELECT * FROM Families f WHERE'AndersenFamily' AND f.Address.City='Seattle'",
families = await ExecuteQuery(query);
Assert("Expected only 1 family", families.Count == 1);
private static async Task QueryWithEqualsOnId(Uri collectionUri)
// LINQ Query -- Id == "value"
var familiesQuery =
from f in client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, DefaultOptions)
where f.Id == "AndersenFamily"
select f;
var families = await ExecuteQuery(familiesQuery);
Assert("Expected only 1 family", families.Count == 1);
// LINQ Lambda -- Id == "value"
familiesQuery = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, DefaultOptions).Where(f => f.Id == "AndersenFamily");
families = await ExecuteQuery(familiesQuery);
Assert("Expected only 1 family", families.Count == 1);
// SQL -- Id == "value"
familiesQuery = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(
"SELECT * FROM Families f WHERE'AndersenFamily'",
families = await ExecuteQuery(familiesQuery);
Assert("Expected only 1 family", families.Count == 1);
private static async Task QueryWithInequality(Uri collectionUri)
// Simple query with a single property inequality comparison
// LINQ Query
var query = from f in client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, DefaultOptions)
where f.Id != "AndersenFamily"
select f;
var families = await ExecuteQuery(query);
Assert("Expected only 1 family", families.Count == 1);
// LINQ Lambda
query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, DefaultOptions)
.Where(f => f.Id != "AndersenFamily");
families = await ExecuteQuery(query);
Assert("Expected only 1 family", families.Count == 1);
// SQL - in SQL you can use <> interchangably with != for "not equals"
query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(
"SELECT * FROM Families f WHERE <> 'AndersenFamily'",
families = await ExecuteQuery(query);
Assert("Expected only 1 family", families.ToList().Count == 1);
//combine equality and inequality
query =
from f in client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, DefaultOptions)
where f.Id == "Wakefield" && f.Address.City != "NY"
select f;
families = await ExecuteQuery(query);
Assert("Expected no results", families.Count == 0);
query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(
"SELECT * FROM Families f WHERE = 'AndersenFamily' AND f.Address.City != 'NY'",
families = await ExecuteQuery(query);
Assert("Expected only 1 family", families.Count == 1);
private static async Task QueryWithRangeOperatorsOnNumbers(Uri collectionUri)
// LINQ Query
var query = from f in client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, DefaultOptions)
where f.Children[0].Grade > 5
select f;
var families = await ExecuteQuery(query);
Assert("Expected only 1 family", families.ToList().Count == 1);
// LINQ Lambda
query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, DefaultOptions)
.Where(f => f.Children[0].Grade > 5);
families = await ExecuteQuery(query);
Assert("Expected only 1 family", families.Count == 1);
// SQL
query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri,
"SELECT * FROM Families f WHERE f.Children[0].Grade > 5",
families = await ExecuteQuery(query);
Assert("Expected only 1 family", families.Count == 1);
private static async Task QueryWithRangeOperatorsOnStrings(Uri collectionUri)
var query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, DefaultOptions)
.Where(f => f.Address.State.CompareTo("NY") > 0);
var families = await ExecuteQuery(query);
Assert("Expected only 1 family", families.Count == 1);
// SQL Query
query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(
"SELECT * FROM Families f WHERE f.Address.State > 'NY'",
families = await ExecuteQuery(query);
Assert("Expected only 1 family", families.Count == 1);
private static async Task QueryWithRangeOperatorsDateTimes(Uri collectionUri)
var query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, DefaultOptions)
.Where(f => f.RegistrationDate >= DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-3));
var families = await ExecuteQuery(query);
Assert("Expected only 1 family", families.Count == 1);
query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri,
string.Format("SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.RegistrationDate >= '{0}'",
DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-3).ToString("o")), DefaultOptions);
families = await ExecuteQuery(query);
Assert("Expected only 1 family", families.Count == 1);
private static async Task QueryWithOrderBy(Uri collectionUri)
// Order by with numbers. Works with default IndexingPolicy
await QueryWithOrderByNumbers(collectionUri);
// Order by with strings. Needs custom indexing policy. See GetOrCreateCollectionAsync
await QueryWithOrderByStrings(collectionUri);
private static async Task QueryWithOrderByNumbers(Uri collectionUri)
// LINQ Query
IQueryable<Family> query =
from f in client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, DefaultOptions)
where f.LastName == "Andersen"
orderby f.Children[0].Grade
select f;
var families = await ExecuteQuery(query);
Assert("Expected 1 families", families.Count == 1);
// LINQ Lambda
query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, DefaultOptions)
.Where(f => f.LastName == "Andersen")
.OrderBy(f => f.Children[0].Grade);
families = await ExecuteQuery(query);
Assert("Expected 1 families", families.Count == 1);
// SQL
query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(
"SELECT * FROM Families f WHERE f.LastName = 'Andersen' ORDER BY f.Children[0].Grade",
families = await ExecuteQuery(query);
Assert("Expected 1 families", families.Count == 1);
private static async Task QueryWithOrderByStrings(Uri collectionUri)
// LINQ Query
IQueryable<Family> query = from f in client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, DefaultOptions)
where f.LastName == "Andersen"
orderby f.Address.State descending
select f;
var families = await ExecuteQuery(query);
Assert("Expected only 1 family", families.Count == 1);
// LINQ Lambda
query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, DefaultOptions)
.Where(f => f.LastName == "Andersen")
.OrderByDescending(f => f.Address.State);
families = await ExecuteQuery(query);
Assert("Expected only 1 family", families.Count == 1);
// SQL
query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(
"SELECT * FROM Families f WHERE f.LastName = 'Andersen' ORDER BY f.Address.State DESC",
families = await ExecuteQuery(query);
Assert("Expected only 1 family", families.Count == 1);
private static async Task QueryWithAggregates(Uri collectionUri)
// SQL
var query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<int>(
"SELECT VALUE COUNT(f) FROM Families f WHERE f.LastName = 'Andersen'",
int count = (await ExecuteQuery(query)).First();
Assert("Expected only 1 family", count == 1);
count = await client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, DefaultOptions)
.Where(f => f.LastName == "Andersen")
Assert("Expected only 1 family", count == 1);
// SQL over an array within documents
query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<int>(
"SELECT VALUE COUNT(child) FROM child IN f.Children",
count = (await ExecuteQuery(query)).First();
Assert("Expected 3 children", count == 3);
count = await client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, DefaultOptions)
.SelectMany(f => f.Children)
Assert("Expected 3 children", count == 3);
// SQL over an array within documents
var maxGradeQuery = client.CreateDocumentQuery<int>(
"SELECT VALUE MAX(child.Grade) FROM child IN f.Children",
int maxGrade = (await ExecuteQuery(maxGradeQuery)).First();
Assert("Expected 8th grade", maxGrade == 8);
maxGrade = await client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, DefaultOptions)
.SelectMany(f => f.Children)
.Select(c => c.Grade)
Assert("Expected 8th grade", maxGrade == 8);
private static async Task QueryWithSubdocuments(Uri collectionUri)
// DocumentDB supports the selection of sub-documents on the server, there
// is no need to send down the full family record if all you want to display
// is a single child
// SQL
var query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Child>(
"SELECT VALUE c FROM c IN f.Children",
var childrenResult = await ExecuteQuery(query);
foreach (var child in childrenResult)
// LINQ Query
query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, DefaultOptions)
.SelectMany(family => family.Children
.Select(c => c));
childrenResult = await ExecuteQuery(query);
foreach (var child in childrenResult)
private static async Task QueryWithJoins(Uri collectionUri)
// DocumentDB supports the notion of a Intradocument Join, or a self-join
// which will effectively flatten the hierarchy of a document, just like doing
// a self JOIN on a SQL table
// Below are three queries involving JOIN, shown in SQL and in LINQ, each produces the exact same result set
await QueryWithSingleJoin(collectionUri);
//now lets add a second level by joining the pets on to children which is joined to family
await QueryWithTwoJoins(collectionUri);
// Now let's add a filter to our JOIN query
await QueryWithTwoJoinsAndFilter(collectionUri);
private static async Task QueryWithTwoJoinsAndFilter(Uri collectionUri)
var query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<dynamic>(collectionUri,
"SELECT as family, c.FirstName AS child, p.GivenName AS pet " +
"FROM Families f " +
"JOIN c IN f.Children " +
"JOIN p IN c.Pets " +
"WHERE p.GivenName = 'Fluffy'",
var items = await ExecuteQuery(query);
foreach (var item in items)
var familiesChildrenAndPetsQuery = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, DefaultOptions)
.SelectMany(family => family.Children
.SelectMany(child => child.Pets
.Where(pet => pet.GivenName == "Fluffy")
.Select(pet => new
family = family.Id,
child = child.FirstName,
pet = pet.GivenName
while (familiesChildrenAndPetsQuery.HasMoreResults)
var familiesChildrenAndPets = await familiesChildrenAndPetsQuery.ExecuteNextAsync();
foreach (var pet in familiesChildrenAndPets)
private static async Task QueryWithTwoJoins(Uri collectionUri)
// SQL
var familiesChildrenAndPetsQuery = client.CreateDocumentQuery<dynamic>(
"SELECT as family, c.FirstName AS child, p.GivenName AS pet " +
"FROM Families f " +
"JOIN c IN f.Children " +
"JOIN p IN c.Pets ",
var familiesChildrenAndPets = await ExecuteQuery(familiesChildrenAndPetsQuery);
foreach (var item in familiesChildrenAndPets)
var query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, DefaultOptions)
.SelectMany(family => family.Children
.SelectMany(child => child.Pets
.Select(pet => new
family = family.Id,
child = child.FirstName,
pet = pet.GivenName
while (query.HasMoreResults)
var items = await query.ExecuteNextAsync();
foreach (var item in items)
private static async Task QueryWithSingleJoin(Uri collectionUri)
// SQL
var query = client.CreateDocumentQuery(collectionUri,
"FROM Families f " +
"JOIN c IN f.Children", DefaultOptions);
var items = await ExecuteQuery(query);
foreach (var item in items)
var familiesAndChildrenQuery = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, DefaultOptions)
.SelectMany(family => family.Children
.Select(c => family.Id));
var familiesAndChildren = await ExecuteQuery(familiesAndChildrenQuery);
foreach (var item in familiesAndChildren)
private static async Task QueryWithStringMathAndArrayOperators(Uri collectionUri)
// Find all families where the lastName starts with "An" -> should return the Andersens
IQueryable<Family> query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(
"SELECT * FROM family WHERE STARTSWITH(family.LastName, 'An')",
var results = await ExecuteQuery(query);
Assert("Expected only 1 family", results.Count == 1);
// Same query in LINQ. You can also use other operators like string.Contains(), string.EndsWith(), string.Trim(), etc.
query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, DefaultOptions)
.Where(family => family.LastName.StartsWith("An"));
results = await ExecuteQuery(query);
Assert("Expected only 1 family", results.Count == 1);
// Round down numbers using FLOOR
IQueryable<int> numericQuery = client.CreateDocumentQuery<int>(
"SELECT VALUE FLOOR(family.Children[0].Grade) FROM family",
var numericResults = await ExecuteQuery(numericQuery);
Assert("Expected grades [5, 2]", numericResults.SequenceEqual(new[] { 5, 8 }));
// Same query in LINQ. You can also use other Math operators
numericQuery = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, DefaultOptions)
.Select(family => (int)Math.Round((double)family.Children[0].Grade));
numericResults = await ExecuteQuery(numericQuery);
Assert("Expected grades [5, 2]", numericResults.SequenceEqual(new[] { 5, 8 }));
// Get number of children using ARRAY_LENGTH
numericQuery = client.CreateDocumentQuery<int>(
"SELECT VALUE ARRAY_LENGTH(family.Children) FROM family",
numericResults = await ExecuteQuery(numericQuery);
Assert("Expected children count [1, 2]", numericResults.SequenceEqual(new[] { 1, 2 }));
// Same query in LINQ
numericQuery = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, DefaultOptions)
.Select(family => family.Children.Count());
numericResults = await ExecuteQuery(numericQuery);
Assert("Expected children count [1, 2]", numericResults.SequenceEqual(new[] { 1, 2 }));
private static async Task QueryWithPagingAsync(Uri collectionUri)
// The .NET client automatically iterates through all the pages of query results
// Developers can explicitly control paging by creating an IDocumentQueryable
// using the IQueryable object, then by reading the ResponseContinuationToken values
// and passing them back as RequestContinuationToken in FeedOptions.
List<Family> families = new List<Family>();
// tell server we only want 1 record
FeedOptions options = new FeedOptions { MaxItemCount = 1, EnableCrossPartitionQuery = true };
// using AsDocumentQuery you get access to whether or not the query HasMoreResults
// If it does, just call ExecuteNextAsync until there are no more results
// No need to supply a continuation token here as the server keeps track of progress
var query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, options).AsDocumentQuery();
while (query.HasMoreResults)
foreach (Family family in await query.ExecuteNextAsync())
// The above sample works fine whilst in a loop as above, but
// what if you load a page of 1 record and then in a different
// Session at a later stage want to continue from where you were?
// well, now you need to capture the continuation token
// and use it on subsequent queries
query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(
new FeedOptions { MaxItemCount = 1, EnableCrossPartitionQuery = true }).AsDocumentQuery();
var feedResponse = await query.ExecuteNextAsync<Family>();
string continuation = feedResponse.ResponseContinuation;
foreach (var f in feedResponse.AsEnumerable().OrderBy(f => f.Id))
if (f.Id != "AndersenFamily") throw new ApplicationException("Should only be the first family");
// Now the second time around use the contiuation token you got
// and start the process from that point
query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(
new FeedOptions
MaxItemCount = 1,
RequestContinuation = continuation,
EnableCrossPartitionQuery = true
feedResponse = await query.ExecuteNextAsync<Family>();
foreach (var f in feedResponse.OrderBy(f => f.Id))
if (f.Id != "WakefieldFamily") throw new ApplicationException("Should only be the second family");
private static async Task QueryPartitionedCollectionInParallelAsync(Uri collectionUri)
// The .NET client automatically iterates through all the pages of query results
// Developers can explicitly control paging by creating an IDocumentQueryable
// using the IQueryable object, then by reading the ResponseContinuationToken values
// and passing them back as RequestContinuationToken in FeedOptions.
List<Family> familiesSerial = new List<Family>();
String queryText = "SELECT * FROM Families";
// 0 maximum parallel tasks, effectively serial execution
FeedOptions options = new FeedOptions
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 0,
MaxBufferedItemCount = 100,
EnableCrossPartitionQuery = true
var query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, queryText, options).AsDocumentQuery();
while (query.HasMoreResults)
FeedResponse<Family> response = await query.ExecuteNextAsync<Family>();
Assert("Parallel Query expected two families", familiesSerial.Count == 2);
// 1 maximum parallel tasks, 1 dedicated asynchrousnous task to continuously make REST calls
List<Family> familiesParallel1 = new List<Family>();
options = new FeedOptions
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1,
MaxBufferedItemCount = 100,
EnableCrossPartitionQuery = true
query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, options).AsDocumentQuery();
while (query.HasMoreResults)
FeedResponse<Family> response = await query.ExecuteNextAsync<Family>();
Assert("Parallel Query expected two families", familiesParallel1.Count == 2);
AssertSequenceEqual("Parallel query returns result out of order compared to serial execution", familiesSerial, familiesParallel1);
// 10 maximum parallel tasks, a maximum of 10 dedicated asynchrousnous tasks to continuously make REST calls
List<Family> familiesParallel10 = new List<Family>();
options = new FeedOptions
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 10,
MaxBufferedItemCount = 100,
EnableCrossPartitionQuery = true
query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, options).AsDocumentQuery();
while (query.HasMoreResults)
FeedResponse<Family> response = await query.ExecuteNextAsync<Family>();
Assert("Parallel Query expected two families", familiesParallel10.ToList().Count == 2);
AssertSequenceEqual("Parallel query returns result out of order compared to serial execution", familiesSerial, familiesParallel10);
private static async Task QueryWithOrderByForPartitionedCollectionAsync(Uri collectionUri)
// The .NET client automatically iterates through all the pages of query results
// Developers can explicitly control paging by creating an IDocumentQueryable
// using the IQueryable object, then by reading the ResponseContinuationToken values
// and passing them back as RequestContinuationToken in FeedOptions.
List<Family> familiesSerial = new List<Family>();
String queryText = "SELECT * FROM Families order by Families.LastName";
// 0 maximum parallel tasks, effectively serial execution
FeedOptions options = new FeedOptions
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 0,
MaxBufferedItemCount = 100,
EnableCrossPartitionQuery = true
IDocumentQuery<Family> query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, queryText, options).AsDocumentQuery();
while (query.HasMoreResults)
FeedResponse<Family> response = await query.ExecuteNextAsync<Family>();
Assert("Order By Query expected two families", familiesSerial.ToList().Count == 2);
// 1 maximum parallel tasks, 1 dedicated asynchrousnous task to continuously make REST calls
List<Family> familiesParallel1 = new List<Family>();
options = new FeedOptions
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1,
MaxBufferedItemCount = 100,
EnableCrossPartitionQuery = true
// using AsDocumentQuery you get access to whether or not the query HasMoreResults
// If it does, just call ExecuteNextAsync until there are no more results
// No need to supply a continuation token here as the server keeps track of progress
query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, queryText, options).AsDocumentQuery();
while (query.HasMoreResults)
FeedResponse<Family> response = await query.ExecuteNextAsync<Family>();
Assert("Order By Query expected two families", familiesParallel1.ToList().Count == 2);
AssertSequenceEqual("Parallel query returns result out of order compared to serial execution", familiesSerial, familiesParallel1);
// 10 maximum parallel tasks, a maximum of 10 dedicated asynchrousnous tasks to continuously make REST calls
List<Family> familiesParallel10 = new List<Family>();
options = new FeedOptions
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 10,
MaxBufferedItemCount = 100,
EnableCrossPartitionQuery = true
query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionUri, queryText, options).AsDocumentQuery();
while (query.HasMoreResults)
FeedResponse<Family> response = await query.ExecuteNextAsync<Family>();
Assert("Order By Query expected two families", familiesParallel10.ToList().Count == 2);
AssertSequenceEqual("Parallel query returns result out of order compared to serial execution", familiesSerial, familiesParallel10);
/// <summary>
/// Helper function to cast it from IQueryable to IDocumentQuery
/// </summary>
private static Task<IList<T>> ExecuteQuery<T>(IQueryable<T> query)
return ExecuteQuery<T>(query.AsDocumentQuery<T>());
/// <summary>
/// Helper function to fully drain the query in asynchonous way.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Do NOT use ToList() and/or AsEnumerable(). These are blocking calls which
/// can lead to dead locks and latency issues.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns></returns>
private static async Task<IList<T>> ExecuteQuery<T>(IDocumentQuery<T> query)
using (query)
List<T> results = new List<T>();
while (query.HasMoreResults)
FeedResponse<T> queryResult = await query.ExecuteNextAsync<T>();
return results;
/// <summary>
/// Creates the documents used in this Sample
/// </summary>
/// <param name="collectionUri">The selfLink property for the DocumentCollection where documents will be created.</param>
/// <returns>None</returns>
private static async Task CreateDocuments(Uri collectionUri)
Family AndersonFamily = new Family
Id = "AndersenFamily",
LastName = "Andersen",
Parents = new Parent[]
new Parent { FirstName = "Thomas" },
new Parent { FirstName = "Mary Kay"}
Children = new Child[]
new Child
FirstName = "Henriette Thaulow",
Gender = "female",
Grade = 5,
Pets = new []
new Pet { GivenName = "Fluffy" }
Address = new Address { State = "WA", County = "King", City = "Seattle" },
IsRegistered = true,
RegistrationDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-1)
await client.UpsertDocumentAsync(collectionUri, AndersonFamily);
Family WakefieldFamily = new Family
Id = "WakefieldFamily",
LastName = "Wakefield",
Parents = new[] {
new Parent { FamilyName= "Wakefield", FirstName= "Robin" },
new Parent { FamilyName= "Miller", FirstName= "Ben" }
Children = new Child[] {
new Child
FamilyName= "Merriam",
FirstName= "Jesse",
Gender= "female",
Grade= 8,
Pets= new Pet[] {
new Pet { GivenName= "Goofy" },
new Pet { GivenName= "Shadow" }
new Child
FirstName= "Lisa",
Gender= "female",
Grade= 1
Address = new Address { State = "NY", County = "Manhattan", City = "NY" },
IsRegistered = false,
RegistrationDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-30)
await client.UpsertDocumentAsync(collectionUri, WakefieldFamily);
/// <summary>
/// Get a DocuemntCollection by id, or create a new one if one with the id provided doesn't exist.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">The id of the DocumentCollection to search for, or create.</param>
/// <returns>The matched, or created, DocumentCollection object</returns>
private static async Task<DocumentCollection> GetOrCreateCollectionAsync(string databaseId, string collectionId)
DocumentCollection collectionDefinition = new DocumentCollection();
collectionDefinition.Id = collectionId;
collectionDefinition.IndexingPolicy = new IndexingPolicy(new RangeIndex(DataType.String) { Precision = -1 });
return await client.CreateDocumentCollectionIfNotExistsAsync(
new RequestOptions { OfferThroughput = 400 });
/// <summary>
/// Log exception error message to the console
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">The caught exception.</param>
private static void LogException(Exception e)
ConsoleColor color = Console.ForegroundColor;
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Exception baseException = e.GetBaseException();
if (e is DocumentClientException)
DocumentClientException de = (DocumentClientException)e;
Console.WriteLine("{0} error occurred: {1}, Message: {2}", de.StatusCode, de.Message, baseException.Message);
Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}, Message: {1}", e.Message, baseException.Message);
Console.ForegroundColor = color;
private static void Assert(string message, bool condition)
if (!condition)
throw new ApplicationException(message);
private static void AssertSequenceEqual(string message, List<Family> list1, List<Family> list2)
if (!string.Join(",", list1.Select(family => family.Id).ToArray()).Equals(
string.Join(",", list1.Select(family => family.Id).ToArray())))
throw new ApplicationException(message);
internal sealed class Parent
public string FamilyName { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
internal sealed class Child
public string FamilyName { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string Gender { get; set; }
public int Grade { get; set; }
public Pet[] Pets { get; set; }
internal sealed class Pet
public string GivenName { get; set; }
internal sealed class Address
public string State { get; set; }
public string County { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
internal sealed class Family
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "id")]
public string Id { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public Parent[] Parents { get; set; }
public Child[] Children { get; set; }
public Address Address { get; set; }
public bool IsRegistered { get; set; }
public DateTime RegistrationDate { get; set; }