trigger: none pr: none variables: ReleaseArguments: ' --filter "TestCategory!=Quarantine" --verbosity normal ' BuildConfiguration: Release Packaging.EnableSBOMSigning: true VmImage: windows-latest # stages: - stage: displayName: Gate jobs: - template: templates/static-tools.yml parameters: BuildConfiguration: '${{ variables.BuildConfiguration }}' VmImage: '${{ variables.VmImage }}' - template: templates/build-test.yml parameters: BuildConfiguration: '${{ variables.BuildConfiguration }}' Arguments: '${{ variables.ReleaseArguments }}' VmImage: '${{ variables.VmImage }}' MultiRegionConnectionString: $(COSMOSDB_MULTI_REGION) - job: displayName: TelemetryToService ${{ variables.BuildConfiguration }} timeoutInMinutes: 120 pool: name: 'OneES' steps: - checkout: self # self represents the repo where the initial Pipelines YAML file was found clean: true # if true, execute `execute git clean -ffdx && git reset --hard HEAD` before fetching # Add this Command to Include the .NET 6 SDK - task: UseDotNet@2 displayName: Use .NET 6.0 inputs: packageType: 'sdk' version: '6.x' - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2 displayName: Integration Test With Client Telemetry Service condition: succeeded() inputs: command: test projects: 'Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos/tests/Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.EmulatorTests/*.csproj' arguments: --filter "TestCategory=ClientTelemetryRelease & TestCategory!=Quarantine" --verbosity normal --configuration ${{ variables.BuildConfiguration }} /p:OS=Windows nugetConfigPath: NuGet.config publishTestResults: true testRunTitle: Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.EmulatorTests env: COSMOSDB_ACCOUNT_CONNECTION_STRING: $(COSMOSDB_ACCOUNT_CONNECTION_STRING) # Real Account Connection String used by Integration Tests while running as part of release pipeline CLIENT_TELEMETRY_SERVICE_ENDPOINT: $(CLIENT_TELEMETRY_SERVICE_ENDPOINT) # Client telemetry service url returned by configured account client config API - stage: displayName: Publish jobs: - template: templates/nuget-pack.yml parameters: BuildConfiguration: Release VmImage: '${{ variables.VmImage }}' ReleasePackage: true OutputPath: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/bin/AnyCPU/Release/Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos' BlobVersion: $(BlobVersion)