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import assert from "assert";
import { CosmosClient, DatabaseDefinition } from "../../dist-esm";
import { endpoint, masterKey } from "../common/_testConfig";
import { addEntropy, removeAllDatabases } from "../common/TestHelpers";
const client = new CosmosClient({ endpoint, key: masterKey });
describe("NodeJS CRUD Tests", function() {
this.timeout(process.env.MOCHA_TIMEOUT || 10000);
beforeEach(async function() {
await removeAllDatabases();
describe("Validate Database CRUD", async function() {
const databaseCRUDTest = async function() {
// read databases
const { resources: databases } = await client.databases.readAll().fetchAll();
assert.equal(databases.constructor, Array, "Value should be an array");
// create a database
const beforeCreateDatabasesCount = databases.length;
const databaseDefinition = { id: "database test database", throughput: 400 };
const { resource: db } = await client.databases.create(databaseDefinition);
// read databases after creation
const { resources: databases2 } = await client.databases.readAll().fetchAll();
assert.equal(databases2.length, beforeCreateDatabasesCount + 1, "create should increase the number of databases");
// query databases
const querySpec = {
query: "SELECT * FROM root r WHERE",
parameters: [
name: "@id",
const { resources: results } = await client.databases.query(querySpec).fetchAll();
assert(results.length > 0, "number of results for the query should be > 0");
// delete database
await client.database(;
try {
// read database after deletion
await client.database(;"Read database on non-existent database should fail");
} catch (err) {
const notFoundErrorCode = 404;
assert.equal(err.code, notFoundErrorCode, "response should return error code 404");
it("nativeApi Should do database CRUD operations successfully name based", async function() {
await databaseCRUDTest();
describe("databases.createIfNotExists", function() {
it("should handle does not exist", async function() {
const def: DatabaseDefinition = { id: addEntropy("does not exist") };
const { database } = await client.databases.createIfNotExists(def);
const { resource: readDef } = await;
it("should handle does exist", async function() {
const def: DatabaseDefinition = { id: addEntropy("does exist") };
// Set up
await client.databases.create(def);
// Now call createIfNotExists on existing db
const { database } = await client.databases.createIfNotExists(def);
const { resource: readDef } = await;
// TODO: These are unit tests, not e2e tests like above, so maybe should seperate these.
describe("Validate Id validation", function() {
it("nativeApi Should fail on ends with a space", async function() {
// Id shoudn't end with a space.
try {
await client.databases.create({ id: "id_ends_with_space " });"Must throw if id ends with a space");
} catch (err) {
assert.equal("Id ends with a space.", err.message);
it("nativeAPI Should fail on contains '/'", async function() {
// Id shoudn't contain "/".
try {
await client.databases.create({ id: "id_with_illegal/_char" });"Must throw if id has illegal characters");
} catch (err) {
assert.equal("Id contains illegal chars.", err.message);
it("nativeAPI Should fail on contains '\\'", async function() {
// Id shoudn't contain "\\".
try {
await client.databases.create({ id: "id_with_illegal\\_char" });"Must throw if id contains illegal characters");
} catch (err) {
assert.equal("Id contains illegal chars.", err.message);
it("nativeAPI Should fail on contains '?'", async function() {
// Id shoudn't contain "?".
try {
await client.databases.create({ id: "id_with_illegal?_?char" });"Must throw if id contains illegal characters");
} catch (err) {
assert.equal("Id contains illegal chars.", err.message);
it("nativeAPI should fail on contains '#'", async function() {
// Id shoudn't contain "#".
try {
await client.databases.create({ id: "id_with_illegal#_char" });"Must throw if id contains illegal characters");
} catch (err) {
assert.equal("Id contains illegal chars.", err.message);