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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot .\Utils\UtilityHelper.ps1)
function MarkWitAsStale {
param (
$updatedStaleWits = @()
foreach ($staleWit in $staleWits) {
# get current tags in staleWit
[String]$staleWitId = $staleWit.fields | Select-Object -ExpandProperty System.Id
[String]$staleWitTags = ""
# check to verify if System.Tags is present in the staleWit.fields
if ([bool]($ -match "System.Tags")) {
[String]$staleWitTags = $staleWit.fields | Select-Object -ExpandProperty System.Tags
$staleWitTags += "; "
# We do not update a staleWit if it contains any of the exempted tags
$exemptTagFlag = $false;
foreach ($exemptTag in $exemptTags) {
if ($staleWitTags -like "*$($exemptTag)*") {
$exemptTagFlag = $true
if ($exemptTagFlag) {
# Add staleTagText if staleWitTags doesn't already contain the staleTag
if (-Not ($staleWitTags -like "*$($staleTagText)*" )) {
$staleWitTags += "$($staleTagText)"
# update WIT with new tags and comment
$ignoreOutput = az boards work-item update --id $staleWitId --fields -f System.Tags=$staleWitTags --discussion $staleCommentText --org $organization
$updatedStaleWits += $staleWit
return $updatedStaleWits
### main start
## configuration settings
$exemptTags = @('security', 'pinned')
$staleTagText = "ProAct : stale"
$staleCommentText = "This work item has been automatically marked as stale (tag => $staleTagText) because there has been no activity in last $daysUntilStale days. This work item will be closed if tag => $staleTagText is not removed within $daysUntilClose days."
$witTypeSupported = "('Feature','Task','User Story')"
## get active wit assigned to user
$activeWitWiqlQuery = "select [System.Id], [System.WorkItemType], [System.Title], [System.AssignedTo], [System.ChangedDate], [System.State], [System.Tags] from WorkItems where [System.WorkItemType] IN $($witTypeSupported) and not [System.State] in ('Closed', 'Resolved', 'Completed', 'Cut') AND [System.Tags] NOT CONTAINS '$staleTagText' AND [System.ChangedDate] < @today - $daysUntilStale AND [System.AssignedTo] = '$($assignedTo)' ORDER BY [System.ChangedDate] ASC"
$inactiveWits = GetWorkItems $activeWitWiqlQuery $organization
<# mark all the filtered wits as stale by
1. add stale tag to wit
2. add stale comment to wit
$updatedStaleWits = MarkWitAsStale $organization $inactiveWits $exemptTags $staleTagText $staleCommentText
HTMLContentWitsWithChangedDate $updatedStaleWits