70 строки
2.2 KiB
70 строки
2.2 KiB
### YamlMime:PowershellCmdlet
summary: |-
Gets application extension properties.
module: AzureAD
notes: ""
- >-
Get-AzureADApplicationExtensionProperty -ObjectId <String> [-InformationAction <ActionPreference>]
[-InformationVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- title: 'Example 1: Get extension properties'
code: |-
PS C:\>Get-AzureADApplicationExtensionProperty -ObjectId "3ddd22e7-a150-4bb3-b100-e410dea1cb84"
ObjectId Name TargetObjects
-------- ---- -------------
344ed560-f8e7-410e-ab9f-c795a7df5c36 extension_36ee4c6c081240a2b820b22ebd02bce3_NewAttribute {}
description: |-
This command gets the extension properties for the specified application in Azure Active Directory.
summary: ""
- type: <xref href="ActionPreference" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False" />
name: InformationAction
description: |+
Specifies how this cmdlet responds to an information event.
The acceptable values for this parameter are:
- Continue
- Ignore
- Inquire
- SilentlyContinue
- Stop
- Suspend
defaultValue: None
position: Named
aliases: infa
parameterValueGroup: ""
- type: <xref href="String" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False" />
name: InformationVariable
description: |+
Specifies an information variable.
defaultValue: None
position: Named
aliases: iv
parameterValueGroup: ""
- type: <xref href="String" data-throw-if-not-resolved="False" />
name: ObjectId
isRequired: true
description: |+
Specifies the unique ID of an application in Azure Active Directory.
defaultValue: None
pipelineInput: true
position: Named
aliases: ""
parameterValueGroup: ""
uid: AzureAD.Get-AzureADApplicationExtensionProperty
name: Get-AzureADApplicationExtensionProperty
description: |-
The Get-AzureADApplicationExtensionProperty cmdlet gets application extension properties in Azure Active Directory.
external help file: Microsoft.Open.AzureAD16.Graph.PowerShell.dll-Help.xml
Module Name: AzureAD
online version: ""
schema: 2.0.0