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### YamlMime:JavaType
uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "ServiceClient"
nameWithType: "ServiceClient"
summary: "Annotation given to all service client classes."
syntax: "public interface **ServiceClient**</br> implements <a href=\"\">Annotation</a>"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "builder()"
nameWithType: "ServiceClient.builder()"
summary: "The builder class that can construct an instance of this class."
- "abstract"
syntax: "public abstract Class<?> builder()"
desc: "The builder class that can construct an instance of this class. All service clients are instantiated using a builder and this is a required field. Also, builders should be annotated with <xref uid=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\" data-raw-source=\"ServiceClientBuilder\"></xref>."
description: "the classname of the builder that can create an instance of this class."
type: "<a href=\"\">Class</a>&lt;?&gt;"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "isAsync()"
nameWithType: "ServiceClient.isAsync()"
summary: "Represents whether the network IO methods on this client will be performed asynchronously or synchronously (i.<wbr>e."
- "abstract"
syntax: "public abstract boolean isAsync()"
desc: "Represents whether the network IO methods on this client will be performed asynchronously or synchronously (i.e. blocking)."
description: "<code>true</code> is the Service Client is asynchronous."
type: "<xref href=\"boolean?alt=boolean&text=boolean\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />"
- uid: ""
fullName: ""
name: "serviceInterfaces()"
nameWithType: "ServiceClient.serviceInterfaces()"
summary: "Optional field to indicate all the services this service client interacts with."
- "abstract"
syntax: "public abstract Class<?>[] serviceInterfaces()"
desc: "Optional field to indicate all the services this service client interacts with. All classes mentioned in this list should be annotated with <xref uid=\"\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"false\" data-raw-source=\"ServiceInterface\"></xref>. Typically, there's one service associated with each client. However, there could be zero to N services associated with a single client."
description: "An array of all services this service client interacts with"
type: "<a href=\"\">Class</a>&lt;?&gt;[]"
type: "interface"
desc: "Annotation given to all service client classes."
- "<a href=\"\">Annotation</a>"
metadata: {}
package: ""