### YamlMime:JavaType uid: "com.azure.search.util.SuggestPagedFlux" fullName: "com.azure.search.util.SuggestPagedFlux" name: "SuggestPagedFlux" nameWithType: "SuggestPagedFlux" summary: "Implementation of where the element type is and the page type is ." inheritances: - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" inheritedClassMethods: - classRef: "" methodsRef: - "" - "" - ")?alt=com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedFluxBase.subscribe&text=subscribe\" data-throw-if-not-resolved=\"False\" />" - classRef: "" methodsRef: - "" - "" - "" - "" - classRef: "java.lang.Object" methodsRef: - "clone" - "equals" - "finalize" - "getClass" - "hashCode" - "notify" - "notifyAll" - "wait" - "wait" - "wait" - classRef: "reactor.core.publisher.Flux" methodsRef: - "reduce" - "reduceWith" - "scan" - "scanWith" - "buffer" - "buffer" - "buffer" - "bufferTimeout" - "bufferTimeout" - "cast" - "collect" - "doOnError" - "onErrorContinue" - "onErrorContinue" - "onErrorMap" - "-\">onErrorResume" - "onErrorReturn" - "subscribeWith" - "zip" - "zip" - "-\">first" - "first" - "index" - "merge" - "-\">merge" - "merge" - "mergeDelayError" - "mergeOrdered" - "mergeSequential" - "-\">mergeSequential" - "-int-int-\">mergeSequential" - "mergeSequential" - "mergeSequentialDelayError" - "-int-int-\">mergeSequentialDelayError" - "collectMap" - "-\">collectMap" - "collectMultimap" - ">-\">collectMultimap" - "groupBy" - "groupBy" - "collectMap" - "collectMultimap" - "groupBy" - "groupBy" - "error" - "-int-java.util.function.Function-\">zip" - "-java.util.function.Function-\">zip" - "-\">as" - "collect" - "-\">concatMapIterable" - "-int-\">concatMapIterable" - "doOnDiscard" - "-\">flatMap" - "-java.util.function.Function>-java.util.function.Supplier>-\">flatMap" - "-\">flatMapIterable" - "-int-\">flatMapIterable" - "-\">flatMapSequential" - "-int-\">flatMapSequential" - "-int-int-\">flatMapSequential" - "-int-int-\">flatMapSequentialDelayError" - "-\">handle" - "-\">publish" - "-int-\">publish" - "-java.util.function.Consumer-\">using" - "-java.util.function.Consumer-boolean-\">using" - "-java.util.function.Function>-\">usingWhen" - "-java.util.function.Function>-java.util.function.BiFunction>-java.util.function.Function>-\">usingWhen" - "-java.util.function.Function>-java.util.function.Function>-\">usingWhen" - "-java.util.function.Function>-java.util.function.Function>-java.util.function.Function>-\">usingWhen" - "-\">generate" - "-java.util.function.Consumer-\">generate" - "-int-java.util.function.Function-\">combineLatest" - "-java.util.function.Function-\">combineLatest" - "combineLatest" - "combineLatest" - "zip" - "zip" - "zip" - "combineLatest" - "zip" - "combineLatest" - "zip" - "combineLatest" - "zip" - "combineLatest" - "zip" - "combineLatest" - "zip" - "zipWith" - "zipWith" - "zipWithIterable" - "zipWith" - "zipWith" - "zipWithIterable" - "-\">concat" - "concat" - "-\">concat" - "-int-\">concat" - "concatDelayError" - "-\">concatDelayError" - "-boolean-int-\">concatDelayError" - "-int-\">concatDelayError" - "-\">create" - "-reactor.core.publisher.FluxSink.OverflowStrategy-\">create" - "-\">defer" - "-\">deferWithContext" - "empty" - "error" - "error" - "from" - "fromArray" - "fromIterable" - "-\">fromStream" - "fromStream" - "-\">generate" - "just" - "just" - "-\">merge" - "-int-\">merge" - "-int-int-\">merge" - "mergeOrdered" - "mergeOrdered" - "-\">mergeSequential" - "-int-int-\">mergeSequential" - "-int-int-\">mergeSequentialDelayError" - "never" - "onAssembly" - "onAssembly" - "onLastAssembly" - "-\">push" - "-reactor.core.publisher.FluxSink.OverflowStrategy-\">push" - "-\">switchOnNext" - "-int-\">switchOnNext" - "-java.util.function.Function>-java.util.function.BiFunction-? extends R>-\">groupJoin" - "-java.util.function.Function>-java.util.function.BiFunction-\">join" - "-java.util.function.Function-\">zip" - "withLatestFrom" - "-java.util.function.Supplier-\">bufferWhen" - "-\">bufferWhen" - "-\">timeout" - "-org.reactivestreams.Publisher-\">timeout" - "-\">windowWhen" - "delaySubscription" - "ofType" - "sample" - "-\">sampleFirst" - "-\">sampleTimeout" - "-int-\">sampleTimeout" - "timeout" - "distinct" - "distinct" - "bufferUntilChanged" - "bufferUntilChanged" - "bufferUntilChanged" - "-\">compose" - "-\">concatMap" - "-int-\">concatMap" - "-\">concatMapDelayError" - "-boolean-int-\">concatMapDelayError" - "-int-\">concatMapDelayError" - "distinct" - "distinctUntilChanged" - "distinctUntilChanged" - "-int-\">flatMap" - "-int-int-\">flatMap" - "-int-int-\">flatMapDelayError" - "map" - "-\">switchMap" - "-int-\">switchMap" - "-\">switchOnFirst" - "then" - "thenMany" - "-\">transform" - "-\">transformDeferred" - "windowUntilChanged" - "windowUntilChanged" - "windowUntilChanged" - "dematerialize" - "all" - "any" - "blockFirst" - "blockFirst" - "blockLast" - "blockLast" - "buffer" - "buffer" - "buffer" - "buffer" - "buffer" - "buffer" - "buffer" - "buffer" - "bufferTimeout" - "bufferTimeout" - "bufferUntil" - "bufferUntil" - "bufferWhile" - "cache" - "cache" - "cache" - "cache" - "cache" - "cache" - "cancelOn" - "checkpoint" - "checkpoint" - "checkpoint" - "collectList" - "collectSortedList" - "collectSortedList" - "concatWith" - "concatWithValues" - "count" - "defaultIfEmpty" - "delayElements" - "delayElements" - "delaySequence" - "delaySequence" - "delaySubscription" - "delaySubscription" - "-\">delayUntil" - "distinct" - "distinctUntilChanged" - "doAfterTerminate" - "doFinally" - "doFirst" - "doOnCancel" - "doOnComplete" - "-\">doOnEach" - "doOnError" - "doOnError" - "doOnNext" - "doOnRequest" - "doOnSubscribe" - "doOnTerminate" - "elapsed" - "elapsed" - "elementAt" - "elementAt" - "-\">expand" - "-int-\">expand" - "-\">expandDeep" - "-int-\">expandDeep" - "filter" - "-\">filterWhen" - "-int-\">filterWhen" - "getPrefetch" - "hasElement" - "hasElements" - "hide" - "ignoreElements" - "index" - "interval" - "interval" - "interval" - "interval" - "last" - "last" - "limitRate" - "limitRate" - "limitRequest" - "log" - "log" - "log" - "log" - "log" - "log" - "materialize" - "mergeOrderedWith" - "mergeWith" - "metrics" - "name" - "next" - "onBackpressureBuffer" - "onBackpressureBuffer" - "onBackpressureBuffer" - "onBackpressureBuffer" - "onBackpressureBuffer" - "onBackpressureBuffer" - "onBackpressureBuffer" - "onBackpressureDrop" - "onBackpressureDrop" - "onBackpressureError" - "onBackpressureLatest" - "onErrorContinue" - "onErrorMap" - "onErrorMap" - "-\">onErrorResume" - "-\">onErrorResume" - "onErrorReturn" - "onErrorReturn" - "onErrorStop" - "onTerminateDetach" - "or" - "parallel" - "parallel" - "parallel" - "publish" - "publish" - "publishNext" - "publishOn" - "publishOn" - "publishOn" - "range" - "reduce" - "repeat" - "repeat" - "repeat" - "repeat" - "-\">repeatWhen" - "replay" - "replay" - "replay" - "replay" - "replay" - "replay" - "retry" - "retry" - "retry" - "retry" - "retryBackoff" - "retryBackoff" - "retryBackoff" - "retryBackoff" - "retryBackoff" - "-\">retryWhen" - "sample" - "sampleFirst" - "scan" - "share" - "single" - "single" - "singleOrEmpty" - "skip" - "skip" - "skip" - "skipLast" - "skipUntil" - "skipUntilOther" - "skipWhile" - "sort" - "sort" - "startWith" - "startWith" - "startWith" - "subscribe" - "subscribe" - "subscribe" - "subscribe" - "subscribe" - "subscribe" - "subscribe" - "subscribeOn" - "subscribeOn" - "subscriberContext" - "subscriberContext" - "switchIfEmpty" - "tag" - "take" - "take" - "take" - "takeLast" - "takeUntil" - "takeUntilOther" - "takeWhile" - "then" - "thenEmpty" - "timeout" - "timeout" - "timeout" - "timeout" - "timestamp" - "timestamp" - "toIterable" - "toIterable" - "-\">toIterable" - "toStream" - "toStream" - "toString" - "window" - "window" - "window" - "window" - "window" - "window" - "window" - "windowTimeout" - "windowTimeout" - "windowUntil" - "windowUntil" - "windowUntil" - "windowWhile" - "windowWhile" syntax: "public final class **SuggestPagedFlux**
extends <,>" constructors: - uid: "com.azure.search.util.SuggestPagedFlux.SuggestPagedFlux(java.util.function.Supplier>)" fullName: "com.azure.search.util.SuggestPagedFlux.SuggestPagedFlux(Supplier> firstPageRetriever)" name: "SuggestPagedFlux(Supplier> firstPageRetriever)" nameWithType: "SuggestPagedFlux.SuggestPagedFlux(Supplier> firstPageRetriever)" summary: "Creates an instance of that retrieves a single page." parameters: - description: "Supplier that handles retrieving the first page." name: "firstPageRetriever" type: "Supplier<Mono<>>" syntax: "public SuggestPagedFlux(Supplier> firstPageRetriever)" desc: "Creates an instance of that retrieves a single page." type: "class" desc: "Implementation of where the element type is and the page type is ." metadata: {} package: "com.azure.search.util" artifact: com.azure:azure-search:11.0.0-beta.1