### YamlMime:JavaType uid: "com.microsoft.azure.management.batch.PoolDeleteHeaders" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.management.batch.PoolDeleteHeaders" name: "PoolDeleteHeaders" nameWithType: "PoolDeleteHeaders" summary: "Defines headers for Delete operation." inheritances: - "" inheritedClassMethods: - classRef: "" methodsRef: - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" syntax: "public class **PoolDeleteHeaders**" constructors: - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.management.batch.PoolDeleteHeaders.PoolDeleteHeaders()" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.management.batch.PoolDeleteHeaders.PoolDeleteHeaders()" name: "PoolDeleteHeaders()" nameWithType: "PoolDeleteHeaders.PoolDeleteHeaders()" syntax: "public PoolDeleteHeaders()" methods: - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.management.batch.PoolDeleteHeaders.location()" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.management.batch.PoolDeleteHeaders.location()" name: "location()" nameWithType: "PoolDeleteHeaders.location()" summary: "Get the URL of the resource used to check the status of the asynchronous operation." syntax: "public String location()" desc: "Get the URL of the resource used to check the status of the asynchronous operation." returns: description: "the location value" type: "" - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.management.batch.PoolDeleteHeaders.retryAfter()" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.management.batch.PoolDeleteHeaders.retryAfter()" name: "retryAfter()" nameWithType: "PoolDeleteHeaders.retryAfter()" summary: "Get suggested delay to check the status of the asynchronous operation." syntax: "public Integer retryAfter()" desc: "Get suggested delay to check the status of the asynchronous operation. The value is an integer that represents the seconds." returns: description: "the retryAfter value" type: "" - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.management.batch.PoolDeleteHeaders.withLocation(java.lang.String)" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.management.batch.PoolDeleteHeaders.withLocation(String location)" name: "withLocation(String location)" nameWithType: "PoolDeleteHeaders.withLocation(String location)" summary: "Set the URL of the resource used to check the status of the asynchronous operation." parameters: - description: "the location value to set" name: "location" type: "" syntax: "public PoolDeleteHeaders withLocation(String location)" desc: "Set the URL of the resource used to check the status of the asynchronous operation." returns: description: "the PoolDeleteHeaders object itself." type: "" - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.management.batch.PoolDeleteHeaders.withRetryAfter(java.lang.Integer)" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.management.batch.PoolDeleteHeaders.withRetryAfter(Integer retryAfter)" name: "withRetryAfter(Integer retryAfter)" nameWithType: "PoolDeleteHeaders.withRetryAfter(Integer retryAfter)" summary: "Set suggested delay to check the status of the asynchronous operation." parameters: - description: "the retryAfter value to set" name: "retryAfter" type: "" syntax: "public PoolDeleteHeaders withRetryAfter(Integer retryAfter)" desc: "Set suggested delay to check the status of the asynchronous operation. The value is an integer that represents the seconds." returns: description: "the PoolDeleteHeaders object itself." type: "" type: "class" desc: "Defines headers for Delete operation." metadata: {} package: "com.microsoft.azure.management.batch" artifact: com.microsoft.azure:azure-mgmt-batch:1.41.4