### YamlMime:JavaType uid: "com.microsoft.azure.management.dns.SrvRecordSet" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.management.dns.SrvRecordSet" name: "SrvRecordSet" nameWithType: "SrvRecordSet" summary: "An immutable client-side representation of an SVR (service) record set in Azure DNS Zone." syntax: "public interface **SrvRecordSet**
extends " methods: - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.management.dns.SrvRecordSet.records()" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.management.dns.SrvRecordSet.records()" name: "records()" nameWithType: "SrvRecordSet.records()" modifiers: - "abstract" syntax: "public abstract List records()" returns: description: "the SRV records in this record set" type: "<>" type: "interface" desc: "An immutable client-side representation of an SVR (service) record set in Azure DNS Zone." implements: - "" metadata: {} package: "com.microsoft.azure.management.dns" artifact: com.microsoft.azure:azure-mgmt-dns:1.41.4