### YamlMime:JavaType
uid: "com.microsoft.azure.management.monitor.MetricValue"
fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.management.monitor.MetricValue"
name: "MetricValue"
nameWithType: "MetricValue"
summary: "Represents a metric value."
- ""
- classRef: ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
syntax: "public class **MetricValue**"
- uid: "com.microsoft.azure.management.monitor.MetricValue.MetricValue()"
fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.management.monitor.MetricValue.MetricValue()"
name: "MetricValue()"
nameWithType: "MetricValue.MetricValue()"
syntax: "public MetricValue()"
- uid: "com.microsoft.azure.management.monitor.MetricValue.average()"
fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.management.monitor.MetricValue.average()"
name: "average()"
nameWithType: "MetricValue.average()"
summary: "Get the average value in the time range."
syntax: "public Double average()"
desc: "Get the average value in the time range."
description: "the average value"
type: ""
- uid: "com.microsoft.azure.management.monitor.MetricValue.count()"
fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.management.monitor.MetricValue.count()"
name: "count()"
nameWithType: "MetricValue.count()"
summary: "Get the number of samples in the time range."
syntax: "public Double count()"
desc: "Get the number of samples in the time range. Can be used to determine the number of values that contributed to the average value."
description: "the count value"
type: ""
- uid: "com.microsoft.azure.management.monitor.MetricValue.maximum()"
fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.management.monitor.MetricValue.maximum()"
name: "maximum()"
nameWithType: "MetricValue.maximum()"
summary: "Get the greatest value in the time range."
syntax: "public Double maximum()"
desc: "Get the greatest value in the time range."
description: "the maximum value"
type: ""
- uid: "com.microsoft.azure.management.monitor.MetricValue.minimum()"
fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.management.monitor.MetricValue.minimum()"
name: "minimum()"
nameWithType: "MetricValue.minimum()"
summary: "Get the least value in the time range."
syntax: "public Double minimum()"
desc: "Get the least value in the time range."
description: "the minimum value"
type: ""
- uid: "com.microsoft.azure.management.monitor.MetricValue.timeStamp()"
fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.management.monitor.MetricValue.timeStamp()"
name: "timeStamp()"
nameWithType: "MetricValue.timeStamp()"
summary: "Get the timestamp for the metric value in ISO 8601 format."
syntax: "public DateTime timeStamp()"
desc: "Get the timestamp for the metric value in ISO 8601 format."
description: "the timeStamp value"
type: ""
- uid: "com.microsoft.azure.management.monitor.MetricValue.total()"
fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.management.monitor.MetricValue.total()"
name: "total()"
nameWithType: "MetricValue.total()"
summary: "Get the sum of all of the values in the time range."
syntax: "public Double total()"
desc: "Get the sum of all of the values in the time range."
description: "the total value"
type: ""
- uid: "com.microsoft.azure.management.monitor.MetricValue.withAverage(java.lang.Double)"
fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.management.monitor.MetricValue.withAverage(Double average)"
name: "withAverage(Double average)"
nameWithType: "MetricValue.withAverage(Double average)"
summary: "Set the average value in the time range."
- description: "the average value to set"
name: "average"
type: ""
syntax: "public MetricValue withAverage(Double average)"
desc: "Set the average value in the time range."
description: "the MetricValue object itself."
type: ""
- uid: "com.microsoft.azure.management.monitor.MetricValue.withCount(java.lang.Double)"
fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.management.monitor.MetricValue.withCount(Double count)"
name: "withCount(Double count)"
nameWithType: "MetricValue.withCount(Double count)"
summary: "Set the number of samples in the time range."
- description: "the count value to set"
name: "count"
type: ""
syntax: "public MetricValue withCount(Double count)"
desc: "Set the number of samples in the time range. Can be used to determine the number of values that contributed to the average value."
description: "the MetricValue object itself."
type: ""
- uid: "com.microsoft.azure.management.monitor.MetricValue.withMaximum(java.lang.Double)"
fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.management.monitor.MetricValue.withMaximum(Double maximum)"
name: "withMaximum(Double maximum)"
nameWithType: "MetricValue.withMaximum(Double maximum)"
summary: "Set the greatest value in the time range."
- description: "the maximum value to set"
name: "maximum"
type: ""
syntax: "public MetricValue withMaximum(Double maximum)"
desc: "Set the greatest value in the time range."
description: "the MetricValue object itself."
type: ""
- uid: "com.microsoft.azure.management.monitor.MetricValue.withMinimum(java.lang.Double)"
fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.management.monitor.MetricValue.withMinimum(Double minimum)"
name: "withMinimum(Double minimum)"
nameWithType: "MetricValue.withMinimum(Double minimum)"
summary: "Set the least value in the time range."
- description: "the minimum value to set"
name: "minimum"
type: ""
syntax: "public MetricValue withMinimum(Double minimum)"
desc: "Set the least value in the time range."
description: "the MetricValue object itself."
type: ""
- uid: "com.microsoft.azure.management.monitor.MetricValue.withTimeStamp(org.joda.time.DateTime)"
fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.management.monitor.MetricValue.withTimeStamp(DateTime timeStamp)"
name: "withTimeStamp(DateTime timeStamp)"
nameWithType: "MetricValue.withTimeStamp(DateTime timeStamp)"
summary: "Set the timestamp for the metric value in ISO 8601 format."
- description: "the timeStamp value to set"
name: "timeStamp"
type: ""
syntax: "public MetricValue withTimeStamp(DateTime timeStamp)"
desc: "Set the timestamp for the metric value in ISO 8601 format."
description: "the MetricValue object itself."
type: ""
- uid: "com.microsoft.azure.management.monitor.MetricValue.withTotal(java.lang.Double)"
fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.management.monitor.MetricValue.withTotal(Double total)"
name: "withTotal(Double total)"
nameWithType: "MetricValue.withTotal(Double total)"
summary: "Set the sum of all of the values in the time range."
- description: "the total value to set"
name: "total"
type: ""
syntax: "public MetricValue withTotal(Double total)"
desc: "Set the sum of all of the values in the time range."
description: "the MetricValue object itself."
type: ""
type: "class"
desc: "Represents a metric value."
metadata: {}
package: "com.microsoft.azure.management.monitor"
artifact: com.microsoft.azure:azure-mgmt-monitor:1.41.4