### YamlMime:JavaType uid: "com.microsoft.azure.management.resources.fluentcore.arm.collection.SupportsGettingByParent" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.management.resources.fluentcore.arm.collection.SupportsGettingByParent" name: "SupportsGettingByParent" nameWithType: "SupportsGettingByParent" summary: "Provides access to getting a specific Azure resource based on its resource group and parent." syntax: "public interface **SupportsGettingByParent**" methods: - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.management.resources.fluentcore.arm.collection.SupportsGettingByParent.getByParent(ParentT,java.lang.String)" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.management.resources.fluentcore.arm.collection.SupportsGettingByParent.getByParent(ParentT parentResource, String name)" name: "getByParent(ParentT parentResource, String name)" nameWithType: "SupportsGettingByParent.getByParent(ParentT parentResource, String name)" summary: "Gets the information about a resource from Azure based on the resource id." modifiers: - "abstract" parameters: - description: "the instance of parent resource" name: "parentResource" type: "" - description: "the name of resource" name: "name" type: "" syntax: "public abstract T getByParent(ParentT parentResource, String name)" desc: "Gets the information about a resource from Azure based on the resource id." returns: description: "an immutable representation of the resource" type: "" - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.management.resources.fluentcore.arm.collection.SupportsGettingByParent.getByParent(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.management.resources.fluentcore.arm.collection.SupportsGettingByParent.getByParent(String resourceGroup, String parentName, String name)" name: "getByParent(String resourceGroup, String parentName, String name)" nameWithType: "SupportsGettingByParent.getByParent(String resourceGroup, String parentName, String name)" summary: "Gets the information about a resource from Azure based on the resource id." modifiers: - "abstract" parameters: - description: "the name of resource group" name: "resourceGroup" type: "" - description: "the name of parent resource" name: "parentName" type: "" - description: "the name of resource" name: "name" type: "" syntax: "public abstract T getByParent(String resourceGroup, String parentName, String name)" desc: "Gets the information about a resource from Azure based on the resource id." returns: description: "an immutable representation of the resource" type: "" - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.management.resources.fluentcore.arm.collection.SupportsGettingByParent.getByParentAsync(ParentT,java.lang.String)" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.management.resources.fluentcore.arm.collection.SupportsGettingByParent.getByParentAsync(ParentT parentResource, String name)" name: "getByParentAsync(ParentT parentResource, String name)" nameWithType: "SupportsGettingByParent.getByParentAsync(ParentT parentResource, String name)" summary: "Gets the information about a resource from Azure based on the resource id." modifiers: - "abstract" parameters: - description: "the instance of parent resource." name: "parentResource" type: "" - description: "the name of resource." name: "name" type: "" syntax: "public abstract Observable getByParentAsync(ParentT parentResource, String name)" desc: "Gets the information about a resource from Azure based on the resource id." returns: description: "a representation of the deferred computation of this call returning the found resource" type: "<>" - uid: "com.microsoft.azure.management.resources.fluentcore.arm.collection.SupportsGettingByParent.getByParentAsync(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)" fullName: "com.microsoft.azure.management.resources.fluentcore.arm.collection.SupportsGettingByParent.getByParentAsync(String resourceGroup, String parentName, String name)" name: "getByParentAsync(String resourceGroup, String parentName, String name)" nameWithType: "SupportsGettingByParent.getByParentAsync(String resourceGroup, String parentName, String name)" summary: "Gets the information about a resource from Azure based on the resource id." modifiers: - "abstract" parameters: - description: "the name of resource group" name: "resourceGroup" type: "" - description: "the name of parent resource" name: "parentName" type: "" - description: "the name of resource" name: "name" type: "" syntax: "public abstract Observable getByParentAsync(String resourceGroup, String parentName, String name)" desc: "Gets the information about a resource from Azure based on the resource id." returns: description: "a representation of the deferred computation of this call returning the found resource" type: "<>" type: "interface" typeParameters: - description: "the type of the resource collection" name: "T" - description: "the parent resource type" name: "ParentT" - description: "the client manager type representing the service" name: "ManagerT" desc: "Provides access to getting a specific Azure resource based on its resource group and parent.\n\n(Note this interface is not intended to be implemented by user code.)" metadata: {} package: "com.microsoft.azure.management.resources.fluentcore.arm.collection" artifact: com.microsoft.azure:azure-mgmt-resources:1.41.4