### YamlMime:JavaType constructors: - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.ShardRange() name: ShardRange() nameWithType: ShardRange.ShardRange() syntax: public ShardRange() uid: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.ShardRange() - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.ShardRange(ShardKey low, ShardKey high) name: ShardRange(ShardKey low, ShardKey high) nameWithType: ShardRange.ShardRange(ShardKey low, ShardKey high) parameters: - description:

low boundary (inclusive)

name: low type: - description:

high boundary (exclusive)

name: high type: summary: >-

Constructs a shard range from low boundary (inclusive) to high high boundary (exclusive).

syntax: public ShardRange(ShardKey low, ShardKey high) uid: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.ShardRange(ShardKey,ShardKey) fields: - field: type: final fullName: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.NULL name: "NULL" nameWithType: ShardRange.NULL syntax: public static final ShardRange NULL= new ShardRange() uid: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.NULL inheritances: - - methods: - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.compareTo(ShardRange other) name: compareTo(ShardRange other) nameWithType: ShardRange.compareTo(ShardRange other) parameters: - description:

The shard range compared with this object.

name: other type: returns: description: "

-1 : if this range's low boundary is less than the other 's low boundary; -1 : if the low boundary values match and the high boundary value of this range is less than the other 's. 1 : if this range's high boundary is greater than the other 's high boundary; 1 : if the low boundary value of this range is higher than other 's low boundary and high boundary value of this range is less than or equal to other 's high boundary . 0 : if this range has the same boundaries as other .

" type: summary: >-

Performs comparison between two shard range values.

syntax: public int compareTo(ShardRange other) uid: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.compareTo(ShardRange) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.contains(ShardKey key) name: contains(ShardKey key) nameWithType: ShardRange.contains(ShardKey key) parameters: - description:

The key to check

name: key type: returns: description:

True if inside, false otherwise

type: summary: >-

Checks whether the specified key is inside the range.

syntax: public boolean contains(ShardKey key) uid: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.contains(ShardKey) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.contains(ShardRange range) name: contains(ShardRange range) nameWithType: ShardRange.contains(ShardRange range) parameters: - description:

The range to check.

name: range type: returns: description:

True if inside, false otherwise.

type: summary: >-

Checks whether the range is inside the range.

syntax: public boolean contains(ShardRange range) uid: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.contains(ShardRange) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.equals(Object obj) name: equals(Object obj) nameWithType: ShardRange.equals(Object obj) parameters: - description:

The object to compare with the current object.

name: obj type: returns: description:

True if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false.

type: summary: >-

Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.

syntax: public boolean equals(Object obj) uid: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.equals(Object) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.equals(ShardRange other) name: equals(ShardRange other) nameWithType: ShardRange.equals(ShardRange other) parameters: - description:

ShardRange to compare with.

name: other type: returns: description:

True if same shard range, false otherwise.

type: summary: >-

Performs equality comparison with another given ShardRange.

syntax: public boolean equals(ShardRange other) uid: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.equals(ShardRange) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.getFullRange(ShardKeyType keyType) name: getFullRange(ShardKeyType keyType) nameWithType: ShardRange.getFullRange(ShardKeyType keyType) parameters: - description:

Type of key.

name: keyType type: returns: description:

Full range for given key type.

type: summary: >-

Gets a shard range corresponding to a specified key type.

syntax: public static ShardRange getFullRange(ShardKeyType keyType) uid: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.getFullRange(ShardKeyType) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.getFullRangeBinary() name: getFullRangeBinary() nameWithType: ShardRange.getFullRangeBinary() returns: type: summary:

Full range that starts from the min value for a key to the max value.

syntax: public static ShardRange getFullRangeBinary() uid: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.getFullRangeBinary() - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.getFullRangeDateTime() name: getFullRangeDateTime() nameWithType: ShardRange.getFullRangeDateTime() returns: type: summary:

Full range that starts from the min value for a key to the max value.

syntax: public static ShardRange getFullRangeDateTime() uid: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.getFullRangeDateTime() - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.getFullRangeDateTimeOffset() name: getFullRangeDateTimeOffset() nameWithType: ShardRange.getFullRangeDateTimeOffset() returns: type: summary:

Full range that starts from the min value for a key to the max value.

syntax: public static ShardRange getFullRangeDateTimeOffset() uid: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.getFullRangeDateTimeOffset() - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.getFullRangeGuid() name: getFullRangeGuid() nameWithType: ShardRange.getFullRangeGuid() returns: type: summary:

Full range that starts from the min value for a key to the max value.

syntax: public static ShardRange getFullRangeGuid() uid: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.getFullRangeGuid() - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.getFullRangeInt32() name: getFullRangeInt32() nameWithType: ShardRange.getFullRangeInt32() returns: type: summary:

Full range that starts from the min value for a key to the max value.

syntax: public static ShardRange getFullRangeInt32() uid: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.getFullRangeInt32() - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.getFullRangeInt64() name: getFullRangeInt64() nameWithType: ShardRange.getFullRangeInt64() returns: type: summary:

Full range that starts from the min value for a key to the max value.

syntax: public static ShardRange getFullRangeInt64() uid: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.getFullRangeInt64() - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.getFullRangeTimeSpan() name: getFullRangeTimeSpan() nameWithType: ShardRange.getFullRangeTimeSpan() returns: type: summary:

Full range that starts from the min value for a key to the max value.

syntax: public static ShardRange getFullRangeTimeSpan() uid: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.getFullRangeTimeSpan() - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.getHigh() name: getHigh() nameWithType: ShardRange.getHigh() returns: type: syntax: public ShardKey getHigh() uid: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.getHigh() - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.getKeyType() name: getKeyType() nameWithType: ShardRange.getKeyType() returns: type: syntax: public ShardKeyType getKeyType() uid: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.getKeyType() - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.getLow() name: getLow() nameWithType: ShardRange.getLow() returns: type: syntax: public ShardKey getLow() uid: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.getLow() - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.hashCode() name: hashCode() nameWithType: ShardRange.hashCode() returns: description:

Hash code for the object.

type: summary: >-

Calculates the hash code for this instance.

syntax: public int hashCode() uid: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.hashCode() - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.intersect(ShardRange range) name: intersect(ShardRange range) nameWithType: ShardRange.intersect(ShardRange range) parameters: - description:

Range to intersect with.

name: range type: returns: description:

The intersection of the current range and the specified range, null if ranges dont intersect.

type: summary: >-

Returns the intersection of two ranges.

syntax: public ShardRange intersect(ShardRange range) uid: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.intersect(ShardRange) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.intersects(ShardRange range) name: intersects(ShardRange range) nameWithType: ShardRange.intersects(ShardRange range) parameters: - description:

The range to check.

name: range type: returns: description:

True if it intersects, False otherwise.

type: summary: >-

Checks whether the range intersects with the current range.

syntax: public boolean intersects(ShardRange range) uid: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.intersects(ShardRange) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.opEquality(ShardRange left, ShardRange right) name: opEquality(ShardRange left, ShardRange right) nameWithType: ShardRange.opEquality(ShardRange left, ShardRange right) parameters: - description:

Left hand side

name: left type: - description:

Right hand side

name: right type: returns: description:

True if the two objects are equal, false in all other cases

type: summary: >-

Equality operator.

syntax: public static boolean opEquality(ShardRange left, ShardRange right) uid: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.opEquality(ShardRange,ShardRange) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.opGreaterThan(ShardRange left, ShardRange right) name: opGreaterThan(ShardRange left, ShardRange right) nameWithType: ShardRange.opGreaterThan(ShardRange left, ShardRange right) parameters: - description:

Left hand side of the operator.

name: left type: - description:

Right hand side of the operator.

name: right type: returns: description:

True if lhs> rhs

type: summary: >-

Compares two using lexicographic order (greater than).

syntax: public static boolean opGreaterThan(ShardRange left, ShardRange right) uid: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.opGreaterThan(ShardRange,ShardRange) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.opGreaterThanOrEqual(ShardRange left, ShardRange right) name: opGreaterThanOrEqual(ShardRange left, ShardRange right) nameWithType: ShardRange.opGreaterThanOrEqual(ShardRange left, ShardRange right) parameters: - description:

Left hand side of the operator.

name: left type: - description:

Right hand side of the operator.

name: right type: returns: description:

True if lhs>= rhs

type: summary: >-

Compares two using lexicographic order (greater or equal).

syntax: public static boolean opGreaterThanOrEqual(ShardRange left, ShardRange right) uid: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.opGreaterThanOrEqual(ShardRange,ShardRange) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.opInequality(ShardRange left, ShardRange right) name: opInequality(ShardRange left, ShardRange right) nameWithType: ShardRange.opInequality(ShardRange left, ShardRange right) parameters: - description:

Left hand side

name: left type: - description:

Right hand side

name: right type: returns: description:

True if the two objects are not equal, false in all other cases

type: summary: >-

Inequality operator.

syntax: public static boolean opInequality(ShardRange left, ShardRange right) uid: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.opInequality(ShardRange,ShardRange) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.opLessThan(ShardRange left, ShardRange right) name: opLessThan(ShardRange left, ShardRange right) nameWithType: ShardRange.opLessThan(ShardRange left, ShardRange right) parameters: - description:

Left hand side of the operator.

name: left type: - description:

Right hand side of the operator.

name: right type: returns: description:

True if lhs <rhs

type: summary: >-

Compares two using lexicographic order (less than).

syntax: public static boolean opLessThan(ShardRange left, ShardRange right) uid: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.opLessThan(ShardRange,ShardRange) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.opLessThanOrEqual(ShardRange left, ShardRange right) name: opLessThanOrEqual(ShardRange left, ShardRange right) nameWithType: ShardRange.opLessThanOrEqual(ShardRange left, ShardRange right) parameters: - description:

Left hand side of the operator.

name: left type: - description:

Right hand side of the operator.

name: right type: returns: description:

True if lhs <= rhs

type: summary: >-

Compares two using lexicographic order (less or equal).

syntax: public static boolean opLessThanOrEqual(ShardRange left, ShardRange right) uid: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.opLessThanOrEqual(ShardRange,ShardRange) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.toString() name: toString() nameWithType: ShardRange.toString() returns: description:

String representation of the object.

type: summary: >-

Converts the object to its string representation.

syntax: public String toString() uid: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange.toString() nameWithType: ShardRange syntax: public class ShardRange type: class uid: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange fullName: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base.ShardRange name: ShardRange package: com.microsoft.azure.elasticdb.shard.base summary:

A range of shard keys between a low key and a high key. The low key is inclusive (part of the range) while the high key is exclusive (not part of the range). The ShardRange class is immutable.

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