### YamlMime:JavaType methods: - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.functions.annotation.TimerTrigger.dataType() name: dataType() nameWithType: TimerTrigger.dataType() returns: description:

The dataType which will be used by the Functions runtime.

type: summary: >-

Defines how Functions runtime should treat the parameter value. Possible values are:

syntax: public String dataType() default "" uid: com.microsoft.azure.functions.annotation.TimerTrigger.dataType() - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.functions.annotation.TimerTrigger.name() name: name() nameWithType: TimerTrigger.name() returns: description:

The name of the variable that represents the timer object in function code.

type: summary: >-

The name of the variable that represents the timer object in function code.

syntax: public String name() uid: com.microsoft.azure.functions.annotation.TimerTrigger.name() - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.functions.annotation.TimerTrigger.schedule() name: schedule() nameWithType: TimerTrigger.schedule() returns: description:

A string representing a CRON expression that will be used to schedule a function to run.

type: summary: >-

A CRON expression in the format {minute} {hour} {day} {month} {day-of-week}  .


CRON Expression

To trigger once every five minutes:

0 */5 * * * *

To trigger once at the top of every hour:

0 0 * * * *

To trigger once every two hours:

0 0 */2 * * *

To trigger once every hour from 9 AM to 5 PM:

0 0 9-17 * * *

To trigger at 9:30 AM every day:

0 30 9 * * *

To trigger at 9:30 AM every weekday:

0 30 9 * * 1-5

A table showing some examples of CRON expressions that could be used.

syntax: public String schedule() uid: com.microsoft.azure.functions.annotation.TimerTrigger.schedule() nameWithType: TimerTrigger syntax: public interface TimerTrigger type: interface uid: com.microsoft.azure.functions.annotation.TimerTrigger fullName: com.microsoft.azure.functions.annotation.TimerTrigger name: TimerTrigger package: com.microsoft.azure.functions.annotation summary: >-

TimerTrigger(name = "keepAliveTrigger", schedule = "0 */5 * * * *") String timerInfo, ExecutionContext context ) { // timeInfo is a JSON string, you can deserialize it to an object using your favorite JSON library context.getLogger().info("Timer is triggered: " + timerInfo); }

metadata: {}