### YamlMime:JavaType constructors: - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.sdk.iot.device.twin.Twin.Twin(TwinCollection desiredProperty, TwinCollection reportedProperty) name: Twin(TwinCollection desiredProperty, TwinCollection reportedProperty) nameWithType: Twin.Twin(TwinCollection desiredProperty, TwinCollection reportedProperty) parameters: - description: >-

the with the desired properties. It can benull  .

name: desiredProperty type: - description: >-

the with the reported properties. It can benull  .

name: reportedProperty type: summary: "



This constructor creates an instance of the Twin with the provided tags and desired properties.


When serialized, this class will looks like the following example:

\"initialTwin\": {\r\n        \"tags\":{\r\n            \"SpeedUnity\":\"MPH\",\r\n            \"$version\":4\r\n        }\r\n        \"properties\":{\r\n            \"desired\":{\r\n                \"MaxSpeed\":{\r\n                    \"Value\":500,\r\n                    \"NewValue\":300\r\n                },\r\n                \"$version\":4\r\n            }\r\n        }\r\n    }\r\n     \r\n    }\r\n


" syntax: public Twin(TwinCollection desiredProperty, TwinCollection reportedProperty) uid: com.microsoft.azure.sdk.iot.device.twin.Twin.Twin(TwinCollection,TwinCollection) inheritances: - methods: - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.sdk.iot.device.twin.Twin.createFromDesiredPropertyJson(String json) name: createFromDesiredPropertyJson(String json) nameWithType: Twin.createFromDesiredPropertyJson(String json) parameters: - description: >-

theString  with the JSON received from the service. It cannot benull  or empty.

name: json type: returns: description: >-

The new instance of theTwin  .

type: summary: >-


Create a new instance of the Twin parsing the provided string as a JSON with only desired properties information.

syntax: public static Twin createFromDesiredPropertyJson(String json) uid: com.microsoft.azure.sdk.iot.device.twin.Twin.createFromDesiredPropertyJson(String) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.sdk.iot.device.twin.Twin.createFromPropertiesJson(String json) name: createFromPropertiesJson(String json) nameWithType: Twin.createFromPropertiesJson(String json) parameters: - description: >-

theString  with the JSON received from the service. It cannot benull  or empty.

name: json type: returns: description: >-

The new instance of theTwin  .

type: summary: >-


Create a new instance of the Twin parsing the provided string as a JSON with only desired properties information.

syntax: public static Twin createFromPropertiesJson(String json) uid: com.microsoft.azure.sdk.iot.device.twin.Twin.createFromPropertiesJson(String) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.sdk.iot.device.twin.Twin.createFromReportedPropertyJson(String json) name: createFromReportedPropertyJson(String json) nameWithType: Twin.createFromReportedPropertyJson(String json) parameters: - description: >-

theString  with the JSON received from the service. It cannot benull  or empty.

name: json type: returns: description: >-

The new instance of theTwin  .

type: summary: >-


Create a new instance of the Twin parsing the provided string as a JSON with only reported properties information.

syntax: public static Twin createFromReportedPropertyJson(String json) uid: com.microsoft.azure.sdk.iot.device.twin.Twin.createFromReportedPropertyJson(String) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.sdk.iot.device.twin.Twin.createFromTwinJson(String json) name: createFromTwinJson(String json) nameWithType: Twin.createFromTwinJson(String json) parameters: - description: >-

theString  with the JSON received from the service. It cannot benull  or empty.

name: json type: returns: description: >-

The new instance of theTwin  .

type: summary: >-


Create a new instance of the Twin parsing the provided string as a JSON with the full Twin information.

syntax: public static Twin createFromTwinJson(String json) uid: com.microsoft.azure.sdk.iot.device.twin.Twin.createFromTwinJson(String) - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.sdk.iot.device.twin.Twin.getDesiredProperties() name: getDesiredProperties() nameWithType: Twin.getDesiredProperties() returns: description: >-

TheTwinCollection  with the desired property content. It can benull  .

type: summary: >-

Getter for the desired property.

syntax: public TwinCollection getDesiredProperties() uid: com.microsoft.azure.sdk.iot.device.twin.Twin.getDesiredProperties() - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.sdk.iot.device.twin.Twin.getReportedProperties() name: getReportedProperties() nameWithType: Twin.getReportedProperties() returns: description: >-

TheTwinCollection  with the reported property content. It can benull  .

type: summary: >-

Getter for the reported property.

syntax: public TwinCollection getReportedProperties() uid: com.microsoft.azure.sdk.iot.device.twin.Twin.getReportedProperties() - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.sdk.iot.device.twin.Twin.toJsonElement() name: toJsonElement() nameWithType: Twin.toJsonElement() returns: description: >-

TheJsonElement  with the content of this class.

type: summary: >-


Creates aJsonElement  , which the content represents the information in this class and its subclasses in a JSON format.

This is useful if the caller will integrate this JSON with JSON from other classes to generate a consolidated JSON.

syntax: public JsonElement toJsonElement() uid: com.microsoft.azure.sdk.iot.device.twin.Twin.toJsonElement() - fullName: com.microsoft.azure.sdk.iot.device.twin.Twin.toString() name: toString() nameWithType: Twin.toString() returns: description: >-

TheString  with the pretty print JSON.

type: summary: >-

Creates a pretty print JSON with the content of this class and subclasses.

syntax: public String toString() uid: com.microsoft.azure.sdk.iot.device.twin.Twin.toString() nameWithType: Twin syntax: public class Twin type: class uid: com.microsoft.azure.sdk.iot.device.twin.Twin fullName: com.microsoft.azure.sdk.iot.device.twin.Twin name: Twin package: com.microsoft.azure.sdk.iot.device.twin summary: >-

Representation of a single Twin.

The Twin can contain one of Tags, and one of properties.desired.

Each entity in the collections can contain a associated .

These metadata are provided by the Service and contains information about the last updated date time, and version.

For instance, the following is a valid Twin, represented as initialTwin  in the rest API.


          "initialTwin": {














                  "desired": {























                  "reported": {



























metadata: {}