### YamlMime:JavaType uid: "com.azure.core.http.policy.RetryStrategy" fullName: "com.azure.core.http.policy.RetryStrategy" name: "RetryStrategy" nameWithType: "RetryStrategy" summary: "The interface for determining the retry strategy used in ." syntax: "public interface **RetryStrategy**" fields: - uid: "com.azure.core.http.policy.RetryStrategy.HTTP_STATUS_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS" fullName: "com.azure.core.http.policy.RetryStrategy.HTTP_STATUS_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS" name: "HTTP_STATUS_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS" nameWithType: "RetryStrategy.HTTP_STATUS_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS" summary: "HTTP response status code for `Too Many Requests`." modifiers: - "static" - "final" field: value: "429" type: "" syntax: "public static final int HTTP_STATUS_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS" desc: "HTTP response status code for `Too Many Requests`." methods: - uid: "com.azure.core.http.policy.RetryStrategy.calculateRetryDelay(int)" fullName: "com.azure.core.http.policy.RetryStrategy.calculateRetryDelay(int retryAttempts)" name: "calculateRetryDelay(int retryAttempts)" nameWithType: "RetryStrategy.calculateRetryDelay(int retryAttempts)" summary: "Computes the delay between each retry." modifiers: - "abstract" parameters: - description: "The number of retry attempts completed so far." name: "retryAttempts" type: "" syntax: "public abstract Duration calculateRetryDelay(int retryAttempts)" desc: "Computes the delay between each retry." returns: description: "The delay duration before the next retry." type: "Duration" - uid: "com.azure.core.http.policy.RetryStrategy.getMaxRetries()" fullName: "com.azure.core.http.policy.RetryStrategy.getMaxRetries()" name: "getMaxRetries()" nameWithType: "RetryStrategy.getMaxRetries()" summary: "Max number of retry attempts to be make." modifiers: - "abstract" syntax: "public abstract int getMaxRetries()" desc: "Max number of retry attempts to be make." returns: description: "The max number of retry attempts." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.core.http.policy.RetryStrategy.shouldRetry(com.azure.core.http.HttpResponse)" fullName: "com.azure.core.http.policy.RetryStrategy.shouldRetry(HttpResponse httpResponse)" name: "shouldRetry(HttpResponse httpResponse)" nameWithType: "RetryStrategy.shouldRetry(HttpResponse httpResponse)" summary: "This method is consulted to determine if a retry attempt should be made for the given if the retry attempts are less than ." modifiers: - "default" parameters: - description: "The response from the previous attempt." name: "httpResponse" type: "" syntax: "public default boolean shouldRetry(HttpResponse httpResponse)" desc: "This method is consulted to determine if a retry attempt should be made for the given if the retry attempts are less than ." returns: description: "Whether a retry should be attempted." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.core.http.policy.RetryStrategy.shouldRetryCondition(com.azure.core.http.policy.RequestRetryCondition)" fullName: "com.azure.core.http.policy.RetryStrategy.shouldRetryCondition(RequestRetryCondition requestRetryCondition)" name: "shouldRetryCondition(RequestRetryCondition requestRetryCondition)" nameWithType: "RetryStrategy.shouldRetryCondition(RequestRetryCondition requestRetryCondition)" summary: "This method is consulted to determine if a retry attempt should be made for the given ." modifiers: - "default" parameters: - description: "The containing information that can be used to\n determine if the request should be retried." name: "requestRetryCondition" type: "" syntax: "public default boolean shouldRetryCondition(RequestRetryCondition requestRetryCondition)" desc: "This method is consulted to determine if a retry attempt should be made for the given .\n\nBy default, if the contains a non-null , then the method is called, otherwise the method is called." returns: description: "Whether a retry should be attempted." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.core.http.policy.RetryStrategy.shouldRetryException(java.lang.Throwable)" fullName: "com.azure.core.http.policy.RetryStrategy.shouldRetryException(Throwable throwable)" name: "shouldRetryException(Throwable throwable)" nameWithType: "RetryStrategy.shouldRetryException(Throwable throwable)" summary: "This method is consulted to determine if a retry attempt should be made for the given propagated when the request failed to send." modifiers: - "default" parameters: - description: "The thrown during the previous attempt." name: "throwable" type: "Throwable" syntax: "public default boolean shouldRetryException(Throwable throwable)" desc: "This method is consulted to determine if a retry attempt should be made for the given propagated when the request failed to send." returns: description: "Whether a retry should be attempted." type: "" type: "interface" desc: "The interface for determining the retry strategy used in ." metadata: {} package: "com.azure.core.http.policy" artifact: com.azure:azure-core:1.54.0