### YamlMime:JavaType uid: "com.azure.core.models.GeoPointCollection" fullName: "com.azure.core.models.GeoPointCollection" name: "GeoPointCollection" nameWithType: "GeoPointCollection" summary: "Represents a collection of in GeoJSON format." inheritances: - "" - "" inheritedClassMethods: - classRef: "" methodsRef: - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" - classRef: "java.lang.Object" methodsRef: - "clone" - "finalize" - "getClass" - "notify" - "notifyAll" - "toString" - "wait" - "wait" - "wait" syntax: "public final class **GeoPointCollection**
extends " constructors: - uid: "com.azure.core.models.GeoPointCollection.GeoPointCollection(java.util.List)" fullName: "com.azure.core.models.GeoPointCollection.GeoPointCollection(List points)" name: "GeoPointCollection(List points)" nameWithType: "GeoPointCollection.GeoPointCollection(List points)" summary: "Constructs a ." parameters: - description: "The points that define the multi-point." name: "points" type: "List<>" syntax: "public GeoPointCollection(List points)" desc: "Constructs a ." - uid: "com.azure.core.models.GeoPointCollection.GeoPointCollection(java.util.List,com.azure.core.models.GeoBoundingBox,java.util.Map)" fullName: "com.azure.core.models.GeoPointCollection.GeoPointCollection(List points, GeoBoundingBox boundingBox, Map customProperties)" name: "GeoPointCollection(List points, GeoBoundingBox boundingBox, Map customProperties)" nameWithType: "GeoPointCollection.GeoPointCollection(List points, GeoBoundingBox boundingBox, Map customProperties)" summary: "Constructs a ." parameters: - description: "The points that define the multi-point." name: "points" type: "List<>" - description: "Bounding box for the multi-point." name: "boundingBox" type: "" - description: "Additional properties of the multi-point." name: "customProperties" type: "Map<String,Object>" syntax: "public GeoPointCollection(List points, GeoBoundingBox boundingBox, Map customProperties)" desc: "Constructs a ." methods: - uid: "com.azure.core.models.GeoPointCollection.equals(java.lang.Object)" fullName: "com.azure.core.models.GeoPointCollection.equals(Object obj)" name: "equals(Object obj)" nameWithType: "GeoPointCollection.equals(Object obj)" overridden: "com.azure.core.models.GeoObject.equals(java.lang.Object)" parameters: - name: "obj" type: "Object" syntax: "public boolean equals(Object obj)" returns: type: "" - uid: "com.azure.core.models.GeoPointCollection.fromJson(com.azure.json.JsonReader)" fullName: "com.azure.core.models.GeoPointCollection.fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader)" name: "fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader)" nameWithType: "GeoPointCollection.fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader)" summary: "Reads a JSON stream into a ." modifiers: - "static" parameters: - description: "The being read." name: "jsonReader" type: "" syntax: "public static GeoPointCollection fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader)" exceptions: - description: "If the type node exists and isn't equal to MultiPoint." type: "IOException" desc: "Reads a JSON stream into a ." returns: description: "The that the JSON stream represented, or null if it pointed to JSON null." type: "" - uid: "com.azure.core.models.GeoPointCollection.getPoints()" fullName: "com.azure.core.models.GeoPointCollection.getPoints()" name: "getPoints()" nameWithType: "GeoPointCollection.getPoints()" summary: "Unmodifiable representation of the representing this multi-point." syntax: "public List getPoints()" desc: "Unmodifiable representation of the representing this multi-point." returns: description: "An unmodifiable representation of the representing this multi-point." type: "List<>" - uid: "com.azure.core.models.GeoPointCollection.getType()" fullName: "com.azure.core.models.GeoPointCollection.getType()" name: "getType()" nameWithType: "GeoPointCollection.getType()" summary: "Gets the GeoJSON type for this object." overridden: "com.azure.core.models.GeoObject.getType()" syntax: "public GeoObjectType getType()" desc: "Gets the GeoJSON type for this object." returns: type: "" - uid: "com.azure.core.models.GeoPointCollection.hashCode()" fullName: "com.azure.core.models.GeoPointCollection.hashCode()" name: "hashCode()" nameWithType: "GeoPointCollection.hashCode()" overridden: "com.azure.core.models.GeoObject.hashCode()" syntax: "public int hashCode()" returns: type: "" - uid: "com.azure.core.models.GeoPointCollection.toJson(com.azure.json.JsonWriter)" fullName: "com.azure.core.models.GeoPointCollection.toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter)" name: "toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter)" nameWithType: "GeoPointCollection.toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter)" overridden: "com.azure.core.models.GeoObject.toJson(com.azure.json.JsonWriter)" parameters: - name: "jsonWriter" type: "" syntax: "public JsonWriter toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter)" exceptions: - type: "IOException" returns: type: "" type: "class" desc: "Represents a collection of in GeoJSON format.\n\nThis class encapsulates a list of instances that form a collection of points. Each point is defined by a which includes the longitude, latitude, and optionally the altitude.\n\nThis class also provides a method to serialize the collection of points to JSON, and a method to deserialize a collection of points from JSON.\n\nNote:A point collection requires at least 2 coordinates for each point." metadata: {} package: "com.azure.core.models" artifact: com.azure:azure-core:1.52.0